Saturn’s Direct Station July 10, 2013

Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday for three weeks (see previous blog about this), and Saturn will be stationing direct in two weeks on July 10 at 1:12 AM EDT. However, we will begin feeling the shift now because Saturn has just begun traveling at “0” daily motion. In other words, Saturn is barely moving now so this makes his energy very focused and powerful, and perhaps some of us will feel energetically “heavier” than usual.

Saturn is the astrological power associated with the Muladhara (root) chakra. The Muladhara Chakra represents our survival instincts, self-sufficiency, physical identity, stability, and ambition. Saturn in astrology similarly signifies material reality, structure, illnesses, delays, difficulties, depression, self-doubt, limits, and hard work.

Saturn has been retrograde (appearing to move backward) in its exalted sidereal sign of Libra since February 19. Depending on where Saturn is transiting through one’s own birth chart, and what it is influencing there, and how Saturn is revealed in the natal chart itself, its retrograde cycle (which happens for about 4 1/2 months each year) may for some reflect a time of great effort and hard work with little to show for it. In other words, Saturn’s retrograde cycle can be a time when matters related to Saturn are held back. This may be truer than ever in this cycle, as Saturn is traveling along with the Moon’s North Node Rahu, a combination that creates potential for added frustration, delay, self-doubt, financial worry, chaos and anxiety.

Saturn in astrology is the lord of truth and the lord of karma, and represents where we are being tested and what we need to do to be more disciplined, accepting and patient so that we can go with the flow and fulfill our purpose in an aligned and balanced way. As Saturn begins this slowing down cycle, he is extremely strong and all his significations may be more intense than usual these next few weeks..

I believe that in these next weeks, positive benefit may be derived through focusing on the Muladhara Chakra, and so I recommend a daily Muladhara Chakra Meditation such as several of the great ones you will find through YouTube, Amazon or ITunes.

Besides meditating on and healing through the Muladhara Chakra, we can take this time to reflect on those areas within us and in our lives where we may have been especially challenged since last February. Take stock of the lessons learned and gifts given, because as Saturn goes direct on July 10, we may have a chance to move past certain limitations and open to the next series of karmic opportunities that await us.

In Vedic astrology, Saturn is known as Shani Dev, and he is a great devotee of Lord Shiva. Om Namaha Shivaya! I bow to the divine within myself and within all beings. Om Sham Shanishwaraya Namah. Thank you Shani Dev, for showing us the truth.

Astrology, Karma and the Spiritual Life

When I consult with clients, I always try to remind them first and foremost that they are “divine beings having a human experience.” Yes, the astrological birth chart reveals karmas, the results of our actions in this lifetime and past lifetimes, but our divine potential is much greater than mere karmas. I advise my clients according to the sage instruction of one of the greatest yoga masters of all time, Paramahansa Yogananda, who said that one should “refuse to be bound by karma; it is an old superstition of the ignorant to believe you cannot change your destiny.”

Another way of looking at the natal horoscope is that it is a blueprint of the light body or human energetic system. In fact, Vedic astrology is called Jyotisha, the Science of Light! Studying a variety of astrological charts for each individual, I can usually tune-in and see where the sublime energetic system is blocked and how it can be cleared, balanced and realigned for improved health and overall well-being. I do this energy clearing and balancing work for each client from a distance as I prepare the astrological reading in advance of our actual phone or Skype session, and I often additionally perform subtle energetic adjustments during my phone or Skype sessions with my clients.

Along with performing distance healing for my clients, I also focus on illuminating some of their karmas, i.e., learning experiences, or what I call the various aspects of one’s “growing edge.” These matters are revealed through my analysis and synthesis of the natal and dynamic (progressed and transit) charts. In each session, I also offer prognostications about the future and suggestions for karmic remedies (upayas) which can help to mitigate difficulties and enhance more grace and ease.

The most important karmic remedy I can suggest for anyone is to live a spiritual life. Paramahansa Yogananda said that astrology was designed to assist us on our soul’s journey by helping us become more conscious of the interrelationships between the objective universe and our inner nature. An astrological session can be of great aid in this process, as it can reveal something about the life path and pitfalls unique to each individual.

Yogananda taught that there is a subtle relationship between the celestial bodies and our own physical bodies and minds, which is correlated through the six main chakras or subtle centers in the spine. These six chakras become twelve by polarity, thus mirroring the twelve signs of the zodiac.

According to Yogananda, “Millions of volts of electrical current are lodged in these spinal centers. If your body and your mind are very strong, you will be impervious to the evil vibrations from the stars when they begin to shed their rays upon you. By communing with God, you will reinforce the power of the twelve spinal centers, which will then act in cooperation with the twelve signs of the zodiac. The deeper your communion with God, the more you will automatically harmonize the influences of all planetary forces and transcend the evil effects of the powerful, but distant, planets. In these ways, you can spiritualize astrology. Through all such actions, you are changing your body and mind and how they are affecting the twelve centers in your spine. As a result of these changes, the stars will begin to smile upon you.”

The wheel of samsara is ever turning as the stars and planets move along their orbits, constantly shifting into new patterns that echo change and upheaval in our lives and in the world. Yet, we are not meant to use astrology as an excuse for life’s vicissitudes. The stars and planets simply provide a symbolic picture of our karma, what we all have created and what we continue to create by thought and deed. Yogananda said, “Instead of accepting fatalistically the decrees of karma, follow the inner way to freedom. Meditate daily. Commune deeply with God…Ultimately, by ever deeper meditation, you will reach a point where you receive your influences from God alone.” We cannot alter the outer astrological influences but we can do the inner work to change how we are affected by these influences. That is the greatest remedy.

January 11, 2013 New Moon

The New Moon chart occurs on January 11, 2013 at 2:44 PM ET in the USA  and is set for the capital at Washington DC. The chart has Taurus rising, the sign in mundane astrology that relates to trade and business, food production, the automobile industry, banks, loans, investments and the earning capacity of a nation. Therefore, these things come into focus as part of the combined karma of the nation. The rising sign also occurs in Mrigashira nakshatra which has to do with auspicious beginnings and new experiences, quite fitting for what we would like to collectively invoke with the first new moon of 2013.

This new moon occurs in the expansive sidereal constellation of Sagittarius, a sign of enthusiasm, wisdom, faith and intuition. Per Vedic astrology, the Sun and Moon are vargottama, in the best position per their placement in the same sign in the harmonic 9th (navamsha). They occupy the nakshatra known as Uttara Ashadha in the most auspicious Pushkara navamsha. According to astrologer Vic DiCara in his brilliant new nakshatra book 27 Stars, 27 Gods, Uttara Ashadhaempowers human beings to give ‘110%’ to their tasks, drawing all available power and pouring it into each of their endeavors.” Now, how’s that for a kick in the pants! This lunation, no matter how challenging, also brings forth some really positive energy.

The lunation occurs in a stellium (a gathering of several planets and luminaries) in the eighth house, and can be analyzed according to one of my old favorites, Raphael’s Mundane Astrology:

  • The eighth house has special reference to death, mortality, and all matters to do therewith. It also governs the Privy Council [which in the USA today might relate to the executive branch of the government]. The Lunation falling in this house is important, depending upon the houses ruled by the luminaries and the planetary aspects thereto. When evilly aspected, it denotes deaths in high circles and amongst notable people, especially females. [In this chart, there are some ‘evil’ aspects including Saturn’s aspect to the 8th house from the 6th, as well as a 6/8 inconjunct with the ascendant and the dispositor of the 8th house stellium Jupiter].
  • The Sun in the eighth house denotes deaths among important people…royalty, nobility, and the upper ten [the latter refers to higher classes and leaders].
  • The Moon in the eighth house shows much mortality among common people, especially women, and, if much afflicted, panics, resulting in many deaths.
  • Mercury in the eighth house, afflicted, denotes deaths in literary and publishing circles, and among children and young people. It shows activity and changes in the Privy Council.
  • Venus in the eighth house denotes gains to the Exchequer through death duties, but if afflicted, will cause many deaths among females, artistic and musical people, and notable ladies of the land. Care should be taken to observe the house ruled over by Venus [in this case Venus rules the first and sixth houses which have to do with overall well-being of the nation as well as debt and employment, health and safety matters]. 
  • I would add that Pluto here just further intensifies the activities of this stellium and also refers to some heavy-duty transformative event or events which may or may not involve actual “death.”
  • Both the third decante of Sagittarius and the third decante of Taurus (where the USA lunation ascendant and the actual lunation occur) are associated with “pestilence,” per Raphael’s Mundane Astrology, and of course now there are concerns about a flu epidemic.

There are a few more interesting combinations in the new moon chart:

  • Jupiter, the dispositor of the Sagittarius stellium, is exchanging places with Venus. That is, Venus is in Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius, and Jupiter is in Venus- ruled Taurus. In Western astrology, this is known as mutual reception, and in Vedic astrology it is Parivartana Yoga. This combination is unusual in that both the involved planets are also rulers of dusthana houses (houses 3, 6, 8 or 12, i.e., Jupiter rules the eighth and Venus, the sixth) so that then, this becomes a combination for potential misery (Dainya Yoga). When the two planets involved in a mutual reception are both rulers of dusthana houses, this can also become a variation of a Vipreet Raja Yoga (VRY). In this case, Jupiter rules the eighth house, and Venus rules the sixth. The VRY is said to “destroy difficulties,” though in this case, Mercury, the Sun, and Moon are also considered to be somewhat harmed, and this can indicate some scary challenges ahead for our national health, or matters related to national security, health care and overall economic conditions.
  • There is a Yod or Finger of Fate configuration in this chart that is also important as it involves the first house—the most important house of the chart that represents a microcosm of the whole chart—and the eighth house, which is the most challenging house of the chart that deals with potentially devastating energies. A Yod is formed when two planets are in a sextile (60-degree) aspect while both are also in a 6/8 (inconjunct or quincunx) to a third planet or astronomical point, forming a large “Y” across the chart. In this case, the all-important Sun and Moon conjunction is in a sextile with Rahu, the Moon’s North Node and one of the astrological hands of destiny. Note that Rahu happens to be located in the sixth house of illness, conflict, work and enmity. Both the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and Rahu are in a 6/8 with the ascendant of the chart, the most important power point of all. This can indicate an unforeseen turn of destiny and the collapse of non-productive and ineffective systems and attitudes that block necessary growth.

Sagittarius is the sign that symbolizes the solar side of the second Svadisthana Chakra, the second sacral spinal energy center that has to do with our creativity and well-being. The New Moon in Sagittarius triggers this chakra in all of us at this time. This is the power center where we gain and lose our vitality. This chakra transmits our physical well-being and sense of deservedness. Here is also where we know our limits and establish good boundaries. A great affirmation to support us through this new moon cycle and in the coming weeks is, “I love my body and trust its wisdom while flowing ever-freely with the tides of grace.” Blessings all!

2012 Shift

A Mayan great cycle culminates on December 21, 2012. There has been a lot of hype about this being the end of the world, which I do not believe. On this date that marks the end of one particular Mayan calendar, the Sun will also move into direct alignment with the equator of our Milky Way Galaxy, an alignment that occurs only once in every 26,000 years. To be more accurate, because the Sun’s disk as seen from Earth covers about a half a degree in width, the Sun’s disk at winter solstice makes this contact with the galactic center over a 36-year period from 1980 to 2016. Since the 1980s, the world has already gone through a deep transformation as the pace of life continues to speed up; the world population keeps on growing exponentially; and humanity has become increasingly connected through instantaneous worldwide communication, economic and social globalization, and ecological crisis. Perhaps 2012 is simply the peak of this massive wave of change, as many authors have speculated.

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New Moon in Aquarius Feb. 21, 2012

New Moon in (sidereal) Aquarius…Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 5:34:34 PM EST. Time to celebrate Fat Tuesday, AKA Mardi Gras (Carnival), the day before Ash Wednesday which begins the Lenten season of fasting in the Christian Church. Mardi Gras is also known as Shrove Tuesday, the day of confession, yes, but also a day for eating sweet pancakes and other sinfully delectable foods before the fast of Lent begins. Continue reading

Mars Retrograde Cycle: Sparking inner fire, valor and drive to get the work done

Kuja (Mars) is the graha that signifies our efforts to find security in a world that is often fraught with danger, upheaval and loss. In relation to our view from Earth, Kuja will become completely stationary (vikal) from Jan. 23-25, after which it will retrograde (vakra) from Jan. 25 until April 15 (tax day :)). When a graha is stationary it is the strongest, and when retrograde it is also very strong. Kuja’s manifestations can be “good” and/or “bad” depending on its placement and various aspects in the natal, mundane and transit horoscopes. Continue reading

Autumnal Equinox

All of nature dances in the play of polarity, the in-and-out breath of creation through which the primal forces of yin and yang constantly oscillate. Nowhere is this play more evident than in the changing seasons. On Sept. 23, 2011 at 9:04 AM UTC (5:04 AM EDT), the northern hemisphere will once again experience Autumnal Equinox, when we begin to “fall” into Yin Time, when nature begins its evolutionary cycle back to center. Continue reading

Happy Summer Solstice

Happy Summer Solstice
The summer solstice occurs on June 21, 2011 at 17:16 Universal Time. I am writing about this in relation to the Northern Hemisphere, where I live; in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are, of course, reversed. On the summer solstice, the Sun reaches its highest point of declination (the movement north and south of the ecliptic), when it is located directly overhead at noon on the Tropic of Cancer. On this day, we will experience maximum daylight hours. According to the Hermetic tradition of ancient Egypt, the Divine Sun-God becomes fully enthroned at the summer solstice, when He is thus able to pour forth His most powerful divine blessings upon us. Continue reading

Spring into Spring-Transformation Time!

As I write this, we have just passed the Full Moon in Virgo, the constellation relating to self-improvement, health and healing, and we are also approaching the spring equinox, which occurs on Sunday, March 20 at 23:21 UT. The spring equinox marks the time of year in the Northern Hemisphere when Mother Nature rebalances and begins to awaken herself. Spring is also the time of year when we take an especially deep breath and renew our commitment to awakening ourselves, perhaps with a focus on improving health and well-being. Continue reading