Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction: March-April 2022

It’s a fascinating and rare synchronicity that Jupiter and Neptune will each transit into the constellation of Pisces in the same time period in April 2022: Jupiter on April 13, and Neptune a few days later on April 17-18. Their conjunction in the same sign occurs approximately every twelve years, but it is not usually near the ingress (entry into a new sign). The last time they were together in Aquarius was in 1856, and in Pisces in 1869.

Generally, and depending on the sign where they meet, the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction can embody an idealistic, spiritual, creative, generous, and sympathetic spirit. It may indicate a powerful desire for justice, to the point of being willing to make personal sacrifices for an ideological cause. Substance abuse issues may also be indicated, along with a weak will or impractical nature in some instances.

Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, whereas Neptune is the modern ruler, so the Piscean quality of their merging is exponential. It brings a significant emphasis on all things Pisces, the sign represented by two fishes swimming in opposite directions, which are emblematic of the inherent duality of material creation.

The higher expression of Pisces, when connected to and in harmony with the divine Source of spirituality, can reveal great spiritual awareness, creative achievement, and compassionate action. But when disconnected, in its lower expression, Pisces has a tendency for escapism, deception, and delusion. Continue reading

Heading Toward a New World Order: Pluto, Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius, 2019-2020

(Please note that I only use the sidereal zodiac in my work, so the charts and predictions I share on my blog are based on the sidereal zodiac, Lahiri ayanamsa).

In most of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, Pluto and Saturn conjoin Ketu, the Moon’s South Node, in the sign of sidereal Sagittarius. The Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus will join this Sagittarius conjunction at various times forming a significant stellium in Sagittarius (three or more planets in one sign). Rahu, the Moon’s North Node, will transit at the same time in sidereal Gemini. Therefore, the harbingers of change known as eclipses (which occur when the lunar nodes line up with the Sun and Moon every six months) will occur in the Sagittarius-Gemini axis beginning in early January 2019; and, this pattern will continue through 2019 and much of 2020.

Some of the general themes of the Sagittarius-Gemini sign axis revolve around cosmic law and right action (dharma); educational institutions, knowledge, and ethics; logic and faith; philosophical ideals and principles; innovative developments in communication, learning, technology, banking, and currencies; the search for freedom and justice; and the polarity between diversity and unity.

This is a quadriwheel chart showing the four Sagittarius eclipses in 2019-2020:         This is a triwheel chart showing the three Gemini eclipses in 2019-2020:

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Full Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse of January 20-21, 2019

As I write this on Thursday, January 17, the Moon is waxing in its last quarter, which means the “light” in the world is expanding. Now we are in the process of organizing, integrating, perfecting, and finishing in preparation for the full Moon which will occur early on Monday, January 21, 2019 EST and UTC, and late on Sunday, January 20 in regions west of the Eastern Time zone. The five days before, the day of, and five days after a full Moon (to a lesser extent) are a powerful time to access the illuminated spiritual energies for empowerment, healing, meditation, and prayer. This will be the first full Moon of 2019 and it will be a doozy because it is also a Supermoon and a total lunar eclipse, so in effect, get ready for a super-charged full Moon!

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Happy Summertime

Happy summertime! Summer solstice occurred June 21, 2015 in the Northern Hemisphere, ushering in the second half of the solar year, known in the Vedic tradition as the Dakshinayana, Path of the Ancestors. It’s the waning half of the year, which is known as the “Nighttime of the Gods,” in which the Sun follows its southern course until the next solstice on December 21, when the Sun will appear to stop three days before moving northward again. Continue reading

Astrological Weather Report – Fourth Quarter 2014

*Please note that I base all my forecasts on the sidereal zodiac which is aligned with the starry sky, which has always been in use by most Vedic astrologers and is also used by western sidereal astrologers in the ancient Babylonian tradition. Most western astrologers use the tropical zodiac which is aligned with the equinoxes and modeled after an ancient solar calendar for the northern hemisphere. The tropical system is a stereotype of the original zodiac, an anthropomorphic projection onto the sky. The signs are symbolic and no longer relate to the actual constellations after which they were named. The sidereal zodiac is the archetypal or original pattern of the zodiac. I used the tropical system for about 25 years before converting to the sidereal zodiac in the mid-90s. The sidereal works best for me. The longitudinal difference between the position of the planets in the two zodiacs is currently around 24 degrees and the gap is growing larger all the time due to the slow westward drift of the equinoxes known as precession. Thus when I speak of Jupiter’s current transit in Cancer, many could be confused if they are not aware of this issue since tropical astrology says that Jupiter is transiting in Leo at this time. However, if you look to the sky, Jupiter is in fact transiting in the constellation of Cancer now. If you would like to read more about the zodiac controversy, I recommend you begin with Dr. Robert Powell’s History of the Zodiac.

  • Pluto—astrological symbol of power, control, secrets, conspiracies, Plutocracy, inner and outer transformation, the underworld (land of shades), death and rebirth—went direct around 10 hours or so after the equinox on September 22. Pluto had been retrograde since last April, but since it spends about half the year retrograde and half direct, this is not unusual in itself. What is unusual is that it stationed (appeared to stop) and moved in a forward direction during the highly charged magnetic balance point of the equinox window. This may add some extra intensity to the upcoming fall season. Many astrologers have speculated that this direct motion of Pluto points to many secrets being dredged up in the next weeks or even months. Perhaps it also reflects on the deadly Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Pluto stationed in the section of sidereal Sagittarius called Purva Ashadha, at ~16 degrees 55 minutes longitude, which is quite hot-natured and is sometimes associated with declarations of war and zealotry. This is in Virgo in the navamsha, which is the sign of health where Rahu (disasters and pandemics) is transiting from July 2014 until January 2016. Purva Ashadha on a positive note represents the power of invigoration, and this would exert more of a personal effect for those who have planets or chart points at this section or closely aspecting it within a degree or two, in which case, perchance something really pressing that has been in danger of dragging you along since last April (at Pluto’s retrograde) is in process of being transformed and released. Continue reading

Divine Mother Blessings

The New Moon of September 24, 2014 began the glorious Vedic festival of Maha Navratri, the nine nights and ten days of Mother Divine. In Hindu and yogic culture, Maha Navratri is a deeply sacred time for fasting, prayer and spiritual ceremonies (pujas). Though there are five different Navratris celebrated throughout the year, this one, known as Ashvin or Sharad Navratri, is considered the most important.

The rishis of ancient India created special holy days like this in keeping with the seasonal cycles of our planet in its course around the Sun. During these times, the earth and all its inhabitants undergo subtle magnetic shifts. It is said that the Divine Mother (Devi Maa) comes down and walks among us during Navratri, and we propitiate Her to help us cleanse, heal and empower body-mind-spirit. So, look for Her everywhere in the coming ten days. Another name for Divine Mother is “Amba,” which means “power.” She will shower her devotees with much grace during this period.

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Yin Time

(adapted from my previous blog of September 2011)

All of nature dances in the play of polarity, the in-and-out breath of creation through which the primal forces of yin and yang constantly fluctuate. Nowhere is this play more evident than in the changing seasons. The Northern Hemisphere just marked Autumnal Equinox (September 22, 2014, N. America), when we begin to “fall” into Yin Time, as nature begins its turning-in cycle.

yinyang5According to Ayurvedic theory, the Vata dosha begins to increase in the cooler, drier autumn season. The elements of Ether and Air predominate now (Ether + Air = Vata). We may feel more energized, creative and alert during this season, but when Vata is imbalanced, we can experience restlessness or anxiety. In fact, the need for balance is more important than ever this time of year, as stress causes the Vata dosha to shift even more out of order, and this can lead to greater stress and imbalance.

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A Sea Change: Rahu and Ketu Transit to Virgo and Pisces

We begin an astrological “sea change” on Sunday, July 13, 2014, as the true lunar nodes Ketu and Rahu move into a different section of the sidereal zodiac. After having transited through sidereal Aries and Libra for the last year and a half, they are now moving into sidereal Pisces and Virgo for the next year and a half. This is significant as the lunar nodes reflect the main karmic axis (focus of action) for the individual and the world.

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Midsummer’s Eve

Summer solstice, also known as Midsummer’s Eve, marks the first day of the summer season in the northern hemisphere. On this, the longest and most potent day of the year, the Sun reaches its highest northern point and then appears to stand still for three days. The exact standstill first occurs on Saturday, June 21 at 10:51 UTC (12:51 AM Hawaii Time; 3:51 AM PDT; 6:51 AM EDT). It is best to avoid initiating anything of major long-term significance during these three days because the electromagnetic energetic effects of the standstill are slightly “wobbly.”

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The 2014 Mutable Grand Cross and April Eclipses

Have you been hearing about the astrological grand cross that will occur in its strongest manifestation in the third week of April? This same configuration manifested in January 2014, when it was not exact but was within close range. It slowly starts again now in late March as Mars is within a 10-degree orb of aspect and the new Moon in Pisces joins Uranus on March 30.

The grand cross will continue getting stronger through April and then slowly start to dissipate through the first few weeks of May. You could say this pattern helps define certain dynamics that we are experiencing in the first half of the civil year and especially starting now. Western astrologers who use the tropical (seasonal) zodiac view the grand cross in cardinal signs, but sidereal astrologers who follow the starry sky (like me) are tracking it in mutable signs.

In mid-April and most intensely in the third week of April, retrograde Mars will move into position in sidereal Virgo to form the grand cross with Pluto in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Gemini and Uranus in Pisces. These are tension squares (90-degree aspects) and also t-squares between all four of these planets forming a grand square — Mars and Jupiter, Jupiter and Uranus, Uranus and Pluto and Pluto and Mars. In addition, Mars opposes Uranus and Jupiter opposes Pluto, thus completing the grand cross.

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