Happy Summertime

Happy summertime! Summer solstice occurred June 21, 2015 in the Northern Hemisphere, ushering in the second half of the solar year, known in the Vedic tradition as the Dakshinayana, Path of the Ancestors. It’s the waning half of the year, which is known as the “Nighttime of the Gods,” in which the Sun follows its southern course until the next solstice on December 21, when the Sun will appear to stop three days before moving northward again. These two main seasonal cycles mirror an evolutionary cycle of yang and yin, increase and decrease. From the summer solstice to the winter, the natural flow of life force in the Northern Hemisphere gradually declines, so this is the time of year for steadily winding down and finishing what was initiated in the first half of the year. Generally in Vedic elective astrology known as Muhurta, we should not initiate important events in the waning half of the year. We would do best to save those for the waxing cycle of the Sun, known as the Uttarayana or Path of the Gods. All of this will be reversed of course for those residing in the Southern Hemisphere, where the ayanas are occurring in opposite times of the year.

as above so belowLately, there seems to be so much happening astrologically that it is hard to keep up sometimes! Here are a few of the significant events that are happening this summer:

The big news is that Venus and Jupiter are giving us a great show in the western sky. For the past month, they have been moving closer and closer to their conjunction in the constellation of Cancer which occurs on July 1 when they are also within about eight degrees of longitude from the fixed star Regulus (Regulus is at ~six degrees sidereal Leo). On August 4, again they will conjoin, and this time will be much closer to Regulus (within two degrees). After that, they will disappear for a while toward mid-August when Jupiter will pass behind the Sun as seen from Earth; and when Venus will pass between the Sun and Earth for a while, after which it will reemerge as the morning star by late August. In October they will join together one more time.

Here are the dates when Jupiter and Venus will be exactly aligned in celestial longitude (conjunction): July 1, August 4 and October 25. These exact conjunctions and a few days on either side are called planetary war (graha yuddha) in Vedic astrology. The one on August 4 is not as much of a “war” because to have that, we also need to see a close connection through declination and right ascension, and it is not that close on August 4; and in addition, retrograde Venus on that date tends to prevent a war.

14746553-1435667177-640x360What does a planetary war between Venus and Jupiter entail? In a nutshell it can indicate tendencies for “too much of a good thing” as in laziness, wastefulness or self-absorption. Sometimes it indicates a period in which we question our faith or lose hope and positivity. Diplomacy and respect can fly out the window as some will madly rush to express their very strong philosophical opinions.

Some sources of Vedic astrology say that the conjunction and the war between Venus and Jupiter will cause bloodshed to take place on the earth. This is in part because Jupiter and Venus are the leaders of opposing factions: Jupiter leads the devas (higher spiritual light beings), and Venus the asuras (lords of the material realm), and these two forces of light and darkness fight their perennial battle in duality.

Yin Yang symbol - sun and moon

When acting through their higher principle, Venus and Jupiter can come together harmoniously, but in their lower principle, their conjunction can represent a clash of opposing religious and socio-political viewpoints and values. The graha yuddha between Jupiter and Venus can also point to inflation of commodities and a spike in energy costs (electricity and gas prices) and also ongoing “water wars.”

As you enjoy watching these dazzling beauties which are now so close that they look almost like one gigantic star, it may be useful to contemplate their positive astrological implications. Jupiter and Venus are the planets that give divine and worldly blessings. Jupiter represents wealth, expansion, happiness, spirituality, knowledge, and wisdom. Venus symbolizes love, luxury, beauty, art, creativity, diplomacy, and sensuality.

Their conjunction can reflect some big bountiful energy ahead in the next few months. In fact, some astronomers and astrologers have suggested that this series of conjunctions resembles one that occurred before the birth of Jesus.  Because of this, some astrologers have conjectured that a spiritual “king” will be born this summer. I myself have wondered if a great political leader will emerge this summer, based on the conjunction of retrograde Venus with Jupiter and Regulus (the lawgiver) in the sign of the “king” in August.

Especially until July 13 while Jupiter continues its transit in the water sign of Cancer (along with Venus), their conjunction has the potential to expand (Jupiter) the water element (Venus), and this can mean literally (watch for heavy rains and floods), but also it means emotionally and spiritually. In regards to the latter, it can be an amazing time ahead to open up, be blessed, and cultivate a higher kind of love. Just one word of caution with this transit…maintain good boundaries and keep within your own established limits to avoid any problems of excess that can arise when Jupiter and Venus join forces.

Mars and the Sun had their exact conjunction in mid-June (which happens ~ every two years) but have been dancing close together on and off since the springtime. They continue moving close together on and off through mid-September. This conjunction reflects exponential heat and points to some of these massive forest fires, extreme violence, and also heat waves we have been experiencing around the world. From June 23 until July 6 the Sun transits in Ardra nakshatra, and from June 26 to July 16 Mars transits in Ardra nakshatra.

Ardra nakshatra is a stormy section of Gemini constellation, which is ruled by Lord Rudra, a fierce aspect of Lord Shiva. This placement can indicate more than usual aggression, violence, intensity and fear, which can be triggered in late June and the first week or so of July after the Full Moon of July 1, which occurs opposite Ardra in the sometimes-fanatical sign of sidereal Sagittarius. For those in hot climates, please keep cool! This article by Banyan Botanicals has some great pointers on how to do that according to Ayurveda in this article titled How Does Summer Manifest in Your Body?

indexJupiter, planet of dharma (opportunity, purpose and the path) will be moving into sidereal Leo on July 13, 2015 at 8:53 PM, and will remain in Leo until it enters sidereal Virgo on August 11, 2016. The last time that Jupiter transited in Leo was from July 2003 until August 2004.  So if you recall what was happening for you then, you might have some sense of how this transit will work again for your natal chart. This is not an exact measuring technique though, because in the years since 2003-2004, you have entered a new developmental phase and life has changed a great deal, no doubt.

We always need to consider the background of our lives before reading the astrological chart. This is known as desha-kala-patra in the Vedic tradition, meaning place-time-circumstance, the elements of life which form the foundation as well as the byproduct of individual and collective karmic experiences. In addition to this, the other transits were different 12 years ago, too—for instance, the lunar nodes which form the karmic axis were in a different transiting axis, and Saturn (main planet of karma) was transiting in a different sign then, too. Your progressed cycles (dashas etc.) would have been different then, as well.

Regardless of all that, similar Jupiter themes experienced in 2003-2004 might play out again. This Jupiter transit is something I am focusing on in my consultations now as it reflects a very significant shift for everyone, though more so for some, again depending on the houses in the natal chart ruled by Jupiter, the placement of Jupiter in that chart, and the progressed cycles.

In mundane (world) astrology, Jupiter is the planet of capitalism, commerce, religion, politics, the judiciary, beliefs, publishing, education and knowledge. Jupiter’s energy is expansive. Leo is the royal sign, representing status, law, politics, entertainment industry, children, and creative energy. Jupiter transiting Leo is a time that may bring advancement of all such Leo matters. Something else that could expand more than usual this coming year is the world’s birth (population) rate (Jupiter and Leo both relate to that).

SFPageIn the past, we have seen some economic upheaval during the transit of Jupiter in Leo, especially when it was aspected by Saturn, which it will be this coming year while Saturn is transiting in Scorpio (10th aspect/square between Leo and Scorpio). This aspect from Saturn to Jupiter can point to extreme highs and lows in the stock market. The last time we had Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo was November 1955 to June 1957 when the Suez Canal Crisis created an economic crisis in the UK, to which the IMF emerged to bail them out. This was the first time in history that the IMF really stepped into this role of economic savior, setting a precedent for their current role of managing worldwide financial crises.

The IMF is in the news again as Greece defaulted on their loan today (as I write this on July 1), which will force a new government coalition to come in and negotiate a bailout deal with Europe and the IMF.  Jupiter is not even IN Leo yet, but seasoned astrologers know that these transits actually have an effect as the planet is approaching the new sign and house within 3-5 degrees, before the actual ingress occurs, as with this.

Actually, this reminds me of another very interesting concept about the 12 days before Jupiter leaves a sign and the 12 days after it enters a new sign. According to Vedic tradition, these 24 days are considered a time of purification and prayer, potentially a time of tremendous inner and outer change and spiritual empowerment. The dates will be July 1 through July 25.  Renowned astrologer Komilla Sutton has written extensively about this idea as told through the myth of Brihaspati and Pushkara: http://www.komilla.com/lib-pushkara-part-one.html

Brihaspati [Jupiter] stays in one rashi [sign] for a year and takes 12 years to complete one cycle of the zodiac. When Brihaspati comes into a rashi [sidereal sign], then the Pushkara [nourishing spiritual energy] would be with him in the first 12 days (Aadi Pushkara) and the last 12 days (Antya Pushkara) as Brihaspati exits the rashi. When people bathe in a holy river at the time of Pushkaram, they take the blessings of Jupiter into the next twelve-year cycle of Brihaspati.

The Pushkaram holy baths remain an important Vedic religious custom even today. There are 12 specific Indian rivers correlating with each sign, so every time Jupiter transits a new sign, there is a new river to worship. This year it is the Godavari, the second longest river in India after the river Ganga. The Godavari starts in Maharashtra and flows for 1,465 kilometres (910 mi) into the Bay of Bengal via the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. It forms one of the largest river basins in India. For those who are not able to bathe in the holy river in India, these 24 days are a special time for doing any kind of inner purification and practice. This is a great time to receive the divine blessings that are especially strong now and moving in through the rivers of light in our own sublime energetic systems.

indexSomething else to think about in the coming year during the Jupiter in Leo transit is that Jupiter is the main significator of growth in the sign of the spiritual heart, through which the life force emanates. Jupiter in Leo is a combination for true big-heartedness! When operating through its higher principle, Jupiter in Leo is radiant, confident, uplifting and magnetic, and full of vital energy and genuine warmth.  This same energy can be accessed not only by those having Jupiter in Leo in their natal horoscopes but by all of us in the coming year.
