Saturn’s Direct Station July 10, 2013

Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday for three weeks (see previous blog about this), and Saturn will be stationing direct in two weeks on July 10 at 1:12 AM EDT. However, we will begin feeling the shift now because Saturn has just begun traveling at “0” daily motion. In other words, Saturn is barely moving now so this makes his energy very focused and powerful, and perhaps some of us will feel energetically “heavier” than usual.

Saturn is the astrological power associated with the Muladhara (root) chakra. The Muladhara Chakra represents our survival instincts, self-sufficiency, physical identity, stability, and ambition. Saturn in astrology similarly signifies material reality, structure, illnesses, delays, difficulties, depression, self-doubt, limits, and hard work.

Saturn has been retrograde (appearing to move backward) in its exalted sidereal sign of Libra since February 19. Depending on where Saturn is transiting through one’s own birth chart, and what it is influencing there, and how Saturn is revealed in the natal chart itself, its retrograde cycle (which happens for about 4 1/2 months each year) may for some reflect a time of great effort and hard work with little to show for it. In other words, Saturn’s retrograde cycle can be a time when matters related to Saturn are held back. This may be truer than ever in this cycle, as Saturn is traveling along with the Moon’s North Node Rahu, a combination that creates potential for added frustration, delay, self-doubt, financial worry, chaos and anxiety.

Saturn in astrology is the lord of truth and the lord of karma, and represents where we are being tested and what we need to do to be more disciplined, accepting and patient so that we can go with the flow and fulfill our purpose in an aligned and balanced way. As Saturn begins this slowing down cycle, he is extremely strong and all his significations may be more intense than usual these next few weeks..

I believe that in these next weeks, positive benefit may be derived through focusing on the Muladhara Chakra, and so I recommend a daily Muladhara Chakra Meditation such as several of the great ones you will find through YouTube, Amazon or ITunes.

Besides meditating on and healing through the Muladhara Chakra, we can take this time to reflect on those areas within us and in our lives where we may have been especially challenged since last February. Take stock of the lessons learned and gifts given, because as Saturn goes direct on July 10, we may have a chance to move past certain limitations and open to the next series of karmic opportunities that await us.

In Vedic astrology, Saturn is known as Shani Dev, and he is a great devotee of Lord Shiva. Om Namaha Shivaya! I bow to the divine within myself and within all beings. Om Sham Shanishwaraya Namah. Thank you Shani Dev, for showing us the truth.

June 26-July 20, 2013 Mercury Retrograde in Sidereal Gemini

Wednesday, June 26 at 9:08 AM EDT, Mercury will station retrograde, when it will appear to begin moving backward until July 20. This transit has a very big reputation even among non-astrologers as a time when things can and will go haywire! Mercury is the astrological indicator of communication, speech, travel, writing, memory, commerce and transportation, so in some cases when Mercury’s movement is backward, we can experience delays and snafus in these areas of life.

Mercury will be retrograde in his own (sidereal) constellation of Gemini, which also governs the same matters as Mercury, so this retrograde cycle may be one in which we need to be extra careful with travel, transportation, communications, contracts and other business matters. In terms of health, pay special attention and give extra care during this period.

How the retrograde cycle plays out for each one of us also depends on the condition of Mercury in the natal chart and the sign/house in which Mercury is transiting in a natal or mundane horoscope as well as other such dynamic patterns, and for this, one would require an astrological consultation. Nonetheless, we can also speak in terms of “general probabilities” about planetary transits.

Mercury retrograde is considered a good period for us to retreat, reflect, reconsider, reorganize, renovate, renegotiate, etc. (all the good “re” words). However, our mental energy during Mercury retrograde can become fuzzy or blurry at times, so that this is not always an easy time to think clearly and make decisions. It may be a great time instead to take regular breaks from linear thinking and let yourself be led more creatively and intuitively.

This is even truer because Mercury will station retrograde at the 29 degree mark of (sidereal) Gemini. The 29th degree is known as the anaretic degree (Gr. ‘destroyer’), which is associated with defective vision (literal and figurative) and thus, decision-making complexities. Gemini, Mercury and the anaretic degree indicate that we can be of two minds, i.e., uncertain about which direction to take. The 29th degree reflects a sense of being ripe and ready for a change, but just as this happens on Wednesday, Mercury stops and backs up. I imagine that without a certain level of awareness, this will make for some potential frustration at times during the Mercury retrograde cycle and even until Mercury crosses this anaretic degree moving forward again on August 3. My advice is (always, when possible) to wait for the clouds to clear instead of forcing any issues.

I suggest a measure of extra caution especially because Mercury at its station will conjoin the fixed star Pollux (Beta-Geminorium) in the (sidereal) constellation of Gemini. Pollux reveals a strong martial nature and is sometimes concerned with disgrace, deception, tyranny and loss. We may begin to feel the beginning of the Mercury station as early as Monday, just after Sunday’s Super Moon.

Love and light, Juliana


Happy (Vedic) Lunar New Year!

In the Vedic tradition of astrology, there are many different calendars and systems of reckoning time (kaala chakra). One of the most commonly used methods to determine the New Year is based on the astro-chart for the New Moon in Pisces, which occurs this year on April 10, 2013 at 5:35:17 AM, Washington, DC. This new year is called Vijaya Samvatsara (Year of Victory), repeating a 60-year cycle from the last Vijaya year in 1953. Vijaya is considered a favorable year on the whole.

So how does this new lunar year look through my astrological lens? The very short answer is that it appears overall to be a year of many challenges as well as triumphs. As reflected in the USA Vedic New Year chart in particular, it could be a somewhat remarkable year especially for the global economy.

Questions about world affairs and events come under the branch of astrology known as “Mundane Astrology” or “Mundane Horoscopy,” which analyzes collective karma shared in common via groups of people. As in all branches of astrology, and perhaps even more so with Mundane Horoscopy, professional astrologers are bound by a code of standards and ethics not to make extreme fear-inducing statements about pending turmoil or disaster. Not only is it considered ethically irresponsible to make such pronouncements, it is also not realistic.

What I mean by “not realistic” is that the future is not yet fully determined. What is coming depends to some extent on our thoughts and actions now, and also, let’s face it—the unfolding of karma remains an inexplicable mystery to a great extent. Besides, a lot of what transpires in the future depends on how we choose to interpret events. The ethical standards and guidelines of ACVA (American College of Vedic Astrology) are very clear on these matters: “Astrological variables can manifest in differing events of similar meaning… [and]… astrology cannot predict with absolute certainty the outcome of future astronomical events.”

At the same time, astrologers can certainly project cycles and trends, and in 2013 there are a few significant ones worth mentioning. Here are some highlights of the lunar new year chart set for Washington, DC:

  1. Neptune is not traditionally used in Vedic astrology, but as a Neo-Vedic astrologer I use it according to specific rules. For instance, Neptune becomes very significant when it occupies an angle of the chart, which it is here. In the first house, Neptune is said to “turn things upside down.” If afflicted, there are any number of potentially horrific indications I could discuss. However, Neptune in Aquarius is not badly afflicted, as it is disposited by its traditional ruler, Saturn, which is in the harmonious 9th house in a trine to Neptune and the first house from its exalted sign. I like to think this is an indication of advancing spirituality, cooperation and brotherly love in our societal consciousness. However, Saturn is transiting in a conjunction with the Moon’s North Node Rahu for the next year or so, and this can reflect some economic inflation; political instability; subversive/secret movements; socialistic enterprise; problems with the aviation industry; and perhaps some added focus on the war on drugs, crime, and ongoing fraud and deceptions by the FDA/Monsanto/Big Pharma, the oil and gas industry and our government in general.
  2. Sidereal Aquarius Rising in the USA chart further reflects a focus on socialistic political movements and revolutions; humanitarianism; spirituality; scientific and technological breakthroughs; and corporate reorganization.
  3. The large stellium in the 2nd house brings a focus on the economy. The Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Venus in the 2nd house in Pisces are inconjunct Saturn and Rahu (6/8 aspect) and indicate fluctuations in financial markets; loss through fraud; and possibly some kind of bank failure. There could also be a financial panic, possibly around the three upcoming eclipses in April-May and again around the eclipses next fall (October 18 lunar eclipse and November 3, solar eclipse), though this is difficult to say exactly when and if this will even occur as financial markets are not my specialty, and I have noticed, even for financial astrologers difficult to predict. I am hoping the sextile of the Pisces planets to Jupiter in Taurus/4th house will avert any such calamity. It does look like large military expenditures will be necessary. Uranus in particular reflects unexpected gains and losses; general uneasiness; a possible crash/correction of the stock market; and on the whole, the unpredictable nature of the economy this year. The second house also relates to food supplies so there seems to be some important focus here as well. Pisces as the 12th sign (the last, indicating endings) in the 2nd house signifies some karmic closure related to economic trends of the past. I assume this can also relate to the huge changes ahead in mandated health care insurance and also the big revisions that will be ongoing for our tax codes.
  4. South Node Ketu in the 3rd house could point to potential for strong earthquakes as well as a transportation disaster and a significant change in the travel industry.
  5. Jupiter in the 4th house can be promising for real estate investing, but because it is 6/8 with Saturn this may not be 100% true (for example, the real estate market has been struggling with reduced sale inventory, rising prices, and a lengthy and complicated financing process for non-cash buyers). This 6/8 also indicates potential for earthquakes. This inharmonious aspect between the two weightiest planets of dharma (Jupiter) and karma (Saturn) will end on May 31, when Jupiter transits out of Taurus into Gemini and trines Saturn.
  6. Saturn and Rahu in the 9th house/8th from the Pisces stellium point to a strong possibility that this will be yet another year of transformation; some ongoing economic uncertainty; possibly a military showdown; some kind of disease epidemic; as well as troubles with flooding, ships and the shipping industry, the Navy, and aviation industry. Probably we will hear of the retirement or death of a notable high-ranking official or officials in the US government (especially in the judiciary); and also we may experience some commotion in a religious organization or even the death of an important religious leader. The latter could relate to the recent changes in the Catholic Church that continue to rock the world.
  7. In April and May we will have three eclipses, one lunar eclipse on April 25; a solar eclipse on May 9; and another lunar eclipse on May 25. The astrological aspects in these eclipse charts look somewhat “bearish” for the stock market, and there is a dominant and troubling signature for violence, conflict and/or war that is hard to ignore especially in late April and even into the summer months (Ketu conjoined Mars and Mercury opposite Saturn conjoined Rahu in the solar eclipse chart). The essence of what these eclipse charts seem to point to can resonate for months preceding (that means now) and also for months following the actual eclipse events. So, for all of us, more prayer and more light, please! With the lunar nodes transiting in Aries and Libra for the next year, this means the eclipses will occur on this axis which symbolizes the eternal battle between dark and light; the individual versus the collective/self versus other; and war versus peace/conflict versus diplomacy.

I want to share several links to some interesting 2013 astrological forecasts posted on the Web by some of my most respected colleagues and friends, who offer these to the public without charge. It is a great service they provide, and I am personally grateful. You will see they offer some similar and some different perspectives from my own:

March 27, 2013 Full Sap Moon

The waxing gibbous Moon is strong and growing stronger in these last days before full Moon which will occur on Wednesday, March 27 at 5:27 AM EDT in Washington DC. The gibbous phase is a great time to complete projects and fulfill social responsibilities as the brightening lunar energy can support us in our endeavors.

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, there are several names for the March full Moon. These lunar month names were given a long time ago by various tribes of Native Americans:

1. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees.

2. The more northern tribes knew this Moon as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signaled the end of winter.

3. Full Crust Moon, because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night.

4. Full Worm Moon: As the temperature begins to warm and the ground begins to thaw, earthworm casts appear, heralding the return of the robins.

5. To the settlers, it was also known as the Lenten Moon (before Easter), and was considered to be the last full Moon of winter.

According to Vedic astrology, this week’s full Moon occurs in its own star, the luminous and powerful Vedic nakshatra called Hasta (“the Hand”), whose shakti (energy) is hasta sthapaniya agama, the ability to gain what we are seeking and place it in our own hands

Hasta nakshatra is ruled by Savitar, the creative form of the Sun God. This is a laghu (light) nakshatra which is considered auspicious for healing, beginning a journey, planting and sowing, love matters, and creative endeavors. According to Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley), “Hasta gives the ability to achieve our goals in a complete and immediate manner. Such goals are usually creative in nature. Savitar is the creative will that builds up the universe with all of its beauty. His productions are most wonderful.”

As always, full Moon energy is most conducive to generating psychic power and performing meditation and spiritual practice. When the Moon is full, it rises at sunset and sets at dawn. Thus, our best results for performing full Moon practice will be soon after sunset and right before dawn on Tuesday and Wednesday this coming week.

In Hasta nakshatra, the full Moon favors creativity and productivity. As the sap is rising in the trees in the northern hemsiphere, our own inner creative juices are rising, and we can use the gifts of this full Moon to set our clearest intentions for the future and open our hands and hearts to receive the grace that is always available when we remember to let go in the flow.

Make sure to have some good belly laughter in the days to come as well (and always!) and this is especially so because “Hasta” also means “laughter.” Laughter yoga, anyone?

February 23, 2013: Mercury Retrograde in Sidereal Aquarius

As if Saturn stationing retrograde were not enough excitement for one week, we also have Mercury turning retrograde *(appearing to move backward) on Saturday, February 23, 2013. I use 2 days on either side of that as the stationary period, when the characteristically fast-moving Messenger of the Gods is moving much more slowly than usual, when we really can start to feel the strongest effects on a lot of levels.

Mercury retrogrades for about 24 days 3-4 times a year. This transit has a very big reputation even among non-astrologers as a time when things can and will go haywire! Mercury is the astrological indicator of communication, speech, travel, writing, memory, commerce and transportation, so in some cases when Mercury’s movement is backward (known as “vakri” in Vedic astrology) we can experience delays and snafus in these areas of life.

We are admonished not to sign important contracts during a Mercury retrograde cycle, the idea being that it may not work out or will have to be revised later, but in my experience, this is not always the case. As an example, my husband is a real estate agent and I have seen him broker very successful deals that went through without a hitch during Mercury retrograde times. Often in these situations, his clients had been “on the fence” about buying for some time. It seems that it took the Mercury retrograde cycle to catalyze their desire to re-establish contact and re-visit their desire to buy a new property.

It is a fact that many of the most successful Fortune 500 companies were incorporated during Mercury retrograde cycles. Much of my astrological practice is involved in helping businesses incorporate, and in some cases I have found the best muhurta (electional astrology chart) is during a Mercury retrograde cycle. This is because Mercury is stronger when it is retrograde, and can be well suited for success depending on the individual circumstances; and we also have to keep in mind that a muhurta/elective chart involves multiple considerations on top of just a Mercury cycle.

Many astrologers have discussed that the operative pattern for re-trograde cycles can be found among a variety of words prefixed by “re,” as in this being a time to re-consider, re-organize, re-energize, re-affirm, re-formulate, re-generate, re-define, re-negotiate, re-novate, re-discover, re-consider, etc. How the retrograde cycle plays out really depends on the condition of Mercury in the natal chart, the sign in which Mercury is transiting, as well as aspects and yogas Mercury has with the other transiting planets and with the natal planets of a particular nativity or a mundane chart.

In many instances, I have noticed those who have Mercury retrograde in their natal charts experience the retrograde transit as a re-freshing time that feels more natural and uninhibited than usual. For these natural Mercury retrograde natives, thought processes can begin flowing quite creatively and even more in harmony with higher mind during the retrograde transits.

All that said, I am quite astonished at the rare opportunity this Mercury cycle could offer us all as a collective. Mercury will station in sidereal Aquarius, the sign of the Water Bearer who pours forth the water of life, i.e. spiritual wisdom and healing energy. Mercury retrograding in Aquarius is not at all uncommon, but there is more to this. Mercury will conjoin several other planets during its retrograde cycle while also being disposited by exalted auspicious Saturn (traditional ruler of Aquarius) which is conjoined the North Node Rahu (a destiny point)—and this makes it a potentially extraordinary moment in time.

Thanks to astrologer Steve Stuckey for reviewing the calculations with me, as he confirmed: “The last time the combination of Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Aquarius and Saturn/Rahu in Libra occurred was Feb 9th to 12th, *610 BC.* The time before that was Jan 21st to 24th, 3437 BC. The main problem is needing to have Rahu in Libra also–if we eliminate Rahu and just have the 4 Aquarius planets plus Saturn in Libra, then the last time it occurred was Feb 20th to 24th, 1364 AD. And then many times going further back–1129 AD, 1099 AD, 972 AD, 894 AD, 747 AD and many more.”

The traditional scheme of Vedic astrology does not include the outer planets and other bodies beyond Saturn. If we add those in as many neo-Vedic astrologers like myself will do, we have Neptune and the asteroid Chiron in sidereal Aquarius as well. Mercury will station retrograde at ~26 degrees sidereal Aquarius and move back to ~12 degrees Aquarius when it will station direct on March 17. For any charts having important points or planets within a few degrees of these stationary points or within close significant aspects to these degrees, especially near the 26-degree point of sidereal air signs (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra), memorable events may be triggered before and/or after the retrograde cycle.

In mundane astrology, Aquarius deals with science, invention, and technology; oil and oil wells; media, broadcasting, communication systems and mass marketing; spiritualists, visionary thinkers and alternative healers; aerospace industry, aircraft and pilots; electricity; corporate restructuring, labor organizations, special interest groups, and organizations in general; legislative politics; computer technology; civil rights; and rebels, pacifists, humanitarians, and revolutionary movements. It will be interesting to observe the world news in the next three weeks and see what transpires with some potential intensity and focus noted in these areas. We will see certain important matters of the past being re-activated and re-visited during this cycle, such as the battle between President Obama and Congress over spending cuts which are set to take effect March 1.

My friend Steve jokingly asked me if I think we are going to blast off in the Aquarian Age with this latest transit, and I thought, what a great idea! Technically though, as we sidereal astrologers understand, the real Age of Aquarius will not be upon us for several hundred more years into the future. However, this is an unusual transit of Aquarius that deserves special attention because (most of us would agree) we are truly living in “interesting times” now.

Aquarius correlates with the 17th trump or Major Arcana card of the Tarot, the Star, a symbol of faith, unity, hope and inspiration. While the essence of Aquarius is embodied in this current Mercury retrograde cycle, the inner pressure of the current Saturn retrograde cycle urges us to manifest these aspirations as part of our highest potential. The shadowy aspect of such a powerful fixed signature in Aquarius, when imbalanced, can reveal itself in dark, alienated and rigid thinking and behavior, so it may be more important than ever to remain fluid, flexible and open enough to allow grace and love to lead the way.

The Star (Rider-Waite deck)

Saturn Retrograde

Are you feeling it? Saturn is slowing to a rapid halt now for his retrograde station, when he will appear to start moving backward somewhere in the February 18-20 range depending on the parameters we use to establish the exact stationary movement.

The five days before the actual station can be a time of intense mood shifts, financial concerns, apprehension, unease and dramatic shifts in your plans (as well as seismic and atmospheric events). Saturn retrogrades for about four and a half months every year. He will remain retrograde until July 9 this year.

In Vedic astrology, Saturn is called Shani, which means the one who moves slowly, because Saturn takes about 30 long years to revolve around the Sun. As an actual deity, he is personification of time and moves very slowly. He tends to delay matters as a natural course, so when he is retrograde this slowing down affect can be intensified and especially maddening.

Saturn’s purpose is to teach us patience and fortitude. He represents the tests we have to undergo in the material world. He is the irritant that produces the pearl and the pressure that creates the diamond heart.

Saturn symbolizes the psychological shadow that we have to face and integrate in order to be whole and manifest our full potential. He is the representative of the material plane with all its lessons and limitations. Ultimately, Saturn is the divine servant whose hard knocks are meant to reveal the truth about the divine play of consciousness.

Unbalanced, the essence of Saturn can be contracting, fearful, anxious, depressed, or blocked. When balanced, Saturn is the epitome of reform, conservation, organization and practical achievement. He signifies the principle of reality check, limits, boundaries and consequences.

When a planet appears retrograde, its essence is strengthened but internalized, and often delayed or skewed. A retrograde planet will often point to issues from the past that we need to go back and resolve.

A retrograde planet can show us how to move forward spiritually even while it may indicate that we have to experience some delays or restrictions in worldly matters. When we are patient and aware, the Saturn retrograde cycle can be an especially productive time to establish new priorities and transform our ambitions.

Saturn is currently transiting in its exalted sign of sidereal Libra where it puts an emphasis on important relationship or business decisions. Astrologer David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) says that Saturn is exalted in the sign of Venus Libra because “here Saturn represents the higher principles of justice, order, and detachment, which are necessary in using our heart energy in the right way, without attachment or bias.”

During the strong retrograde transit of Libra, Saturn will force certain unpleasant issues to come out into the light, and as Sat Graha, planet of Truth, Saturn reflects some potent lessons. This is even truer because Saturn is transiting with the Moon’s North Node Rahu for the next year and a half, and this may be a challenge at times because the essence of these two working together may show itself as workaholic tendencies and added stress and anxiety.

Meanwhile, on a mundane level, Saturn is the significator of the economy; laboring classes; disease; anxiety; misfortune; and sorrow, among other things. During Saturn’s retrograde period, all its significations can at times seem worse than usual. For instance, the economy may surely slow down at some point in the next four and a half months (as one economist said the stock market is very tired right about now).

Per a classical Indian astrology work called Sanketa Nidhi, when Saturn retrogrades, it mostly affects the sign ninth from it, which would be Gemini, the indicator of the stock market and business; as well as communication; transportation; travel; and respiratory or nervous illnesses.

Of course, to understand the nature of this retrograde cycle of Saturn on a really personal level, we would need to analyze it through one’s birth horoscope as well, especially noting the houses it rules natally and the houses it occupies natally and in transit, as well as aspects it makes and so forth.

I feel that during this Saturn retrograde cycle and especially within the next 10 days, we might all benefit from added mindfulness and spiritual practices for centering and grounding, including conscious breathing. As Saturn rules the Mooladhara (base) chakra, keeping one’s energy system connected to the earth can be helpful. As Saturn is exalted in the Anahata (heart) chakra’s sign of Libra, simple awareness of the breath as it moves in and out of the heart can be a priceless practice. Especially when feeling overwhelmed with negative emotions, seek refuge in the heart…
“Breathing in, I calm body and mind.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.”
(Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace)

Heart Chakra

Juliana ♥

Flowing with Ease

Good news for all my friends living in a cold climate…spring is eventually coming, in case you forgot that! From this week’s Sky At A Glance (Sky and “[Beginning Sunday Jan. 27] The Moon shines high in the east by 9 p.m. Lower left of it, by roughly a fist-width at arm’s length, sparkles Regulus in Leo, as shown here. The Sickle of Leo extends upper left from Regulus. The emergence of Leo in the evening sky [every year around this time] is always an early sign that spring is eventually coming.”

The waning Moon will be moving through the sensitive gandanta zone between sidereal Cancer and Leo tonight, arriving in Leo Monday morning Jan. 28 around 7:30 AM Eastern Time (ET) just in time for your morning commute (for those on ET). Monday evening (again ET), the Moon will conjoin the fixed star Regulus, the heart of the Lion located at about 5 degrees of sidereal Leo. You may be able to see Regulus shining brightly to the left of the Moon tonight or in the next few nights if the sky is clear.

In astrology, Regulus and the sign of Leo are a passionate and generous placement for the Moon, which is a symbol of our consciousness. The Moon will remain in sidereal Leo until Jan. 30 in the afternoon ET. The Moon in Leo is said to enhance courage, idealism, and benevolence, but when transiting near Regulus for the next day or so it can also reflect a higher than usual incidence for accidents. Knowing this, we can be extra mindful in the coming days while there are also some other potentially stressful astrological events taking place that are activating the Moon too: Mars is moving toward a conjunction with Neptune and both are in a wide square with the lunar nodes and opposite the Moon (a grand square) which can indicate some extra tensions or tendencies toward heated emotions or even carelessness and violence.

Jupiter is also stationing now, getting ready to go direct after being retrograde since October 5, 2012. It will go direct on the 30th January, which also can make us feel some big tension in the coming days. I have noticed that there is also more potential for seismic activity (earthquakes and volcanoes) within a few weeks before and after the Jupiter station. Please God forbid!

Jupiter stationing direct is often indicative of big changes that will begin happening now and in the next few months in business, politics, social and religious institutions; for example, change can be in terms of new rules and regulations being established and information coming out related to organizational matters. Jupiter has been retrograde in sidereal Taurus for almost four months, where it can signify some discontent or frustration related to fulfilling material desires. Of course to really understand this retrograde cycle in your own life, you would need to see what it is influencing in your individual natal chart, so I am speaking more in general. Jupiter retrograde can be a period when fanaticism or simply the attachment to an ideal can obstruct progress and practical solutions. Sound familiar? One hopes that as Jupiter advances in direct motion, we will begin to move forward on certain complicated conundrums plaguing our society, as well.

To see how this all plays out in the US in general, we can use the US Kelleher chart, with Sagittarius Rising. In this chart, Jupiter transits in the 6th house in sidereal Taurus from May 18, 2012 until June 1, 2013. Jupiter as the ruler of the US chart transiting in the malefic 6th house of disease, conflict, violence, enmity, and struggle is one sign of the uncertainty as well as many of the social and economic challenges we face nationally and internationally. Perhaps things have felt more challenging because of the retrograde cycle, which can strengthen the potentially negative vibrations of the 6th house.

Jupiter is a karaka (significator) of prosperity and peace, as well as government, politics and politicians, huge government expansion schemes, revenue of the nation, and capitalism; with Jupiter transiting in the malefic 6th house (and especially when retrograde), these significations can be somewhat marred. This is a signature for health and debt concerns. Yet, Jupiter transiting the 6th house brings some potential for transformation to Jupiterian matters as well because the 6th house is an upachaya or growing house, which signifies that some matters can improve over time and with effort. The 6th house governs employment matters. I hope that as Jupiter ends his retrograde cycle here, the jobs numbers will continue to improve though it is “iffy” given the 6/8 inconjunct between Jupiter and Saturn (which I have discussed before).

According to astrology, a few weeks before and after a station of a planet (either when it turns retrograde or direct), and especially the closest days around the station (from Jan. 25-Feb. 4, 2013) many of us will experience mood swings and changes in our psychological and physical energy. Jupiter is expansive in nature, and this can feel like a relief to some (again depending on your natal chart which requires extensive analysis), like a huge release. You may suddenly find the energy to deal with something you have been putting off or just not able to deal with. Perhaps it has to do with travel plans, or a new course of study, a relationship issue, or a new health regime, or any number of possible matters actually depending on the houses Jupiter rules and occupies in your birth horoscope.

On an energetic level, as if all this Jupiter business isn’t enough, the water element will be quite vulnerable in the coming week. This is as reflected in the placement of the grahas in the constellations (only one is in a water sign, that would be upa-graha Uranus in Pisces). In addition, the graha (planet) that rules over the water element, Venus, is changing signs from freedom-loving and expansive Sagittarius to practical (but sometimes rigid) Capricorn on Monday (Jan. 28) indicating some further weakness and adjustment needed to the element of water.

What does this mean to us as individuals when the water element is weak? Physical and emotional toxins can build up, emotional upsets may be triggered, and you may find it difficult to flow through the day with ease, in which case you may need to be more mindful about drinking enough water or fluids. Other ways to strengthen the attunement to the water element include Polarity Therapy or other energy healing work focused on moving the water element; receiving a lymphatic or deep tissue massage; as well as being in and around water; contemplating water in any way you like; and listening to the sound of water can also be good. Massage your feet (the negative pole of the water element in the body) with sweet oils or lotions (jasmine, ylang-ylang, orange blossom, etc). Move your body! Dance or flow yoga can be very good. Set healthy boundaries; take time to nurture yourself; be kind and generous; make a gratitude list; and practice unconditional self-love. Eat leafy greens and lots of fruit (melons when in season), cucumbers, and even salty foods can be helpful in moderation.

Om Loka Samistah Sukhino Bhavantu….May All Beings Be Happy and Free of Suffering…a good mantra for all of us in this uncertain world.

January 11, 2013 New Moon

The New Moon chart occurs on January 11, 2013 at 2:44 PM ET in the USA  and is set for the capital at Washington DC. The chart has Taurus rising, the sign in mundane astrology that relates to trade and business, food production, the automobile industry, banks, loans, investments and the earning capacity of a nation. Therefore, these things come into focus as part of the combined karma of the nation. The rising sign also occurs in Mrigashira nakshatra which has to do with auspicious beginnings and new experiences, quite fitting for what we would like to collectively invoke with the first new moon of 2013.

This new moon occurs in the expansive sidereal constellation of Sagittarius, a sign of enthusiasm, wisdom, faith and intuition. Per Vedic astrology, the Sun and Moon are vargottama, in the best position per their placement in the same sign in the harmonic 9th (navamsha). They occupy the nakshatra known as Uttara Ashadha in the most auspicious Pushkara navamsha. According to astrologer Vic DiCara in his brilliant new nakshatra book 27 Stars, 27 Gods, Uttara Ashadhaempowers human beings to give ‘110%’ to their tasks, drawing all available power and pouring it into each of their endeavors.” Now, how’s that for a kick in the pants! This lunation, no matter how challenging, also brings forth some really positive energy.

The lunation occurs in a stellium (a gathering of several planets and luminaries) in the eighth house, and can be analyzed according to one of my old favorites, Raphael’s Mundane Astrology:

  • The eighth house has special reference to death, mortality, and all matters to do therewith. It also governs the Privy Council [which in the USA today might relate to the executive branch of the government]. The Lunation falling in this house is important, depending upon the houses ruled by the luminaries and the planetary aspects thereto. When evilly aspected, it denotes deaths in high circles and amongst notable people, especially females. [In this chart, there are some ‘evil’ aspects including Saturn’s aspect to the 8th house from the 6th, as well as a 6/8 inconjunct with the ascendant and the dispositor of the 8th house stellium Jupiter].
  • The Sun in the eighth house denotes deaths among important people…royalty, nobility, and the upper ten [the latter refers to higher classes and leaders].
  • The Moon in the eighth house shows much mortality among common people, especially women, and, if much afflicted, panics, resulting in many deaths.
  • Mercury in the eighth house, afflicted, denotes deaths in literary and publishing circles, and among children and young people. It shows activity and changes in the Privy Council.
  • Venus in the eighth house denotes gains to the Exchequer through death duties, but if afflicted, will cause many deaths among females, artistic and musical people, and notable ladies of the land. Care should be taken to observe the house ruled over by Venus [in this case Venus rules the first and sixth houses which have to do with overall well-being of the nation as well as debt and employment, health and safety matters]. 
  • I would add that Pluto here just further intensifies the activities of this stellium and also refers to some heavy-duty transformative event or events which may or may not involve actual “death.”
  • Both the third decante of Sagittarius and the third decante of Taurus (where the USA lunation ascendant and the actual lunation occur) are associated with “pestilence,” per Raphael’s Mundane Astrology, and of course now there are concerns about a flu epidemic.

There are a few more interesting combinations in the new moon chart:

  • Jupiter, the dispositor of the Sagittarius stellium, is exchanging places with Venus. That is, Venus is in Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius, and Jupiter is in Venus- ruled Taurus. In Western astrology, this is known as mutual reception, and in Vedic astrology it is Parivartana Yoga. This combination is unusual in that both the involved planets are also rulers of dusthana houses (houses 3, 6, 8 or 12, i.e., Jupiter rules the eighth and Venus, the sixth) so that then, this becomes a combination for potential misery (Dainya Yoga). When the two planets involved in a mutual reception are both rulers of dusthana houses, this can also become a variation of a Vipreet Raja Yoga (VRY). In this case, Jupiter rules the eighth house, and Venus rules the sixth. The VRY is said to “destroy difficulties,” though in this case, Mercury, the Sun, and Moon are also considered to be somewhat harmed, and this can indicate some scary challenges ahead for our national health, or matters related to national security, health care and overall economic conditions.
  • There is a Yod or Finger of Fate configuration in this chart that is also important as it involves the first house—the most important house of the chart that represents a microcosm of the whole chart—and the eighth house, which is the most challenging house of the chart that deals with potentially devastating energies. A Yod is formed when two planets are in a sextile (60-degree) aspect while both are also in a 6/8 (inconjunct or quincunx) to a third planet or astronomical point, forming a large “Y” across the chart. In this case, the all-important Sun and Moon conjunction is in a sextile with Rahu, the Moon’s North Node and one of the astrological hands of destiny. Note that Rahu happens to be located in the sixth house of illness, conflict, work and enmity. Both the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and Rahu are in a 6/8 with the ascendant of the chart, the most important power point of all. This can indicate an unforeseen turn of destiny and the collapse of non-productive and ineffective systems and attitudes that block necessary growth.

Sagittarius is the sign that symbolizes the solar side of the second Svadisthana Chakra, the second sacral spinal energy center that has to do with our creativity and well-being. The New Moon in Sagittarius triggers this chakra in all of us at this time. This is the power center where we gain and lose our vitality. This chakra transmits our physical well-being and sense of deservedness. Here is also where we know our limits and establish good boundaries. A great affirmation to support us through this new moon cycle and in the coming weeks is, “I love my body and trust its wisdom while flowing ever-freely with the tides of grace.” Blessings all!

Winter Solstice 2012

I’ve received notices of several different happenings slated to take place on December 21, 2012, including “Birth 2012: Empowering the Movement to Birth a New Era.” Many of my friends and clients have been writing to ask me what is going on with this date.

Over the years, some 2012 researchers have coordinated a Galactic Center-Winter Solstice alignment with the end of a 13-baktun cycle in a Mayan Long Count calendar. This one calendar is believed by some to be ending on December 21, 2012. Some say that on this date, a galactic beam will hit the earth for several minutes and that this galactic light will have an awakening effect on the consciousness of our planet and its inhabitants. Nobody knows for sure. It is all conjecture.

Nice thought though, right? I kind of like the idea that many people will be coming together in prayer and meditation on this day to welcome in a higher frequency of love and light. Maybe a shift in consciousness will result from just that meeting of great minds.

Regarding any such astrological alignment on 12/21/12, it is very complicated. Here is what I know as an astrologer:

First, it is important to understand a few terms: the meaning of “Winter Solstice”; the “Winter Solstice Sun”; and the “Galactic Center.”

1. The Winter Solstice refers to the date every year *around* December 21 when the Sun reaches its maximum southern declination for the Northern Hemisphere (south of the celestial equator). On the Winter Solstice, the Sun at 12 Noon is at the lowest altitude of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. In the seasonal tropical calendar, this is the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

2. The Winter Solstice Sun refers not only to the Sun’s declination/north or south of the celestial equator on the day of Winter Solstice, but it also refers to its celestial/zodiacal longitude, i.e., its location along the band of the zodiac. On this day, if we cast a chart for sunrise at any given locale, the Sun and the ascendant of the chart are conjunct the center of the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, known as the Galactic Center.

3. The Galactic Center per the Vedic tradition is known as Vishnunabhi, the Navel of Vishnu, and is considered to be the source of all “light” (spiritual wisdom and power) in our Milky Way Galaxy. It is estimated that the celestial longitude of the Galactic Center is at ~6 deg. 20 min. of sidereal Sagittarius.

What is important to understand is that astronomically, this alignment on 12/21/12 is not unusual. It has already been taking place for the past three decades! Let me explain.

The Sun moves roughly one zodiacal or longitudinal degree per day, so that it moves around the whole zodiac (360 degrees) in a year. In its apparent passage around the zodiac, it comes into alignment with the Galactic Center once every year. The Sun is a disk and not a point, and as seen from the Earth, it spans a diameter of about a half inch to an inch in width. Because of this, the disc of the Sun appears to align with the plane of the Galactic Equator on Winter Solstice each year for a period of about 36 years. This close alignment began in 1980 and will end around 2016. This astronomical alignment is not specific to 2012!

However, there is something very compelling in that this 36-year period from 1980 to 2016 is the first time in ~26,000 years that the Winter Solstice Sun is aligned with the Galactic Center. In other words, it is fairly rare that the day of that alignment occurs in coincidence with the days surrounding the Winter Solstice. This only occurs for several decades once every ~26,000″ years.

Using Lahiri Ayanamsha, I have computed the following sidereal positions for the Sun on Winter Solstice in various years:

1. In 1980, the Sun was at 6 deg. 24 min. Sagittarius; it was closer to an alignment with the Galactic Center at this time than it is in 2012.

2. In 1998, the Sun was at 5 deg. 32 min. Sagittarius. You see it is moving away from the exact alignment now.

3. In 2011 (December 22, 2011 at 5:30 AM UTC), the Sun was at 5 deg. 58 min. of Sagittarius.

4. In 2012 (December 21, 2012 at 11:12 UTC), the Sun on Winter Solstice will be at 5 degrees 57 min. Sagittarius.

5. In 2016, the Sun will be at 5 deg. 54 min.

The gradual yearly movement of the Sun in relation to the Galactic Center is because of precession of the equinoxes, that is, the Galactic Center is slowly drifting backward just like the other constellations, in relation to our planet, due to precession of the equinoxes (which is caused in part by Earth’s tilt and wobble).

In 1800 on Winter Solstice, the Sun was at ~8 1/2 degrees Sagittarius. In 1900 on Winter Solstice, it was around 7 degrees Sagittarius. And by the way, not until ~2550 will we really be in the Age of Aquarius (when the Sun will be rising in Aquarius on the Spring Equinox), and at that time, the Sun will have moved out of Sagittarius and will be at 28 degrees of Scorpio on Winter Solstice!

Some say that on December 21, 2012, the Sun will be eclipsed by the Galactic Center. It is not technically an eclipse in the usual sense of the word; more correctly it is an alignment. These same researchers believe that this alignment is like a rebooting of our Sun’s connection to its Galactic Center, and so after this, we will experience higher frequencies of human consciousness.

Though the Sun is not being eclipsed on December 21, 2012, eclipses do have a place in this discussion. The Pleiades conjoined two different solar eclipses in 2012, which some believe represents the return of Quetzalcoatl. This is said to signify the coming of an awakening world and the emergence of a new world teacher.

IF all of this is true, I believe that it has already been happening and the wave of change has already crested. This is why we have seen so much amazing transformation on the planet since the 1980s, mostly through the rise of technology and communication and the fact that the Internet is enacting life’s living oneness (Indra’s Net), connecting us more as the One Being that we are, which perhaps is in process of causing an evolutionary leap in consciousness.

I recently read an inspiring Facebook post about 12/21/12 by professional astrologer Kenneth Johnson, who is also a serious researcher of ancient and modern Mayan culture. Ken has spent months with indigenous teachers in remote parts of Guatemala and is the author of Mayan Calendar Astrology: Mapping Your Inner Cosmos, Jaguar Wisdom: An Introduction to the Mayan Calendar, and The Mayan Prophecies: The Renewal of the World 2012-2072. Ken writes:

Of course, the Maya themselves have never perceived this [2012] cyclic change as a “doomsday” scenario – that was merely the projection of the Western world’s Christian apocalyptic values onto a culture…with an entirely different world view. They have always seen it – and continue to see it – as merely another important nodal point in an endless series of cycles of cosmic time. The elders of Momostenango are recommending these actions to their citizens for their private moments during the transitional days of December 20 and 21:

  • Turn off the computer.
  • Turn off the cell phone. 
  • Turn off the television. 
  • Experience the beauty of silence.

In terms of time keeping, I usually refer back to the yugas, vast cycles of time which are tracked in the Hindu tradition. Instead of the more traditional yugas, I ascribe to an alternate yuga system that was given to us by Swami Sri Yukteswar, a great saint and Vedic astrologer (and Yogananda’s guru). We are now in an ascending cycle of Dwarpara Yuga, the Age of Technology and Knowledge (per Sri Yukteswar’s reckoning). By my very rough calculations, the Sat Yuga, the Age of Enlightenment in which all beings will be living in a state of full grace and truth, is still some 5500 years in the future.

Sri Yukteswar’s yuga model can help us understand that we are eternal beings who reside within great cycles of time. I like to think that since we are in an ascending cycle, every day there is potential for progress to be made. Ironically, even in the 2012 material which is often seen as apocalyptic, we are challenged to awaken to who we are within all these larger phases of time. And even better, for those who are following a path to enlightened consciousness, one does not have to wait 5000+ years for Sat Yuga…it can happen in the eternal Now.

Love and light to all,

Milky Way Galaxy and Solstice Galactic Plane Alignment, photo courtesy of

Fall 2012 Astral Weather Report

During the equinoxes, the Sun at 0 degrees of declination appears to be passing right over the celestial equator. Tropical astrologers consider that the Sun moves into the sign of Libra around the time of the fall equinox, but because sidereal astrologers track the movement of the planetary bodies against the actual constellations, and because of the precession of the equinoxes, the Sun is no longer moving into the true constellation of Libra on the fall equinox. Instead, it is currently found at almost 6 degrees in the constellation of Virgo. It will not enter the constellation of Libra until mid-October. If you want to understand the issue of the two zodiacs more in depth, I highly recommend that you read Robert Powell’s History of the Zodiac and Hermetic Astrology (the latter in two volumes). Continue reading