Day Ten Navaratri Parana, April 2016: Kamala, Lotus Goddess of Delight

Om Shrim Shrim Kamalatmika Shrim Swaha!

Om Shrim Shrim Kamalatmika Shrim Swaha!

Om Shrim Shrim Kamalatmika Shrim Swaha!

kamla-yantraThe tenth day of Navaratri is called Navarati Parana which means the end of the Navaratri celebration and fast. It is the 10th dashami tithi, 10 days after the New Moon and a day of victory. What a great time to embrace this sweet power rising out of the Devi’s victory over darkness just as Mars, planet of war and conflict, is slowing down to his intense retrograde station on Sunday morning, He will retrograde until late June in sidereal Scorpio, where Saturn is already retrograde. Retrograde malefics like Mars and Saturn become more difficult than usual. That means it’s time to be focused and vigilant and hold fast to our highest principles and practices. Everything that challenges us is teaching us to open our hearts and be in a state of unconditional love no matter what! If we can remain truly heart centered kings and queens of love, we are home free.

231839-bigthumbnailAnd, speaking of love, the 10th Mahavidya Goddess to whom I am dedicating my last day’s Navaratri contemplation is Shri Kamala Devi, also known as “Kamalatmika, She of the Lotus.” Kamala is the ultimate manifestation of the Devi in the world. When you are in the immense and often mind-blowing, heart-bursting beauty of nature, that is Kamala in action. She is goddess of not only love and beauty but also comfort, safety, wealth, happiness, and the bliss that comes in knowing one’s own true being (ananda swaroopa). Kamala’s other name is Shree (Shri) which means “Auspicious.”

“With a smiling face, her beautiful lily-white hands hold two lotuses, and show the mudras of giving and dispelling fear. She is bathed in nectar by four white elephants and stands upon a beautiful lotus.” (Todala Tantra) The lotus represents purity and divinity; and the elephants symbolize the four directions, elements, and purusharthas (dharma, artha, kama, and moksha) which are all brought forth and supported by Shri Kamala Devi. 

the_ten_mahavidyas__kamala_wi84Kamala is the consort of Sada-Shiva, the protector of the world who is much like Lord Vishnu who upholds the Earth. She is associated with the lunar mansion called Rohini in Taurus constellation, which is the Moon’s favorite wife (nakshatra). Rohini symbolizes sensuality, grace, and beauty. She is the youngest sister of oldest sister Dhumavati who lives in Jyestha/Scorpio which is directly opposite Rohini/Taurus. Kamala is like the highest frequency of Lakshmi. She came out of the great churning of the ocean known as Samudra Manthan, and she is the source of Satva Guna or spiritual essence.I feel that Kamala is the Alpha and Omega of the Devi, for everything comes from love. We propitiate Her to enhance and strengthen Venus, symbol of vitality-love-comfort-wealth in the Vedic horoscope.

Jai Maa Kamala Devi! We bow before you on this tenth day of Navaratri Parana and give great thanks for all Your blessings and boons that have come through our Divine Mother devotions, and for those which are still yet to come. We open to receive ever more of your Supreme Comfort as it flows like nectar onto our Earth and all sentient beings. May we fully know and experience Your peace, wisdom, and divine love in this Earthly realm. Jai Maa!



Day Five Navaratri, April 2016: Bhairavi, The Power of Death

Mahapadmavanantasthe Paramanandavigrahe, Shabdabrahmamaye Svacche Vande Tripurabhairaveem…Mahapadmavanantasthe Paramanandavigrahe, Shabdabrahmamaye Svacche Vande Tripurabhairaveem… Mahapadmavanantasthe Paramanandavigrahe, Shabdabrahmamaye Svacche Vande Tripurabhairaveem

Bhairavi yantra“Softly smiling, you shine with a crimson glow that may be compared to a thousand newly risen suns. You wear a silver veil and a garland of skulls. Blood smears your breast. Three voluptuous eyes adorn your lotus face; the Moon is your diadem. Your lotus hands show the gestures of victory, wisdom, the granting of boons and the allaying of fear.” (Tripura-Bhairavi Tantra)

Bhairavi or Tripura-Bhairavi, like Kali-Durga, is a warrior goddess. She represents the transformational kundalini fire. The name Bhairavi is derived from Bharana (to create); Ramana (to protect); and Vamana (to eject). Just as Bhuvaneshwari protects life, Bhairavi transforms it.  She is often associated with the Mahapralaya, the great dissolution at the end of the world, and her name is also a title for a female adept in Kundalini Tantra. In Vedic astrology, Bhairavi is propitiated to strengthen and heal issues related to the lagna (ascendant or rising sign) of the horoscope, which refers to all matters for an individual, whether body, mind or soul.

mahavidya_bhairavi_hk53Water Color Painting on Paper by Kailash Raj(Mahavidya Bhairavi Water Color Painting on Paper by Kailash Raj)

Bhairavi is the shakti of the awareness of death and beyond death. Her name means “awe-inspiring,” and refers to one who has transcended death, which is a tremendous state of awakening. The Dalai Lama has said, “Awareness of death is the very bedrock of the path. Until you have developed this awareness, all other practices are obstructed.” In Rebirthing (Sacred Breath) practice, which I do personally and as a practitioner, we often talk about clearing the “death urge” which is the sense of identification with a separate limited ego. For some lucky ones, who are blessed and guided by a truly awakened guru (of which there are few), this can involve a great initiation called diksha-mrytu which is an initiatory death experience that clears this death urge. After this is given, one lives in a state of transcendence, free from the suffering of the temporal world.

I bow to the liberating power of consciousness
Who bestows enlightenment as she rises
Through the subtle bodies of purified souls,
You are the queen of the life force.
You radiate bliss.
You who travel the subtle path, please bless me.
With deep reverence, I bow to Mother Kundalini.
Please lift my limited awareness
From the empty hovel of my egotism
To the thousand-chambered mansion
Of divine consciousness.

Excerpt from Kundalini Stavah: Prayer for Awakening Consciousness (The Living Goddess: Reclaiming the Tradition of the Mother of the Universe by Linda Johnsen)

January 11, 2013 New Moon

The New Moon chart occurs on January 11, 2013 at 2:44 PM ET in the USA  and is set for the capital at Washington DC. The chart has Taurus rising, the sign in mundane astrology that relates to trade and business, food production, the automobile industry, banks, loans, investments and the earning capacity of a nation. Therefore, these things come into focus as part of the combined karma of the nation. The rising sign also occurs in Mrigashira nakshatra which has to do with auspicious beginnings and new experiences, quite fitting for what we would like to collectively invoke with the first new moon of 2013.

This new moon occurs in the expansive sidereal constellation of Sagittarius, a sign of enthusiasm, wisdom, faith and intuition. Per Vedic astrology, the Sun and Moon are vargottama, in the best position per their placement in the same sign in the harmonic 9th (navamsha). They occupy the nakshatra known as Uttara Ashadha in the most auspicious Pushkara navamsha. According to astrologer Vic DiCara in his brilliant new nakshatra book 27 Stars, 27 Gods, Uttara Ashadhaempowers human beings to give ‘110%’ to their tasks, drawing all available power and pouring it into each of their endeavors.” Now, how’s that for a kick in the pants! This lunation, no matter how challenging, also brings forth some really positive energy.

The lunation occurs in a stellium (a gathering of several planets and luminaries) in the eighth house, and can be analyzed according to one of my old favorites, Raphael’s Mundane Astrology:

  • The eighth house has special reference to death, mortality, and all matters to do therewith. It also governs the Privy Council [which in the USA today might relate to the executive branch of the government]. The Lunation falling in this house is important, depending upon the houses ruled by the luminaries and the planetary aspects thereto. When evilly aspected, it denotes deaths in high circles and amongst notable people, especially females. [In this chart, there are some ‘evil’ aspects including Saturn’s aspect to the 8th house from the 6th, as well as a 6/8 inconjunct with the ascendant and the dispositor of the 8th house stellium Jupiter].
  • The Sun in the eighth house denotes deaths among important people…royalty, nobility, and the upper ten [the latter refers to higher classes and leaders].
  • The Moon in the eighth house shows much mortality among common people, especially women, and, if much afflicted, panics, resulting in many deaths.
  • Mercury in the eighth house, afflicted, denotes deaths in literary and publishing circles, and among children and young people. It shows activity and changes in the Privy Council.
  • Venus in the eighth house denotes gains to the Exchequer through death duties, but if afflicted, will cause many deaths among females, artistic and musical people, and notable ladies of the land. Care should be taken to observe the house ruled over by Venus [in this case Venus rules the first and sixth houses which have to do with overall well-being of the nation as well as debt and employment, health and safety matters]. 
  • I would add that Pluto here just further intensifies the activities of this stellium and also refers to some heavy-duty transformative event or events which may or may not involve actual “death.”
  • Both the third decante of Sagittarius and the third decante of Taurus (where the USA lunation ascendant and the actual lunation occur) are associated with “pestilence,” per Raphael’s Mundane Astrology, and of course now there are concerns about a flu epidemic.

There are a few more interesting combinations in the new moon chart:

  • Jupiter, the dispositor of the Sagittarius stellium, is exchanging places with Venus. That is, Venus is in Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius, and Jupiter is in Venus- ruled Taurus. In Western astrology, this is known as mutual reception, and in Vedic astrology it is Parivartana Yoga. This combination is unusual in that both the involved planets are also rulers of dusthana houses (houses 3, 6, 8 or 12, i.e., Jupiter rules the eighth and Venus, the sixth) so that then, this becomes a combination for potential misery (Dainya Yoga). When the two planets involved in a mutual reception are both rulers of dusthana houses, this can also become a variation of a Vipreet Raja Yoga (VRY). In this case, Jupiter rules the eighth house, and Venus rules the sixth. The VRY is said to “destroy difficulties,” though in this case, Mercury, the Sun, and Moon are also considered to be somewhat harmed, and this can indicate some scary challenges ahead for our national health, or matters related to national security, health care and overall economic conditions.
  • There is a Yod or Finger of Fate configuration in this chart that is also important as it involves the first house—the most important house of the chart that represents a microcosm of the whole chart—and the eighth house, which is the most challenging house of the chart that deals with potentially devastating energies. A Yod is formed when two planets are in a sextile (60-degree) aspect while both are also in a 6/8 (inconjunct or quincunx) to a third planet or astronomical point, forming a large “Y” across the chart. In this case, the all-important Sun and Moon conjunction is in a sextile with Rahu, the Moon’s North Node and one of the astrological hands of destiny. Note that Rahu happens to be located in the sixth house of illness, conflict, work and enmity. Both the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and Rahu are in a 6/8 with the ascendant of the chart, the most important power point of all. This can indicate an unforeseen turn of destiny and the collapse of non-productive and ineffective systems and attitudes that block necessary growth.

Sagittarius is the sign that symbolizes the solar side of the second Svadisthana Chakra, the second sacral spinal energy center that has to do with our creativity and well-being. The New Moon in Sagittarius triggers this chakra in all of us at this time. This is the power center where we gain and lose our vitality. This chakra transmits our physical well-being and sense of deservedness. Here is also where we know our limits and establish good boundaries. A great affirmation to support us through this new moon cycle and in the coming weeks is, “I love my body and trust its wisdom while flowing ever-freely with the tides of grace.” Blessings all!

Winter Solstice 2012

I’ve received notices of several different happenings slated to take place on December 21, 2012, including “Birth 2012: Empowering the Movement to Birth a New Era.” Many of my friends and clients have been writing to ask me what is going on with this date.

Over the years, some 2012 researchers have coordinated a Galactic Center-Winter Solstice alignment with the end of a 13-baktun cycle in a Mayan Long Count calendar. This one calendar is believed by some to be ending on December 21, 2012. Some say that on this date, a galactic beam will hit the earth for several minutes and that this galactic light will have an awakening effect on the consciousness of our planet and its inhabitants. Nobody knows for sure. It is all conjecture.

Nice thought though, right? I kind of like the idea that many people will be coming together in prayer and meditation on this day to welcome in a higher frequency of love and light. Maybe a shift in consciousness will result from just that meeting of great minds.

Regarding any such astrological alignment on 12/21/12, it is very complicated. Here is what I know as an astrologer:

First, it is important to understand a few terms: the meaning of “Winter Solstice”; the “Winter Solstice Sun”; and the “Galactic Center.”

1. The Winter Solstice refers to the date every year *around* December 21 when the Sun reaches its maximum southern declination for the Northern Hemisphere (south of the celestial equator). On the Winter Solstice, the Sun at 12 Noon is at the lowest altitude of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. In the seasonal tropical calendar, this is the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

2. The Winter Solstice Sun refers not only to the Sun’s declination/north or south of the celestial equator on the day of Winter Solstice, but it also refers to its celestial/zodiacal longitude, i.e., its location along the band of the zodiac. On this day, if we cast a chart for sunrise at any given locale, the Sun and the ascendant of the chart are conjunct the center of the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, known as the Galactic Center.

3. The Galactic Center per the Vedic tradition is known as Vishnunabhi, the Navel of Vishnu, and is considered to be the source of all “light” (spiritual wisdom and power) in our Milky Way Galaxy. It is estimated that the celestial longitude of the Galactic Center is at ~6 deg. 20 min. of sidereal Sagittarius.

What is important to understand is that astronomically, this alignment on 12/21/12 is not unusual. It has already been taking place for the past three decades! Let me explain.

The Sun moves roughly one zodiacal or longitudinal degree per day, so that it moves around the whole zodiac (360 degrees) in a year. In its apparent passage around the zodiac, it comes into alignment with the Galactic Center once every year. The Sun is a disk and not a point, and as seen from the Earth, it spans a diameter of about a half inch to an inch in width. Because of this, the disc of the Sun appears to align with the plane of the Galactic Equator on Winter Solstice each year for a period of about 36 years. This close alignment began in 1980 and will end around 2016. This astronomical alignment is not specific to 2012!

However, there is something very compelling in that this 36-year period from 1980 to 2016 is the first time in ~26,000 years that the Winter Solstice Sun is aligned with the Galactic Center. In other words, it is fairly rare that the day of that alignment occurs in coincidence with the days surrounding the Winter Solstice. This only occurs for several decades once every ~26,000″ years.

Using Lahiri Ayanamsha, I have computed the following sidereal positions for the Sun on Winter Solstice in various years:

1. In 1980, the Sun was at 6 deg. 24 min. Sagittarius; it was closer to an alignment with the Galactic Center at this time than it is in 2012.

2. In 1998, the Sun was at 5 deg. 32 min. Sagittarius. You see it is moving away from the exact alignment now.

3. In 2011 (December 22, 2011 at 5:30 AM UTC), the Sun was at 5 deg. 58 min. of Sagittarius.

4. In 2012 (December 21, 2012 at 11:12 UTC), the Sun on Winter Solstice will be at 5 degrees 57 min. Sagittarius.

5. In 2016, the Sun will be at 5 deg. 54 min.

The gradual yearly movement of the Sun in relation to the Galactic Center is because of precession of the equinoxes, that is, the Galactic Center is slowly drifting backward just like the other constellations, in relation to our planet, due to precession of the equinoxes (which is caused in part by Earth’s tilt and wobble).

In 1800 on Winter Solstice, the Sun was at ~8 1/2 degrees Sagittarius. In 1900 on Winter Solstice, it was around 7 degrees Sagittarius. And by the way, not until ~2550 will we really be in the Age of Aquarius (when the Sun will be rising in Aquarius on the Spring Equinox), and at that time, the Sun will have moved out of Sagittarius and will be at 28 degrees of Scorpio on Winter Solstice!

Some say that on December 21, 2012, the Sun will be eclipsed by the Galactic Center. It is not technically an eclipse in the usual sense of the word; more correctly it is an alignment. These same researchers believe that this alignment is like a rebooting of our Sun’s connection to its Galactic Center, and so after this, we will experience higher frequencies of human consciousness.

Though the Sun is not being eclipsed on December 21, 2012, eclipses do have a place in this discussion. The Pleiades conjoined two different solar eclipses in 2012, which some believe represents the return of Quetzalcoatl. This is said to signify the coming of an awakening world and the emergence of a new world teacher.

IF all of this is true, I believe that it has already been happening and the wave of change has already crested. This is why we have seen so much amazing transformation on the planet since the 1980s, mostly through the rise of technology and communication and the fact that the Internet is enacting life’s living oneness (Indra’s Net), connecting us more as the One Being that we are, which perhaps is in process of causing an evolutionary leap in consciousness.

I recently read an inspiring Facebook post about 12/21/12 by professional astrologer Kenneth Johnson, who is also a serious researcher of ancient and modern Mayan culture. Ken has spent months with indigenous teachers in remote parts of Guatemala and is the author of Mayan Calendar Astrology: Mapping Your Inner Cosmos, Jaguar Wisdom: An Introduction to the Mayan Calendar, and The Mayan Prophecies: The Renewal of the World 2012-2072. Ken writes:

Of course, the Maya themselves have never perceived this [2012] cyclic change as a “doomsday” scenario – that was merely the projection of the Western world’s Christian apocalyptic values onto a culture…with an entirely different world view. They have always seen it – and continue to see it – as merely another important nodal point in an endless series of cycles of cosmic time. The elders of Momostenango are recommending these actions to their citizens for their private moments during the transitional days of December 20 and 21:

  • Turn off the computer.
  • Turn off the cell phone. 
  • Turn off the television. 
  • Experience the beauty of silence.

In terms of time keeping, I usually refer back to the yugas, vast cycles of time which are tracked in the Hindu tradition. Instead of the more traditional yugas, I ascribe to an alternate yuga system that was given to us by Swami Sri Yukteswar, a great saint and Vedic astrologer (and Yogananda’s guru). We are now in an ascending cycle of Dwarpara Yuga, the Age of Technology and Knowledge (per Sri Yukteswar’s reckoning). By my very rough calculations, the Sat Yuga, the Age of Enlightenment in which all beings will be living in a state of full grace and truth, is still some 5500 years in the future.

Sri Yukteswar’s yuga model can help us understand that we are eternal beings who reside within great cycles of time. I like to think that since we are in an ascending cycle, every day there is potential for progress to be made. Ironically, even in the 2012 material which is often seen as apocalyptic, we are challenged to awaken to who we are within all these larger phases of time. And even better, for those who are following a path to enlightened consciousness, one does not have to wait 5000+ years for Sat Yuga…it can happen in the eternal Now.

Love and light to all,

Milky Way Galaxy and Solstice Galactic Plane Alignment, photo courtesy of

Astral Waves Holiday Newsletter

All that we behold is full of blessings. ~William Wordsworth

Greetings all! As we are winding down 2011, there will be one final solar eclipse occurring in sidereal Scorpio on November 25, 2011 at ~6:20 AM UT, followed two weeks later by a lunar eclipse in sidereal Taurus on December 10, 2011 at ~14:32 UT. As I have written before, eclipses have a significant role to play in worldly affairs, and they also can trigger changes in our personal lives. Continue reading

Autumnal Equinox

All of nature dances in the play of polarity, the in-and-out breath of creation through which the primal forces of yin and yang constantly oscillate. Nowhere is this play more evident than in the changing seasons. On Sept. 23, 2011 at 9:04 AM UTC (5:04 AM EDT), the northern hemisphere will once again experience Autumnal Equinox, when we begin to “fall” into Yin Time, when nature begins its evolutionary cycle back to center. Continue reading