Rare Transit of Mercury on November 11, 2019

A rare transit of Mercury across the face of the Sun will take place on November 11, 2019. Mercury will pass directly in front of the Sun and appear as a tiny black dot moving across the disk of the Sun. This event will be visible in the western part of the world but not in Asia, Australia, or New Zealand. According to EarthSky.org,

Mercury will come into view on the sun’s face around 7:36 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (12:36 Universal Time). It’ll make a leisurely journey across the sun’s face, reaching greatest transit (closest to sun’s center) at approximately 10:20 a.m. EST (15:20 Universal Time) and finally exiting around 1:04 p.m. EST (18:04 Universal Time). Translate to your time zone here. The entire 5 1/2 hour path across the sun will be visible across the U.S. East – with magnification and proper solar filters – while those in the U.S. West can observe the transit already in progress after sunrise.

Image Credit: When Mercury swung in front of the Sun on November 8, 2006, it appeared as a small black dot (lower right of center), not nearly as conspicuous as the big sunspot at the left edge of the solar disk. Photo by Brocken Inaglory. Earthsky.org

Thirteen or fourteen such transits of Mercury occur per century, and they always occur in May or November. The last four transits occurred on November 15, 1999; May 7, 2003; November 8, 2006; and May 9, 2016. After the one on November 11, the next will not occur until 2032 and 2039. “But, [According to Sky and Telescope,] if you live in the United States, the Sun will be below the horizon for both, making this year’s transit the last visible until November 7, 2049.” Not only astronomically, but astrologically too, this is a very special event indeed, as follows:

  • Mercury will be at the same longitude, declination, right ascension, and azimuth as the Sun and halfway through its retrograde phase in its “inferior conjunction.”
  • Mercury will be a bullseye in the heart of the Sun at the exact conjunction time (at 10:21:35 AM EST/3:21:35 PM UTC). This is called Cazimi according to Medieval astrology. The Cazimi phase actually extends for the whole period that Mercury is transiting the face of the Sun, from around 7:36 AM EST to 1:04 PM EST. During that period, the longitudinal difference between the Sun and Mercury will be within about 16 minutes which is the true definition of Cazimi.
  • Cazimi is a Latin transliteration of the Arabic term kaṣmīmī, which means “as if in the the heart”. The Arabic term appears to be a translation of the Greek term egkardios (ἐγκάρδιος), which literally means “in the heart”. When a planet is Cazimi, it becomes “wondrous strong” according to Ptolemy.
  • In this case, there is a fusing of Mercury (the intellect) with the Sun (the soul). According to Esoteric astrology, the Sun is the mediator between Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter, whereas Mercury is the place where ideas take form. Mercury, the symbol of our mental processes and the illuminating principle of life, will fuse with the Sun, our physical consciousness and the vehicle of our life force and creative potential. The period of the approximate five-and-a-half-hour transit will be a potent time for meditation and especially manifestation rituals.
  • The conjunction of Mercury and the Sun will take place in Libra constellation at 25 degrees; in Vishakha nakshatra and Taurus navamsa; and conjunct the auspicious fixed star Zuben Elschemali, a pale emerald star marking the northern scale of Libra. Libra is the sign of commerce and trade which will benefit from this conjunction. Libra also symbolizes the universal hope for peace and harmony. Vishakha nakshatra points to “burning desire,” and Taurus is the pushkara navamsa that gives abundance and fulfillment on the material plane.
  • When any planet is Cazimi, it acts as if the planet has been given an audience with the King. Mercury will thus be empowered by the Sun, and Mercury’s themes will be purified and energized by this meeting. These themes in mundane astrology revolve around the literary world (including media and journalism); trade and commerce; all kinds of agreements; travel; communication; technology; education, and the intellectual realm.
  • At the inferior conjunction halfway through the retrograde cycle, Mercury, planet of magic, mystery, and alchemy, is undergoing a rejuvenation process in the depths of the underworld. Since “as above, so below, as within, so without,” Mercury symbolizes our own consciousness undergoing a deep alchemical process of transformation at this time,
  • The inferior conjunction of Mercury is comparable to a “New Moon” phase of Mercury, a time to tune in and seed new ideas and energies; start a new regime; and set new intentions (such as in creative visualization and manifestation rituals as already mentioned above). We may be more receptive than usual to any new information coming in, as perception may be heightened, so pay attention! Whatever is set into motion now could transpire quickly and powerfully since the actual Full Moon will occur the next day on the morning of November 12. This is because New Moons (which the inferior conjunction acts like) are for planting/starting anew, whereas Full Moons are for harvesting and enjoying the fulfillment of our efforts.
  • Wherever the conjunction occurs in a natal or mundane chart in terms of the house (bhava) it occupies and any natal planets or angle cusps it aspects will be ignited with new awareness and potential, as the energy of Mercury and the Sun coming together like this has exponentially positive creative power.
  • It’s fascinating to me that the ascendant of the chart for the exact transit conjunction in Washington DC is the same ascendant (9 degrees Sagittarius) for the United States (Kelleher) birth chart which is at 8 deg. 59 minutes Sagittarius. In both charts, the conjunction occurs in the 11th house of gains where it forms dharma-karma adhipati raja yoga, an auspicious “king-making” combination for power, purpose, action, good fortune, and all possibility. This yoga is formed by the conjunction of the Sun ruling the 9th house (dharma sthana) with Mercury ruling the 10th house (karma sthana). This should bode very well for President Trump’s administration (10th house), and for the judiciary as well as foreign affairs (9th house). At the same time, Mars is sandhi (unstable at the 0 degree) and conjoined the MC (representing all governing bodies). This is in the transit chart as well as the U.S. birth chart and indicates the contentious “warlike” conditions that exist between the political parties in the U.S. Congress at this time and between the Democratic party and the White house. The situation is also seen through the placement of Venus, the 11th lord (Congress), in a weakened position in the 12th house of hidden enemies and secret affairs.

Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real.
Oh God, lead us from darkness to light.
Oh God, lead us from death to immortality.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all.
Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace in celestial regions.
May there be peace on earth.
May the waters be appeasing.
May herbs be wholesome, and may trees and plants bring peace to all.
May all beneficent beings bring peace to us.
May the Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world.
May all things be a source of peace to us.
And may thy peace itself bestow peace on all and may that peace come to me also.

With Love and light from Juliana!