Spring Equinox, March 19-20, 2020

In the northern hemisphere, the spring/vernal equinox occurred on Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 11:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, which was March 20 at 3:39 AM Universal Time. To find the exact time for your locale, visit time and date.com

This is the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere, but since I live in the northern half of the world, I mainly focus on the vernal equinox in this article. That said, both vernal and autumnal equinoxes universally represent a time when the earth energies as well as our own bio-energetic systems are dramatically shifting gears, so our emotional and physical health can be quite sensitive, and we need extra rest and care to protect our life force and to help us stay steady.

On the equinoxes, day and night are nearly of equal length throughout most parts of the world: “equi” means equal, and “nox” means night. The equinoxes are thus seen as balance points in the Earth’s seasonal cycle, when Mother Nature undergoes something akin to an electromagnetic reboot. Vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere is traditionally celebrated as a time of rebirth when the solar cycle begins to expand, as the days are becoming longer and warmer and the natural world is beginning to come back to life.

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Vedic Lunar New Year 2020: Sharvari (Sarvari) Nama Samvatsara

One of the many New Year charts used in Vedic astrology is based on the New Moon in Pisces, when the Sun and Moon conjoin in the same celestial longitude (conjunction) in the Pisces constellation. This is known as the culmination of the New Moon in pratipada tithi. (Please note that I am a sidereal astrologer and use the sidereal zodiac exclusively). The New Moon in Pisces is called Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, the first synodic lunar day (tithi) of the waxing Moon (shukla paksha) in the Vedic month of Chaitra (late March to late April).

References in the Brahma Purana and the Chaturvarga Chintamani of Hemadri state that Lord Brahma created the universe on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. So simply, every year we celebrate the beginning of the Vedic Lunar New Year at the same astrological point that Lord Brahma created the universe! In this current year of 2020, Chaitra Shukla Pratipada tithi falls on March 24 for the U.S., and is set for the capital in Washington D.C., at 5:28:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time (which is 9:28:04 AM UTC). The horoscope for the Vedic New Year for the U.S. is calculated for this place, date, and time. Continue reading

2019 Novel Coronavirus

In my 2020 astrological forecasts, I have often mentioned the possibility of a Black Swan “X” event or events in 2020, and specifically in February, and also especially in the first and last quarters of 2020. Many people are writing to ask me if the rapidly accelerating 2019 Novel Coronavirus is one of the Black Swan events I was talking about. If it is, which it may well be, I don’t believe it will be the devastating plague that many fear, whereby I specifically mean it shouldn’t have a large fatality rate (it may be more like a bad flu season in terms of the fatality rate). This is based on my mundane astrology research into current planetary cycles as well as a look back to the worst pandemics in history, which were, as follows:

  • Antonine Plague of Galen 156 AD (possibly smallpox or measles, killed 5 million people and decimated the Roman army)
  • Plague of Justinian (Bubonic Plague) of 541-542 (killed 25 million)
  • Black Death (Bubonic Plague) of 1346-53 (killed 75-200 million people)
  • Asiatic or Russian Flu Pandemic of 1889-90 (killed 1 million people)
  • Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-20 (killed 20-50 million people)
  • Asian Flu of 1956-58 (killed 2 million people)
  • Hong Kong Flu of 1968 (killed 1 million people)

In my research, I used specific astrological significators for viral and bacterial infections and outbreaks. Note that when any of these influence each other by a challenging aspect (square, opposition, conjunction, or quincunx), the implications become very strong for X events related to infectious disease outbreaks and pandemics. The more of these aspects there are, the more intense the outbreak. The quincunx or inconjunct aspect, also known as shasta-ashtakam or “6/8” in Vedic astrology, involves planets that are simultaneously six and eight houses from each other. Six houses apart represents a 150-degree aspect, and eight houses apart represents a 210-degree aspect. The quincunx is among the most important aspects for health matters as it specifically represents physical illness. The following are the most important astrological significators for viral and bacterial infections and outbreaks:

  • The Moon’s South Node (known as Ketu in Vedic astrology), rules febrile illness, bacteria and viruses, and epidemics/pandemics
  • The Moon’s North Node (known as Rahu in Vedic astrology), represents imbalances of the air humor including respiratory diseases, also epidemics/pandemics
  • Cancer is the astrological sign that represents respiratory illness that includes coughs
  • Aries is the astrological sign for contagious disease
  • Neptune is the main planet for microorganisms (viruses and bacteria) and the immune system, and is always implicated in global epidemics
  • Chiron is a comet/asteroid/minor planet that can indicate high mortality rates
  • Uranus is the planet that points to traumatic and shocking events that proceed quickly
  • Pluto represents contagions and also viral mutations and replications
  • Jupiter is often connected to epidemics
  • Saturn is a planet of chronic health issues that will last a long time
  • Mars is often a trigger for epidemics but I am not looking at that so much in this research
  • Mercury represents respiratory issues
  • Hades is an asteroid which represents sorrow, suffering, and death

(Please note that in my work and research as a Neo-Vedic astrologer, I always use the sidereal zodiac, not the tropical system used by many western astrologers, and I use fairly close orbs for the outer planets, around 3-5 zodiacal degrees)

In most of the astrological charts for the events listed above, Ketu was either in Gemini or Virgo which are ruled by Mercury (Hong Kong Flu, Spanish Flu, Black Death, Plague of Justinian, and Antonine Plague). In the Novel Coronavirus chart, Ketu is in Sagittarius as it was in the Russian Flu pandemic of 1889. In several of the previous events, Mercury was in its retrograde cycle in air signs as it is in 2020. This is concerning and suggests at the very least that it will be a year with higher than usual respiratory ailments, as with both Influenza and the Novel Coronavirus.

In the previous cases, Neptune was always involved in challenging aspects. It was:

  • Conjunct Pluto (Russian Flu)
  • Opposed Pluto (Antonine)
  • Square Hades (Russian Flu)
  • Opposed Hades (Asian 56 Flu)
  • Square the lunar nodes (Justinian)
  • Square Jupiter/Chiron (Black Death)
  • Conjunct Saturn (Russian and Spanish Flu)
  • Square Uranus (Asian 56 Flu)
  • Quincunx Saturn (Honk Kong Flu)

Here below are the astrological charts for December 8, 2019 when the first patient cases were reported, and for December 31, 2019 when the outbreak was first revealed to the World Health Organization (WHO):

Note that in these charts, Neptune is not involved in any important aspects to the other significators mentioned above, other than a brief square with Mars in late January and early February, which I mention further on. This suggests to me that this will not be a catastrophic global pandemic, meaning it will not have high a fatality rate, relatively speaking.

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2020 Astrological Alignments and Shifts

2020 looks to be a very interesting year, with so many major planetary alignments and shifts happening. I list and discuss some of the most important ones in this article:

(Please note, I am a Vedic astrologer and all of my work is based on the sidereal zodiac, Lahiri ayanamsa. I do not use the tropical zodiac coordinates used by most western astrologers.)

1. Pluto and Saturn will make a rare conjunction on January 12, 2020, two days after the full Moon/penumbral lunar eclipse in sidereal Gemini, which will occur two weeks after the big Sagittarian solar eclipse of December 25-26, 2019. Starting the year off between these two eclipses and a rare planetary conjunction suggests a lot of intense changes and events in 2020.

The conjunction of Pluto and Saturn occurs every 30-35 years and has in times past been associated with danger, disasters, conflict, crisis, and socio-political upheaval including wars or economic upheaval. Using an effective 3-degree orb, Saturn and Pluto conjunction is in place in 2019-20 from:

  • April into June 2019, in late Sagittarius
  • December 2019 until January 23, 2020, with the exact conjunction occurring on January 12, 2020, in late Sagittarius
  • January 23 to February 18, 2020, in an out-of-sign conjunction with Pluto in late Sagittarius and Saturn in early Capricorn
  • September 10 to October 13, 2020 in an out-of-sign conjunction with Pluto in late Sagittarius and Saturn in early Capricorn

Some instances when the Saturn-Pluto conjunction happened previously include:

  • In 1786 in sidereal Capricorn, during the time that Shays Rebellion occurred in Western Massachusetts (from 1786-87). It was an armed uprising in opposition to a debt crisis among the citizenry and the state government’s increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades. This was an important watershed moment that brought attention to serious weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation that prevented the national government from effectively managing the country’s finances.
  • In 1819-1820 in sidereal Pisces. During this time, the Panic of 1819 ensued. It was the first major peacetime financial crisis in the United States that was followed by a general collapse of the American economy that persisted through 1821.
  • In 1914-1916 in sidereal Gemini, during World War I which lasted from 1914-18.
  • In 1947 in sidereal Cancer, when India became independent from the British Empire following the Independence Movement led by Mahatma Gandhi and his message of nonviolent resistance. This is also the period when the Cold War began in response to the Truman Doctrine.
  • In 1982-83 in sidereal Virgo and Libra, during the height of the AIDS epidemic which was also a period when there were three significant political assassinations or assassination attempts: Pope John Paul was wounded by a gunman; Anwar el-Sadat was killed by Islamic extremists; and President Reagan was also wounded by a gunman.

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2020 New Year Chart at the December 21, 2019 Solstice

Our Sun transits in the Galactic Center in the third week of December from the 17th to the 22nd. Known in the Vedic tradition as Vishnunabhi, the Navel of Lord Vishnu, the Galactic Center spans from about two to seven degrees of sidereal Sagittarius. This center is the source of cosmic light and creative power for our whole Milky Way Galaxy including the solar system in which we live. Our Sun is recharged and rejuvenated through an “energetic upgrade” when it transits here, just in time for the new year ahead.

The solstice occurred on December 21, 2019 at 11:19 PM EST (December 22, 2019 at 4:19 AM UTC). This was the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, and summer solstice in the southern. The winter solstice is the beginning of the solar new year — the Sun’s waxing half of the year — known as uttarayana in Vedic astrology. It extends from the winter to the summer solstice and is the time when the gods have awakened from their slumber. Uttarayana is considered the most fruitful half of the year for establishing anything of material or worldly consequence. In the southern hemisphere at the December 21 summer solstice, it is the beginning of dakshinayana — the Sun’s waning half of the year — the half of the year for purification and healing, when the gods are in their sleep cycle. These cycles are reversed between the two hemispheres. Continue reading

December 2019 Solar Eclipse

A solar annular eclipse will occur on December 26, 2019. An appulse (penumbral) lunar eclipse will follow two weeks later on January 10, 2020. This article is mostly about the solar eclipse, and I will write more about the lunar eclipse at a later date.

(Please note that I am a sidereal Vedic astrologer and my calculations are based on the sidereal zodiac, Lahiri ayanamsa, not on the tropical calendar used by most western astrologers.)

An eclipse occurs when the luminaries align in a particular way with the lunar nodes. The lunar nodes are two opposing points on the Sun’s apparent path known as the “ecliptic,” where the Moon crosses on either 1) the ascending path, known as the North Node, Rahu, the Dragon’s Head, or Caput Draconis; or 2) the descending path, known as the South Node, Ketu, the Dragon’s Tail, or Cauda Draconis. The term “eclipse” is derived from the term “ecliptic.”

An eclipse can occur even if the luminaries are not exactly conjoined the lunar nodes. The eclipses happen exactly on the New and Full Moon, but because of the Moon’s tilt to the ecliptic and the Earth, an eclipse does not happen every Full or New Moon. In other words, there are specific astronomical parameters required for an eclipse to occur. Continue reading

Astrology of Impeachment, November 2019

As President Trump is now the subject of a formal impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives, I studied the birth charts and progressed cycles (dashas and transits) of the three other U.S. Presidents who were subjected to formal impeachment proceedings: President Andrew Johnson, President Richard Nixon, and President William Clinton. I also studied horoscopes for the United States and also looked at various progressed charts for the United States horoscope (including several dashas) to see if I could recognize any consistent patterns. My hope was to be able to prognosticate on the outcome of the current impeachment inquiry involving President Trump.

I did find one possible pattern of interest which is in the Presidents’ horoscopes involving the transit of Jupiter (Guru), the astrological planet known as the “great benefic” and “Dev Guru” (teacher of the gods), who is the giver of divine grace that removes our greatest obstacles. Guru’s placement reveals the role of providence that is a result of past meritorious deeds. It represents divine protection and good fortune if well-placed in the horoscope by transit (and natally); and if not well-placed, may not be able to offer the individual as much positive support.

(Note: I use the sidereal system of astrology, Lahiri ayanamsa).

President Andrew Johnson was impeached on February 24, 1868, one day after a solar annular “Ketu” eclipse in Aquarius in the malefic sixth house of his birth chart. An eclipse in the sixth house points to this kind of event as this is the house that rules enmity, conflict, attacks, and legal proceedings. At the time of the impeachment, Jupiter, the planet of divine protection, law, and justice, was also transiting in a weakened position in President Johnson’s sixth house. On May 16, 1868, President Johnson was acquitted (by the Senate), as Jupiter had by then transited out of the sixth house and into the more harmonious seventh house of agreements and alliances, where it was now also in a more favorable position in its own sign of Pisces. When Jupiter transits in the seventh house, it is said that diplomacy and statesmanship will prevail; and as Jupiter directly aspects the first house from the seventh house, it has potential to grace the individual or entity with auspicious outcomes.

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Rare Transit of Mercury on November 11, 2019

A rare transit of Mercury across the face of the Sun will take place on November 11, 2019. Mercury will pass directly in front of the Sun and appear as a tiny black dot moving across the disk of the Sun. This event will be visible in the western part of the world but not in Asia, Australia, or New Zealand. According to EarthSky.org,

Mercury will come into view on the sun’s face around 7:36 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (12:36 Universal Time). It’ll make a leisurely journey across the sun’s face, reaching greatest transit (closest to sun’s center) at approximately 10:20 a.m. EST (15:20 Universal Time) and finally exiting around 1:04 p.m. EST (18:04 Universal Time). Translate to your time zone here. The entire 5 1/2 hour path across the sun will be visible across the U.S. East – with magnification and proper solar filters – while those in the U.S. West can observe the transit already in progress after sunrise.

Image Credit: When Mercury swung in front of the Sun on November 8, 2006, it appeared as a small black dot (lower right of center), not nearly as conspicuous as the big sunspot at the left edge of the solar disk. Photo by Brocken Inaglory. Earthsky.org

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Jupiter in Sagittarius: November 4, 2019

According to Vedic astrology, Jupiter is the planet of dharma, a Sanskrit term that refers to “cosmic order” as well as truth, duty, conduct, purpose, right livelihood, and the life path. Jupiter will be moving into its own magnificent sidereal sign of Sagittarius on November 4 at 6:45 PM Eastern Time. All of us will be experiencing many inner and outer changes over the coming year during this amazing transit.

Using a 48-minute orb on either side of the Sagittarius ingress, the gandanta transit is in place from October 31 until November 8. This marks a point of necessary transformation of something within us and in our lives that may feel unresolved, unsettled, burdened, possessed, “stuck,” and in need of a change. As Jupiter transits in the gandanta, this could be connected to our personal beliefs, finances (wealth), children, and to whatever houses Jupiter rules and occupies in the natal chart, and also to the areas of the natal chart being triggered by the gandanta transit. Here are the Jupiter Sagittarius Ingress charts below in the sidereal wheel and North and South Indian formats (using Lahiri ayanamsa):

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Equinox Balance Point: September 23, 2019

As I write this, “equinox cracks” are opening in the Earth’s magnetic field as the northern autumnal equinox is a week away. These cracks or fissures which typically form in Earth’s magnetosphere around the autumnal equinox allow solar wind to penetrate and create bright displays of the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. The equinox will occur on Monday, September 23 at 3:50 AM Eastern Time (7:50 AM UTC). In the northern hemisphere, it will be autumnal equinox, and in the southern hemisphere, it will be spring.

From the Latin “aequus”/equal and “nox”/night, the equinox occurs when the Sun in its apparent path along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator, and day and night are of equal length all across the earth. The fall and spring equinoxes mark seasonal cycles as well as cycles within the human energetic system. The two are very much connected, “As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without.”

The Earth has an electromagnetic field separated by the equator into the northern and southern hemispheres. The magnetic flow of the northern hemisphere moves clockwise, and that of the southern hemisphere moves counterclockwise. The terrestrial equator projected out onto the celestial equator forms a band of zero magnetism. On the equinoxes, the Sun passes over this zero field, creating a still point in which the Earth’s magnetic energies reach their lowest ebb, at which time the entire Earth becomes intensely bathed in higher astral (spiritual or cosmic) forces. This period of increased etheric radiation extends from the day before to the day after the equinox, so for about 48 hours total.

The equinoxes (as well as solstices and monthly sun sign ingresses) are known as sankrantis in Vedic astrology. Because the sankrantis represent the Sun’s transitional energy, classical Muhurta (elective astrology) considers it a “dosha” or detriment to begin anything that should be of lasting importance within three days before and after the ayanas (solstices), and within one day either side of the visuvas (equinoxes). In regard to this upcoming equinox, we should avoid beginning anything new or setting anything important into motion (like an important communication, trip, job, new home, business, relationship, or medical procedure, etc.) starting at 3:50 AM Eastern Time/7:50 UTC on September 22 until 3:50 AM Eastern Time/7:50 AM UTC on September 24). Whatever is begun at these times may not give the expected result, or may not be brought to a healthy conclusion or give a successful long term result. However, equinoxes and solstices are wonderful times for introspective practices and spiritual ceremonies.

The time around the fall equinox marks a turning point, a time of rebalancing, rebirth, and inner or outer change, when not only the Earth herself but also each one of us goes through an electromagnetic adjustment as we begin to turn more inward. (Of course this is the opposite in the southern hemisphere). The fall equinox has long been celebrated as a time of annual renewal by most of the world’s spiritual traditions. As the natural world (in the northern hemisphere where I live) begins to let go and draw within, so are we asked to take time for inner reflection and healing in order to restore balance to our lives as we prepare for the colder introspective “yin” seasons of the year.

The energy of the fall season is all about “letting go and letting God.” This is because the element associated with fall is ether (akash), the prime latent elemental force that endlessly flows directly from Divine Source through all of creation. Ether is associated with the element “metal” in the Chinese Five-Element system, and is associated with the vata dosha (and vata season) according to Ayurveda (vata = air + ether elements). According to Dr. Randolph Stone, creator of Polarity Therapy, the ether element is “the river from which all other rivers [elements] flow.” In the fall season, nature gives us an opportunity to deeply reconnect with this ultimate source of our power.

The basic qualities of balanced ether are spaciousness, tranquility, humility, and acceptance. Ether can evoke feelings of grief and contraction when it is imbalanced or obstructed. In other words, we experience the sorrow of loss and a sense of meaninglessness when we are disconnected from Source. By allowing ourselves the space to grieve and mourn our losses, we can bring balance.

In addition, the ether element flows more freely within us when we remain fully grounded in the present moment; when we acknowledge and speak our truth; and, when we align our willpower with a higher meaning and purpose. The part of ourselves that is beyond form and flux is revealed through the ether element. Through a regular practice of meditation, inner stillness and listening, we can open the channel of ether and access a profound sense of inner calm during this season.

Stepping down through the higher chakras, the ether element is seated in the throat chakra, where it influences the thyroid gland (metabolism) and is associated with willpower; communication; creativity; truthfulness; and, integrity. From the throat center, ether concentrates in the cerebrospinal fluid, and then moves out into the lymphatic system, and then, into the synovial fluid of the joints.

As many parts of our bodies are full of space, ether is everywhere besides just in the joints, cerebrospinal and lymphatic fluids; it is in the ears (and thus relates to hearing); all the intracellular and extracellular spaces; sinus and nasal passages; the lungs; mouth, stomach and intestines; uterus; bladder; and, kidney spaces. With so many bodily systems and networks being activated in the season of ether, it becomes more clear that the autumnal change of season has a powerful effect on our health and well-being, which is why we need to be mindful and take good care. To that effect, here’s a link to a great Yoga Digest article with important tips on how to Nurture Vata (Autumn Season) Gracefully. (In many areas, Vata season tends to run from late September through February, but this differs a bit according to different geographical climate zones).

As the equinox looms, there’s a sense of intensity “in the air,” so it’s important to be aware as our bodies and minds are more vulnerable than usual. In addition, Saturn, the Lord of Karma, is stationing direct on September 18 after having been retrograde since late April. His stationary period is felt for five days before and after the station. For some, it can feel like a relief valve opening up so that something(s) in our lives may soon start to break free and and move forward. In the Vedic calendar, we are also in the Pitru Paksha season from September 13-28, the time for honoring the ancestors. When this two-week period comes to a close, Sharad (Ashwin) Navaratri will begin, the most important nine-night Mother Divine festival of the year which is set aside for worshiping and celebrating Devi Durga Mata and asking for her blessings.

Happy Equinox, with love and light from Juliana!