Yin Time

(adapted from my previous blog of September 2011)

All of nature dances in the play of polarity, the in-and-out breath of creation through which the primal forces of yin and yang constantly fluctuate. Nowhere is this play more evident than in the changing seasons. The Northern Hemisphere just marked Autumnal Equinox (September 22, 2014, N. America), when we begin to “fall” into Yin Time, as nature begins its turning-in cycle.

yinyang5According to Ayurvedic theory, the Vata dosha begins to increase in the cooler, drier autumn season. The elements of Ether and Air predominate now (Ether + Air = Vata). We may feel more energized, creative and alert during this season, but when Vata is imbalanced, we can experience restlessness or anxiety. In fact, the need for balance is more important than ever this time of year, as stress causes the Vata dosha to shift even more out of order, and this can lead to greater stress and imbalance.

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Autumnal Equinox

All of nature dances in the play of polarity, the in-and-out breath of creation through which the primal forces of yin and yang constantly oscillate. Nowhere is this play more evident than in the changing seasons. On Sept. 23, 2011 at 9:04 AM UTC (5:04 AM EDT), the northern hemisphere will once again experience Autumnal Equinox, when we begin to “fall” into Yin Time, when nature begins its evolutionary cycle back to center. Continue reading