Heading Toward a New World Order: Pluto, Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius, 2019-2020

(Please note that I only use the sidereal zodiac in my work, so the charts and predictions I share on my blog are based on the sidereal zodiac, Lahiri ayanamsa).

In most of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, Pluto and Saturn conjoin Ketu, the Moon’s South Node, in the sign of sidereal Sagittarius. The Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus will join this Sagittarius conjunction at various times forming a significant stellium in Sagittarius (three or more planets in one sign). Rahu, the Moon’s North Node, will transit at the same time in sidereal Gemini. Therefore, the harbingers of change known as eclipses (which occur when the lunar nodes line up with the Sun and Moon every six months) will occur in the Sagittarius-Gemini axis beginning in early January 2019; and, this pattern will continue through 2019 and much of 2020.

Some of the general themes of the Sagittarius-Gemini sign axis revolve around cosmic law and right action (dharma); educational institutions, knowledge, and ethics; logic and faith; philosophical ideals and principles; innovative developments in communication, learning, technology, banking, and currencies; the search for freedom and justice; and the polarity between diversity and unity.

This is a quadriwheel chart showing the four Sagittarius eclipses in 2019-2020:         This is a triwheel chart showing the three Gemini eclipses in 2019-2020:

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Full Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse of January 20-21, 2019

As I write this on Thursday, January 17, the Moon is waxing in its last quarter, which means the “light” in the world is expanding. Now we are in the process of organizing, integrating, perfecting, and finishing in preparation for the full Moon which will occur early on Monday, January 21, 2019 EST and UTC, and late on Sunday, January 20 in regions west of the Eastern Time zone. The five days before, the day of, and five days after a full Moon (to a lesser extent) are a powerful time to access the illuminated spiritual energies for empowerment, healing, meditation, and prayer. This will be the first full Moon of 2019 and it will be a doozy because it is also a Supermoon and a total lunar eclipse, so in effect, get ready for a super-charged full Moon!

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September Exposed

September looks to be a bit of an “exposed” month. No, I am not talking about the Shemitah and the Blood Moon prophecies, which I do not support…read my thoughts about this here: http://astralharmony.com/blog/apocalytic-prophecies/shemitah-and-blood-moon-prophecies/

There are several reasons why I say September is exposed:

1. The autumn season is already a highly vulnerable time of year because we have to say goodbye to the high season of summer and then cross the equinox still point (September 23), when our planetary nervous system goes through a major energetic transition, and our mental, emotional and physical health becomes ultra-sensitive, and we can feel wiped out emotionally, mentally or physically.

2. In addition, we should consider the power in the name of the fall season, as my dear friend Miriam Divinsky recently reminded me. Used interchangeably with “autumn,” fall simply refers to the natural process of slowly turning inward and downward to rest and rejuvenate, right? Yes! But also, there is a negative connotation connected to the word “fall” which subtly influences the mass mind, as “to fall” unconsciously evokes a sense of “decline, collapsing down or losing balance.” The sap of life does begin flowing downward in this season, which requires attention and adjustment. Tuning into these kinds of natural cycles helps to create a more life-affirming experience as we go with the flow of least resistance.

3. The United States birth chart (James Kelleher version) will enter a new major cycle in late September, and this unconsciously contributes to the mass mind’s feelings of instability, trepidation and worry. Please read more about this here: http://astralharmony.com/blog/rahu-mahadasa-and-united-states-kelleher-chart/

4. In addition to all the above, this September has two eclipses: Sept 13—partial solar/ New Moon Rahu eclipse; and Sept. 27-28—total lunar/Super Full Moon Ketu eclipse. Further, during the energetically unstable period between the two eclipses, we will celebrate the fall equinox, N. Hemisphere, and spring equinox, S. Hemisphere on September 23 at 8:22 AM UTC. If that were not enough, Mercury will also go retrograde on September 17 in the eclipse axis, conjunct the North Node, which can indicate some turmoil as communication, judgment, and travel/transport issues can get wonky.

All of this can impact our sensitive planetary and individual nervous systems. Thus, we are cautioned to be extra careful, mindful and gentle with ourselves and each other and not to push anything hard during this two-week cycle from the 13th to the 28th.  It is best not to begin anything new in the world during this period between eclipses and especially not for a few days before and after the equinox and eclipses, unless it is a healing or contemplative practice.

Eclipses churn up karmic changes for the whole planet, but it is said that when the lunar eclipse falls after the solar eclipse as in this case in September, the world will be more peaceful than when the solar comes after the lunar. Solar eclipses always have a longer more potent impact that lunar eclipses. Eclipses are also said to have the greatest impact in the geographical areas where they appear. The solar eclipse of September 13 will appear over S. Africa, South Indian Ocean and Antarctica.

SMImageThe full lunar eclipse of September 27-28 will appear over all of South America and most of North America, the Atlantic Ocean, Greenland, Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

lunar_201509Probably the most important thing I can share about eclipses is that the half-hour or hour before, and especially during the eclipse maximum, are optimal times for healing work as well as spiritual practices like chanting, meditation, puja and prayer. The yogis have shared with us that the positive benefits of sadhana (practices) are vastly multiplied and magnified when performed at times of eclipses (particularly solar eclipses). The solar eclipse maximum time will be at 6:55:19 AM UTC on the 13th. The lunar eclipse maximum will occur at 2:48:16 AM UTC on the 28th September. To convert to your time zone, just use this: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

What I share here about the September eclipses is quite generalized, but to truly get a grasp on how the eclipses will affect you requires a personal horoscope reading with a professional astrologer.

Big changes will often happen in the weeks and months before or after the eclipses. This is especially true when the eclipses occur in a section of the zodiac that is closely influencing important points or planets in a natal or mundane horoscope. Generally, a Rahu solar eclipse indicates new growth. This can bring the feeling of breakthrough (or breakdown if not handled properly). Often we experience issues related to our career, or health and life force, and sometimes we can feel very tired around the solar eclipse. At the same time, where and how we have been leaking vital energy might be revealed to us, and so then improvements can be made.

The solar eclipse of September 13 occurs with expansive Rahu (the Moon’s North Node) as the eclipsing body at ~7 degrees sidereal Virgo, while the Sun and Moon will be at ~26 degrees of sidereal Leo. In a natal or mundane horoscope, planets or points from late sidereal Leo and into the first decan (10 degrees) of sidereal Virgo will be most impacted. For instance, those born ~ September 11-15 have the Sun in late sidereal Leo and will be going through some interesting changes in the coming six months.The area where the luminaries (Sun-Moon/New Moon) fall in the September 13 solar eclipse is called Purva Phalguni nakshatra in the Vedic astrology system; this is a fierce and creative section of the zodiac. The luminaries additionally fall in Scorpio navamsa, fourth pada of Purva Phalguni, which reveals potential for some intensified passion and cathartic emotional energy being stirred up in this eclipse. The North Node Rahu falls in the fourth pada (Pisces navamsa) of Uttara Phalguni which fortunately brings some balance of higher consciousness into the mix.

SFPage Lunar eclipses generally tend to trigger relationship or emotional issues, and a Ketu lunar eclipse such as we will have September 27-28 signifies potential for heavy and emotionally toxic feelings in the weeks and days before the eclipse. Some may feel quite confused about what is happening, especially if the eclipse is significantly triggering something in the natal chart. This lunar eclipse will also be a super Moon (Moon at perigee, close to Earth) so it is quite strong in terms of the lunar effect. That is, in the days before and after, we may see higher than usual tides or intense storms and seismic activity, along with strong emotional energies and powerful shifts in awareness and some possibility of extreme events.

The full Moon lunar eclipse will be at ~11 degrees sidereal Pisces conjoined Ketu/South Node at ~7 degrees Pisces, so if you have important planets and points near these degrees, changes are coming and something may end or be let go, because of Pisces being the sign of endings, and Ketu’s quality of dissipation. Yet, every ending is a new beginning, and this is truer because a full Moon even when eclipsed carries some theme of fruition. So maybe if this eclipse is affecting you, there will be a great release which opens the door to something new.

Ketu in Pisces will be in exact trine to Saturn in Scorpio on September 26 adding to the intensity of the eclipse which will fall in Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra, whose shakti is “the power to bring rain,” so we may see torrential rains and possibly flooding or other kinds of water disasters around this lunation. Figuratively speaking, Uttarabhadrapada’s “rain” refers to healing, cleansing and nourishing energies. Pisces is the energy of Oneness. Stay connected within, and you will be fine.



Spring 2015

Vedic Lunar New Year and Solar Eclipse for Washington DC USA March 20 2015Winter in parts of the northern hemisphere has been quite a doozy for so many who will be especially glad to welcome spring this year. It comes on March 20, which will also be the beginning of autumn in the southern hemisphere. We also have a SUPER-New Moon / solar eclipse involving the South Node / Ketu occurring March 20, 2015, from 07:41 UTC to 11:50 UTC, with the maximum point occurring at 9:45 AM UTC. It will be total solar eclipse in Norway and the Faroe Islands, and a partial solar eclipse in Europe, northern and eastern Asia, and northern and western Africa. The spring equinox occurs later the same day at 22:45 UTC. The new Moon in sidereal Pisces always marks the beginning of the Vedic lunar new year. This day is also the beginning of India’s heavenly Divine Mother festival known as “Vasant Navratri (Navaratri),” or the “Nine Nights of Mother Divine,” when the highest aspect of Shakti, the Divine Feminine power, walks among us to bless us with healing, prosperity, and the promise of rebirth. Continue reading

Astrological Weather Report – Fourth Quarter 2014

*Please note that I base all my forecasts on the sidereal zodiac which is aligned with the starry sky, which has always been in use by most Vedic astrologers and is also used by western sidereal astrologers in the ancient Babylonian tradition. Most western astrologers use the tropical zodiac which is aligned with the equinoxes and modeled after an ancient solar calendar for the northern hemisphere. The tropical system is a stereotype of the original zodiac, an anthropomorphic projection onto the sky. The signs are symbolic and no longer relate to the actual constellations after which they were named. The sidereal zodiac is the archetypal or original pattern of the zodiac. I used the tropical system for about 25 years before converting to the sidereal zodiac in the mid-90s. The sidereal works best for me. The longitudinal difference between the position of the planets in the two zodiacs is currently around 24 degrees and the gap is growing larger all the time due to the slow westward drift of the equinoxes known as precession. Thus when I speak of Jupiter’s current transit in Cancer, many could be confused if they are not aware of this issue since tropical astrology says that Jupiter is transiting in Leo at this time. However, if you look to the sky, Jupiter is in fact transiting in the constellation of Cancer now. If you would like to read more about the zodiac controversy, I recommend you begin with Dr. Robert Powell’s History of the Zodiac.

  • Pluto—astrological symbol of power, control, secrets, conspiracies, Plutocracy, inner and outer transformation, the underworld (land of shades), death and rebirth—went direct around 10 hours or so after the equinox on September 22. Pluto had been retrograde since last April, but since it spends about half the year retrograde and half direct, this is not unusual in itself. What is unusual is that it stationed (appeared to stop) and moved in a forward direction during the highly charged magnetic balance point of the equinox window. This may add some extra intensity to the upcoming fall season. Many astrologers have speculated that this direct motion of Pluto points to many secrets being dredged up in the next weeks or even months. Perhaps it also reflects on the deadly Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Pluto stationed in the section of sidereal Sagittarius called Purva Ashadha, at ~16 degrees 55 minutes longitude, which is quite hot-natured and is sometimes associated with declarations of war and zealotry. This is in Virgo in the navamsha, which is the sign of health where Rahu (disasters and pandemics) is transiting from July 2014 until January 2016. Purva Ashadha on a positive note represents the power of invigoration, and this would exert more of a personal effect for those who have planets or chart points at this section or closely aspecting it within a degree or two, in which case, perchance something really pressing that has been in danger of dragging you along since last April (at Pluto’s retrograde) is in process of being transformed and released. Continue reading

The 2014 Mutable Grand Cross and April Eclipses

Have you been hearing about the astrological grand cross that will occur in its strongest manifestation in the third week of April? This same configuration manifested in January 2014, when it was not exact but was within close range. It slowly starts again now in late March as Mars is within a 10-degree orb of aspect and the new Moon in Pisces joins Uranus on March 30.

The grand cross will continue getting stronger through April and then slowly start to dissipate through the first few weeks of May. You could say this pattern helps define certain dynamics that we are experiencing in the first half of the civil year and especially starting now. Western astrologers who use the tropical (seasonal) zodiac view the grand cross in cardinal signs, but sidereal astrologers who follow the starry sky (like me) are tracking it in mutable signs.

In mid-April and most intensely in the third week of April, retrograde Mars will move into position in sidereal Virgo to form the grand cross with Pluto in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Gemini and Uranus in Pisces. These are tension squares (90-degree aspects) and also t-squares between all four of these planets forming a grand square — Mars and Jupiter, Jupiter and Uranus, Uranus and Pluto and Pluto and Mars. In addition, Mars opposes Uranus and Jupiter opposes Pluto, thus completing the grand cross.

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Full Blood (Hunter’s) Moon Lunar Eclipse October 18, 2013

A supercharged Full Blood (Hunter’s) Moon/Lunar Eclipse will occur on Friday, October 18. This one is an appulse or penumbral eclipse in which the Moon moves through Earth’s penumbra (partial shadow) and is slightly, not fully, dimmed.  lunar.eclipse-aHere’s what Earthsky.org has to say about it: “As the Moon rises in the east at dusk (Friday, October 18) in the continental United States, the lunar disk will be partially covered over by the Earth’s faint penumbral shadow. But you’re very unlikely to notice any shading at all on the Moon’s surface. Europe and Africa will be in a better position to see the subtle penumbral eclipse because the lunar eclipse takes place at late night (instead of evening or morning twilight). For the most of Asia, the Moon will be in eclipse as its sets at sunrise..[on] Saturday, October 19… The Moon does not dip into the Earth’s dark umbral shadow during this eclipse, so – at best – the partial penumbral eclipse may be seen as a slight shading of the Moon’s southern limb.”

indexKeep in mind that a week or so before and after a lunar eclipse can signify a time of heavy vibrations, some overall instability and emotional challenges. Unconscious or unresolved issues can surface and trigger a need for action. The lunar eclipse occurs in Aries, a sign of initiative, dynamism and forward momentum. Two weeks after the lunar eclipse will come a solar eclipse in the opposite sign of Libra on Nov. 3. This axis of Aries and Libra points to a focus on all kinds of relationshipsbetween people; between people and circumstances; between mind and body; between matter and spirit; and between nature and humanity.

Most importantly, the Aries-Libra principle is about b-a-l-a-n-c-e. How do I balance my own needs and expectations with those of others?  How do I fulfill my goals and responsibilities while also managing to keep everything else in my life in order? How do I find a sense of equipoise within, remaining centered and peaceful even amid inner conflict? Where might I need to make a compromise in my life? Is it possible to reconcile with the bare hard truth that so much of our world seems way off balance? For all of these dilemmas, some of the best advice I can offer comes from Darwi Odrade in Frank Herbert’s Dune: “There’s no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves.”

four-in-wave_1580159iAries full Moon can lend an impulsive, irritable or argumentative tone, and this is even more possible because the Moon is conjoined its arch enemy Ketu (the South Node of the Moon) and opposite the debilitated Sun, a combination which can indicate tendencies for ambiguity, thoughtlessness, “brain fog,” distrust, anxiety, antagonism, confusion, and accidents, so please take it easy out there in the coming weeks…be calm and maintain inner peace at all cost.

4ariEclipses prompt and foreshadow change and involve the whole world even if they are not strongly influencing an individual horoscope or geographical area. Sage Varahamihira said that when a lunar eclipse precedes a solar eclipse as is happening now, this foretells unrest in the world, and vice versa. The October 18 event is not a full eclipse; at maximum, only 77% of the Moon’s disk will be in the Earth’s penumbral shadow. Because of this, one could argue that its effects will be less disruptive than otherwise.

Nonetheless, yogis recommend that we rest, meditate, chant, recite mantras or do other kinds of contemplative, healing or creative practices during an eclipse because the subtle powers generated during this time are multiplied and thus are enormously conducive to healing and spiritual empowerment. Fasting from food is undertaken by yogis during the eclipse, which is itself a powerful spiritual discipline but also is done to prevent indigestion which can sometimes occur.

yoga and chakraThe timing for the eclipse is Oct. 18 at 9:53 PM UTC until Oct. 19 at 1:48 AM UTC. The maximum is at 11:50 PM UTC (near the bewitching hour!). This time translated to the US is 5:53 PM to 9:48 PM EDT and 2:53 PM to 5:48 PM PDT, with maximum at 7:50 PM EDT and 4:50 PM PDT.

Usually, I am all for “Full Moon Meditation” and often recommend the rejuvenating and devotional practice of sitting outside under the Moon to soak up the lunar radiance. However, during a lunar eclipse it is not recommended to be outside under the Moon; best is to be inside, especially for those who are either pregnant or facing a health issue.

This information about not going outside during an eclipse is considered to be controversial and not universally accepted. I follow it because it was given to us by Vedic sages who felt that the occult effects of an eclipse can be detrimental psychically and also physically in regard to health and other worldly matters. As the light of a luminary (Sun or Moon) is being cut off during an eclipse, so symbolically does our ability to access the outer light get cut off somewhat, and we are encouraged to go within and connect with the inner light of the divine Self instead. It is my feeling that recommendations for spiritual practice and admonitions about staying inside are much more important during a solar eclipse than a lunar eclipse.

SFPageThe lunar eclipse chart for the collective United States and the government in Washington DC is set for 7:37:39 PM and is erected using the sidereal zodiac (Lahiri ayanamsha), which I exclusively use. You may observe that this chart has the eclipsed Moon in the all-important first house and additionally, a very interesting configuration in the ascendant, or rising sign (lagna), which is considered a microcosm of the entire chart. This ascendant point is at 29 degrees of Aries. Aries rules new beginnings, and the full Moon generally reflects a cycle of fulfillment and completion.

However, this ascendant at the 29th degree of the sign, known as the anaretic or karmic degree, often involves some kind of trouble. This degree reflects the great impasse that is happening in Washington which will most surely be resolved but will be well past overdue. The 29th degree often means that something has to change or is changing with some immediacy, but that there is a problem involved around making a decision. Often the anaretic degree signifies that something is happening with a deficiency (too little and too late). This chart indicates that budget and debt ceiling decisions will most likely be made but will be forced or will only be a temporary fix and will have longstanding repercussions such as another credit downgrade for the US, as has been noted by Washington pundits. 

Happy (Vedic) Lunar New Year!

In the Vedic tradition of astrology, there are many different calendars and systems of reckoning time (kaala chakra). One of the most commonly used methods to determine the New Year is based on the astro-chart for the New Moon in Pisces, which occurs this year on April 10, 2013 at 5:35:17 AM, Washington, DC. This new year is called Vijaya Samvatsara (Year of Victory), repeating a 60-year cycle from the last Vijaya year in 1953. Vijaya is considered a favorable year on the whole.

So how does this new lunar year look through my astrological lens? The very short answer is that it appears overall to be a year of many challenges as well as triumphs. As reflected in the USA Vedic New Year chart in particular, it could be a somewhat remarkable year especially for the global economy.

Questions about world affairs and events come under the branch of astrology known as “Mundane Astrology” or “Mundane Horoscopy,” which analyzes collective karma shared in common via groups of people. As in all branches of astrology, and perhaps even more so with Mundane Horoscopy, professional astrologers are bound by a code of standards and ethics not to make extreme fear-inducing statements about pending turmoil or disaster. Not only is it considered ethically irresponsible to make such pronouncements, it is also not realistic.

What I mean by “not realistic” is that the future is not yet fully determined. What is coming depends to some extent on our thoughts and actions now, and also, let’s face it—the unfolding of karma remains an inexplicable mystery to a great extent. Besides, a lot of what transpires in the future depends on how we choose to interpret events. The ethical standards and guidelines of ACVA (American College of Vedic Astrology) are very clear on these matters: “Astrological variables can manifest in differing events of similar meaning… [and]… astrology cannot predict with absolute certainty the outcome of future astronomical events.”

At the same time, astrologers can certainly project cycles and trends, and in 2013 there are a few significant ones worth mentioning. Here are some highlights of the lunar new year chart set for Washington, DC:

  1. Neptune is not traditionally used in Vedic astrology, but as a Neo-Vedic astrologer I use it according to specific rules. For instance, Neptune becomes very significant when it occupies an angle of the chart, which it is here. In the first house, Neptune is said to “turn things upside down.” If afflicted, there are any number of potentially horrific indications I could discuss. However, Neptune in Aquarius is not badly afflicted, as it is disposited by its traditional ruler, Saturn, which is in the harmonious 9th house in a trine to Neptune and the first house from its exalted sign. I like to think this is an indication of advancing spirituality, cooperation and brotherly love in our societal consciousness. However, Saturn is transiting in a conjunction with the Moon’s North Node Rahu for the next year or so, and this can reflect some economic inflation; political instability; subversive/secret movements; socialistic enterprise; problems with the aviation industry; and perhaps some added focus on the war on drugs, crime, and ongoing fraud and deceptions by the FDA/Monsanto/Big Pharma, the oil and gas industry and our government in general.
  2. Sidereal Aquarius Rising in the USA chart further reflects a focus on socialistic political movements and revolutions; humanitarianism; spirituality; scientific and technological breakthroughs; and corporate reorganization.
  3. The large stellium in the 2nd house brings a focus on the economy. The Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Venus in the 2nd house in Pisces are inconjunct Saturn and Rahu (6/8 aspect) and indicate fluctuations in financial markets; loss through fraud; and possibly some kind of bank failure. There could also be a financial panic, possibly around the three upcoming eclipses in April-May and again around the eclipses next fall (October 18 lunar eclipse and November 3, solar eclipse), though this is difficult to say exactly when and if this will even occur as financial markets are not my specialty, and I have noticed, even for financial astrologers difficult to predict. I am hoping the sextile of the Pisces planets to Jupiter in Taurus/4th house will avert any such calamity. It does look like large military expenditures will be necessary. Uranus in particular reflects unexpected gains and losses; general uneasiness; a possible crash/correction of the stock market; and on the whole, the unpredictable nature of the economy this year. The second house also relates to food supplies so there seems to be some important focus here as well. Pisces as the 12th sign (the last, indicating endings) in the 2nd house signifies some karmic closure related to economic trends of the past. I assume this can also relate to the huge changes ahead in mandated health care insurance and also the big revisions that will be ongoing for our tax codes.
  4. South Node Ketu in the 3rd house could point to potential for strong earthquakes as well as a transportation disaster and a significant change in the travel industry.
  5. Jupiter in the 4th house can be promising for real estate investing, but because it is 6/8 with Saturn this may not be 100% true (for example, the real estate market has been struggling with reduced sale inventory, rising prices, and a lengthy and complicated financing process for non-cash buyers). This 6/8 also indicates potential for earthquakes. This inharmonious aspect between the two weightiest planets of dharma (Jupiter) and karma (Saturn) will end on May 31, when Jupiter transits out of Taurus into Gemini and trines Saturn.
  6. Saturn and Rahu in the 9th house/8th from the Pisces stellium point to a strong possibility that this will be yet another year of transformation; some ongoing economic uncertainty; possibly a military showdown; some kind of disease epidemic; as well as troubles with flooding, ships and the shipping industry, the Navy, and aviation industry. Probably we will hear of the retirement or death of a notable high-ranking official or officials in the US government (especially in the judiciary); and also we may experience some commotion in a religious organization or even the death of an important religious leader. The latter could relate to the recent changes in the Catholic Church that continue to rock the world.
  7. In April and May we will have three eclipses, one lunar eclipse on April 25; a solar eclipse on May 9; and another lunar eclipse on May 25. The astrological aspects in these eclipse charts look somewhat “bearish” for the stock market, and there is a dominant and troubling signature for violence, conflict and/or war that is hard to ignore especially in late April and even into the summer months (Ketu conjoined Mars and Mercury opposite Saturn conjoined Rahu in the solar eclipse chart). The essence of what these eclipse charts seem to point to can resonate for months preceding (that means now) and also for months following the actual eclipse events. So, for all of us, more prayer and more light, please! With the lunar nodes transiting in Aries and Libra for the next year, this means the eclipses will occur on this axis which symbolizes the eternal battle between dark and light; the individual versus the collective/self versus other; and war versus peace/conflict versus diplomacy.

I want to share several links to some interesting 2013 astrological forecasts posted on the Web by some of my most respected colleagues and friends, who offer these to the public without charge. It is a great service they provide, and I am personally grateful. You will see they offer some similar and some different perspectives from my own:

Winter Solstice 2012

I’ve received notices of several different happenings slated to take place on December 21, 2012, including “Birth 2012: Empowering the Movement to Birth a New Era.” Many of my friends and clients have been writing to ask me what is going on with this date.

Over the years, some 2012 researchers have coordinated a Galactic Center-Winter Solstice alignment with the end of a 13-baktun cycle in a Mayan Long Count calendar. This one calendar is believed by some to be ending on December 21, 2012. Some say that on this date, a galactic beam will hit the earth for several minutes and that this galactic light will have an awakening effect on the consciousness of our planet and its inhabitants. Nobody knows for sure. It is all conjecture.

Nice thought though, right? I kind of like the idea that many people will be coming together in prayer and meditation on this day to welcome in a higher frequency of love and light. Maybe a shift in consciousness will result from just that meeting of great minds.

Regarding any such astrological alignment on 12/21/12, it is very complicated. Here is what I know as an astrologer:

First, it is important to understand a few terms: the meaning of “Winter Solstice”; the “Winter Solstice Sun”; and the “Galactic Center.”

1. The Winter Solstice refers to the date every year *around* December 21 when the Sun reaches its maximum southern declination for the Northern Hemisphere (south of the celestial equator). On the Winter Solstice, the Sun at 12 Noon is at the lowest altitude of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. In the seasonal tropical calendar, this is the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

2. The Winter Solstice Sun refers not only to the Sun’s declination/north or south of the celestial equator on the day of Winter Solstice, but it also refers to its celestial/zodiacal longitude, i.e., its location along the band of the zodiac. On this day, if we cast a chart for sunrise at any given locale, the Sun and the ascendant of the chart are conjunct the center of the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, known as the Galactic Center.

3. The Galactic Center per the Vedic tradition is known as Vishnunabhi, the Navel of Vishnu, and is considered to be the source of all “light” (spiritual wisdom and power) in our Milky Way Galaxy. It is estimated that the celestial longitude of the Galactic Center is at ~6 deg. 20 min. of sidereal Sagittarius.

What is important to understand is that astronomically, this alignment on 12/21/12 is not unusual. It has already been taking place for the past three decades! Let me explain.

The Sun moves roughly one zodiacal or longitudinal degree per day, so that it moves around the whole zodiac (360 degrees) in a year. In its apparent passage around the zodiac, it comes into alignment with the Galactic Center once every year. The Sun is a disk and not a point, and as seen from the Earth, it spans a diameter of about a half inch to an inch in width. Because of this, the disc of the Sun appears to align with the plane of the Galactic Equator on Winter Solstice each year for a period of about 36 years. This close alignment began in 1980 and will end around 2016. This astronomical alignment is not specific to 2012!

However, there is something very compelling in that this 36-year period from 1980 to 2016 is the first time in ~26,000 years that the Winter Solstice Sun is aligned with the Galactic Center. In other words, it is fairly rare that the day of that alignment occurs in coincidence with the days surrounding the Winter Solstice. This only occurs for several decades once every ~26,000″ years.

Using Lahiri Ayanamsha, I have computed the following sidereal positions for the Sun on Winter Solstice in various years:

1. In 1980, the Sun was at 6 deg. 24 min. Sagittarius; it was closer to an alignment with the Galactic Center at this time than it is in 2012.

2. In 1998, the Sun was at 5 deg. 32 min. Sagittarius. You see it is moving away from the exact alignment now.

3. In 2011 (December 22, 2011 at 5:30 AM UTC), the Sun was at 5 deg. 58 min. of Sagittarius.

4. In 2012 (December 21, 2012 at 11:12 UTC), the Sun on Winter Solstice will be at 5 degrees 57 min. Sagittarius.

5. In 2016, the Sun will be at 5 deg. 54 min.

The gradual yearly movement of the Sun in relation to the Galactic Center is because of precession of the equinoxes, that is, the Galactic Center is slowly drifting backward just like the other constellations, in relation to our planet, due to precession of the equinoxes (which is caused in part by Earth’s tilt and wobble).

In 1800 on Winter Solstice, the Sun was at ~8 1/2 degrees Sagittarius. In 1900 on Winter Solstice, it was around 7 degrees Sagittarius. And by the way, not until ~2550 will we really be in the Age of Aquarius (when the Sun will be rising in Aquarius on the Spring Equinox), and at that time, the Sun will have moved out of Sagittarius and will be at 28 degrees of Scorpio on Winter Solstice!

Some say that on December 21, 2012, the Sun will be eclipsed by the Galactic Center. It is not technically an eclipse in the usual sense of the word; more correctly it is an alignment. These same researchers believe that this alignment is like a rebooting of our Sun’s connection to its Galactic Center, and so after this, we will experience higher frequencies of human consciousness.

Though the Sun is not being eclipsed on December 21, 2012, eclipses do have a place in this discussion. The Pleiades conjoined two different solar eclipses in 2012, which some believe represents the return of Quetzalcoatl. This is said to signify the coming of an awakening world and the emergence of a new world teacher.

IF all of this is true, I believe that it has already been happening and the wave of change has already crested. This is why we have seen so much amazing transformation on the planet since the 1980s, mostly through the rise of technology and communication and the fact that the Internet is enacting life’s living oneness (Indra’s Net), connecting us more as the One Being that we are, which perhaps is in process of causing an evolutionary leap in consciousness.

I recently read an inspiring Facebook post about 12/21/12 by professional astrologer Kenneth Johnson, who is also a serious researcher of ancient and modern Mayan culture. Ken has spent months with indigenous teachers in remote parts of Guatemala and is the author of Mayan Calendar Astrology: Mapping Your Inner Cosmos, Jaguar Wisdom: An Introduction to the Mayan Calendar, and The Mayan Prophecies: The Renewal of the World 2012-2072. Ken writes:

Of course, the Maya themselves have never perceived this [2012] cyclic change as a “doomsday” scenario – that was merely the projection of the Western world’s Christian apocalyptic values onto a culture…with an entirely different world view. They have always seen it – and continue to see it – as merely another important nodal point in an endless series of cycles of cosmic time. The elders of Momostenango are recommending these actions to their citizens for their private moments during the transitional days of December 20 and 21:

  • Turn off the computer.
  • Turn off the cell phone. 
  • Turn off the television. 
  • Experience the beauty of silence.

In terms of time keeping, I usually refer back to the yugas, vast cycles of time which are tracked in the Hindu tradition. Instead of the more traditional yugas, I ascribe to an alternate yuga system that was given to us by Swami Sri Yukteswar, a great saint and Vedic astrologer (and Yogananda’s guru). We are now in an ascending cycle of Dwarpara Yuga, the Age of Technology and Knowledge (per Sri Yukteswar’s reckoning). By my very rough calculations, the Sat Yuga, the Age of Enlightenment in which all beings will be living in a state of full grace and truth, is still some 5500 years in the future.

Sri Yukteswar’s yuga model can help us understand that we are eternal beings who reside within great cycles of time. I like to think that since we are in an ascending cycle, every day there is potential for progress to be made. Ironically, even in the 2012 material which is often seen as apocalyptic, we are challenged to awaken to who we are within all these larger phases of time. And even better, for those who are following a path to enlightened consciousness, one does not have to wait 5000+ years for Sat Yuga…it can happen in the eternal Now.

Love and light to all,

Milky Way Galaxy and Solstice Galactic Plane Alignment, photo courtesy of Earthsky.org: http://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/will-earth-pass-through-galactic-plane-in-2012

November 28, 2012 Lunar Eclipse

  • A lunar eclipse occurs on Full Moon when the light of the Moon is blocked by the Earth’s shadow (Earth is between the Sun and Moon). If the Sun and Moon are quite close to the lunar nodes (10-12 degrees), total eclipses are formed. As you get a further distance, they become partial solar or appulse lunar eclipses.
  • Appulse or Penunbral Lunar: the Moon moves through only the Earth’s penumbra and is only slightly dimmed.
  • The zodiac positions of the eclipsed Moon and eclipsing node at maximum eclipse on Nov. 28 (at exact Full Moon in the first ~10 degrees of sidereal Taurus) are considered a critical area of the zodiac for about a month afterward.
  • This will be a Ketu Lunar Eclipse, which is often about the culmination of a cycle, often indicating a time for healing and letting go emotionally to make room for a new attitudes and opportunities to emerge.
  • My friend, Sedona astrologer Haizen Paige says, “The cutting off of the light in an eclipse signals the withdrawal of light from the Earth and consequently some area of our consciousness and external life. When there is no light, a situation dies, and then there is a new beginning that takes place…eclipses have a bearing on large chunks of our life: major issues of happiness in life, our sense of aliveness, where we live, what job we’re working in, relationships, and they will sometimes bring up important health issues that we would be unwise to ignore. These areas are highlighted according to the planets and houses where the eclipses land within our natal chart.”
  • According to India’s Sage Varahamihira, an eclipse, whether visible or not, affects the entire world. If the solar eclipse were to occur at the end of the pakña (fortnight) after the lunar eclipse, then the people in general tend to become unruly and unjust and couples quarrel and divorces/separation increases. In the reverse i.e. the lunar eclipse occurring after the solar eclipse [as in this case in which we had a Solar Eclipse Nov. 13 followed by Lunar eclipse Nov. 28], the Brahmins and priests increase their prayers and people are happy and contented.
  • The Nov. 28 lunar eclipse involves an auspicious exalted Moon in sidereal Taurus which is conjoined Jupiter, so it is doubly likely that this eclipse heralds some productive, creative and overall positive spiritual energy, yet also can trigger ongoing security issues and financial concerns related to the eclipse in sidereal Taurus.
  • The Washington DC lunar eclipse chart has Mars conjoined Pluto in the Ascendant in a 6/8 inconjunct with the eclipsed Moon. In addition, from Oct. 27 to Dec. 9, 2012, Mars is traveling Out of Bounds, meaning it has passed beyond the Sun’s maximum declination. This means that Mars is acting beyond normal conditions or expectations, so that its significations (drive, ambition, zeal, heat, aggression, conflict, war, and turbulence) become somewhat intensified and unpredictable.
  • With Mars conjoined Pluto and squaring Uranus, its expression can be even more extreme. As individuals, when we are aware of and sensitive to the astral weather conditions like this, we can make a difference just by consciously cultivating more peace within. In order to make the most of the enhanced electromagnetic potential of the eclipse, it is recommended that we meditate, chant, and pray (around 14:00-15:00 UT on Nov. 28). Spiritual practices are said to lend exponentially positive results when performed during this time.
  • Here’s the Sidereal wheel chart for the USA Washington DC Lunar Eclipse: