November 28, 2012 Lunar Eclipse

  • A lunar eclipse occurs on Full Moon when the light of the Moon is blocked by the Earth’s shadow (Earth is between the Sun and Moon). If the Sun and Moon are quite close to the lunar nodes (10-12 degrees), total eclipses are formed. As you get a further distance, they become partial solar or appulse lunar eclipses.
  • Appulse or Penunbral Lunar: the Moon moves through only the Earth’s penumbra and is only slightly dimmed.
  • The zodiac positions of the eclipsed Moon and eclipsing node at maximum eclipse on Nov. 28 (at exact Full Moon in the first ~10 degrees of sidereal Taurus) are considered a critical area of the zodiac for about a month afterward.
  • This will be a Ketu Lunar Eclipse, which is often about the culmination of a cycle, often indicating a time for healing and letting go emotionally to make room for a new attitudes and opportunities to emerge.
  • My friend, Sedona astrologer Haizen Paige says, “The cutting off of the light in an eclipse signals the withdrawal of light from the Earth and consequently some area of our consciousness and external life. When there is no light, a situation dies, and then there is a new beginning that takes place…eclipses have a bearing on large chunks of our life: major issues of happiness in life, our sense of aliveness, where we live, what job we’re working in, relationships, and they will sometimes bring up important health issues that we would be unwise to ignore. These areas are highlighted according to the planets and houses where the eclipses land within our natal chart.”
  • According to India’s Sage Varahamihira, an eclipse, whether visible or not, affects the entire world. If the solar eclipse were to occur at the end of the pakña (fortnight) after the lunar eclipse, then the people in general tend to become unruly and unjust and couples quarrel and divorces/separation increases. In the reverse i.e. the lunar eclipse occurring after the solar eclipse [as in this case in which we had a Solar Eclipse Nov. 13 followed by Lunar eclipse Nov. 28], the Brahmins and priests increase their prayers and people are happy and contented.
  • The Nov. 28 lunar eclipse involves an auspicious exalted Moon in sidereal Taurus which is conjoined Jupiter, so it is doubly likely that this eclipse heralds some productive, creative and overall positive spiritual energy, yet also can trigger ongoing security issues and financial concerns related to the eclipse in sidereal Taurus.
  • The Washington DC lunar eclipse chart has Mars conjoined Pluto in the Ascendant in a 6/8 inconjunct with the eclipsed Moon. In addition, from Oct. 27 to Dec. 9, 2012, Mars is traveling Out of Bounds, meaning it has passed beyond the Sun’s maximum declination. This means that Mars is acting beyond normal conditions or expectations, so that its significations (drive, ambition, zeal, heat, aggression, conflict, war, and turbulence) become somewhat intensified and unpredictable.
  • With Mars conjoined Pluto and squaring Uranus, its expression can be even more extreme. As individuals, when we are aware of and sensitive to the astral weather conditions like this, we can make a difference just by consciously cultivating more peace within. In order to make the most of the enhanced electromagnetic potential of the eclipse, it is recommended that we meditate, chant, and pray (around 14:00-15:00 UT on Nov. 28). Spiritual practices are said to lend exponentially positive results when performed during this time.
  • Here’s the Sidereal wheel chart for the USA Washington DC Lunar Eclipse:

Fall 2012 Astral Weather Report

During the equinoxes, the Sun at 0 degrees of declination appears to be passing right over the celestial equator. Tropical astrologers consider that the Sun moves into the sign of Libra around the time of the fall equinox, but because sidereal astrologers track the movement of the planetary bodies against the actual constellations, and because of the precession of the equinoxes, the Sun is no longer moving into the true constellation of Libra on the fall equinox. Instead, it is currently found at almost 6 degrees in the constellation of Virgo. It will not enter the constellation of Libra until mid-October. If you want to understand the issue of the two zodiacs more in depth, I highly recommend that you read Robert Powell’s History of the Zodiac and Hermetic Astrology (the latter in two volumes). Continue reading

Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy Lunar New Year! In the Vedic tradition of astrology, there are many different calendars and systems of reckoning time (kaala chakra). One of the most commonly used methods to determine the New Year is based on the astro-chart for the New Moon in Pisces, which occurs around the Spring Equinox every year, this year on March 22, 2012, at 10:37:05 AM in Washington, DC.  This chart is known as the Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. For anyone wanting to know more about the New Year chart, astrologer Steve Stuckey has written an outstanding article published by both Jyotish Star and Saptarishis Astrology.[i]

Samvatsara is a Sanskrit term for “year.” In the Vedic system, there are 60 samvatsaras. The South Indian calculations for the samvatsaras are different from those in North India, and there are also two different ways of ordering the years, but most astrologers today use Sage Varahamahira’s method. Continue reading

Astral Waves Holiday Newsletter

All that we behold is full of blessings. ~William Wordsworth

Greetings all! As we are winding down 2011, there will be one final solar eclipse occurring in sidereal Scorpio on November 25, 2011 at ~6:20 AM UT, followed two weeks later by a lunar eclipse in sidereal Taurus on December 10, 2011 at ~14:32 UT. As I have written before, eclipses have a significant role to play in worldly affairs, and they also can trigger changes in our personal lives. Continue reading