Saturn’s Direct Station July 10, 2013

Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday for three weeks (see previous blog about this), and Saturn will be stationing direct in two weeks on July 10 at 1:12 AM EDT. However, we will begin feeling the shift now because Saturn has just begun traveling at “0” daily motion. In other words, Saturn is barely moving now so this makes his energy very focused and powerful, and perhaps some of us will feel energetically “heavier” than usual.

Saturn is the astrological power associated with the Muladhara (root) chakra. The Muladhara Chakra represents our survival instincts, self-sufficiency, physical identity, stability, and ambition. Saturn in astrology similarly signifies material reality, structure, illnesses, delays, difficulties, depression, self-doubt, limits, and hard work.

Saturn has been retrograde (appearing to move backward) in its exalted sidereal sign of Libra since February 19. Depending on where Saturn is transiting through one’s own birth chart, and what it is influencing there, and how Saturn is revealed in the natal chart itself, its retrograde cycle (which happens for about 4 1/2 months each year) may for some reflect a time of great effort and hard work with little to show for it. In other words, Saturn’s retrograde cycle can be a time when matters related to Saturn are held back. This may be truer than ever in this cycle, as Saturn is traveling along with the Moon’s North Node Rahu, a combination that creates potential for added frustration, delay, self-doubt, financial worry, chaos and anxiety.

Saturn in astrology is the lord of truth and the lord of karma, and represents where we are being tested and what we need to do to be more disciplined, accepting and patient so that we can go with the flow and fulfill our purpose in an aligned and balanced way. As Saturn begins this slowing down cycle, he is extremely strong and all his significations may be more intense than usual these next few weeks..

I believe that in these next weeks, positive benefit may be derived through focusing on the Muladhara Chakra, and so I recommend a daily Muladhara Chakra Meditation such as several of the great ones you will find through YouTube, Amazon or ITunes.

Besides meditating on and healing through the Muladhara Chakra, we can take this time to reflect on those areas within us and in our lives where we may have been especially challenged since last February. Take stock of the lessons learned and gifts given, because as Saturn goes direct on July 10, we may have a chance to move past certain limitations and open to the next series of karmic opportunities that await us.

In Vedic astrology, Saturn is known as Shani Dev, and he is a great devotee of Lord Shiva. Om Namaha Shivaya! I bow to the divine within myself and within all beings. Om Sham Shanishwaraya Namah. Thank you Shani Dev, for showing us the truth.