Jupiter in Sagittarius: November 4, 2019

According to Vedic astrology, Jupiter is the planet of dharma, a Sanskrit term that refers to “cosmic order” as well as truth, duty, conduct, purpose, right livelihood, and the life path. Jupiter will be moving into its own magnificent sidereal sign of Sagittarius on November 4 at 6:45 PM Eastern Time. All of us will be experiencing many inner and outer changes over the coming year during this amazing transit.

Using a 48-minute orb on either side of the Sagittarius ingress, the gandanta transit is in place from October 31 until November 8. This marks a point of necessary transformation of something within us and in our lives that may feel unresolved, unsettled, burdened, possessed, “stuck,” and in need of a change. As Jupiter transits in the gandanta, this could be connected to our personal beliefs, finances (wealth), children, and to whatever houses Jupiter rules and occupies in the natal chart, and also to the areas of the natal chart being triggered by the gandanta transit. Here are the Jupiter Sagittarius Ingress charts below in the sidereal wheel and North and South Indian formats (using Lahiri ayanamsa):

Jupiter briefly came into Sagittarius last spring from March 29 to April 22. At that time, I blogged about the transit of Jupiter, the Dev Guru, in the Galactic Center where he is again now. This information which you can access on my Facebook page pertains now again as Jupiter is transiting back in the Galactic Center from late October until around the second week of December.

Jupiter will transit in sidereal Sagittarius from November 4, 2019 until March 29, 2020. From March 29 until late June 2020, it will transit with Saturn and Pluto in sidereal Capricorn, and then will return to Sagittarius where it will remain until November 20, 2020, at which point it will re-enter sidereal Capricorn.

The time before last March-April 2019 when Jupiter transited in Sagittarius was from November 21, 2007 until December 9, 2008. So if you recall what was happening for you then, you might have some sense of how this transit will work again for your natal chart. This is not an exact gauging device though, because in the years since 2007-2008, you have entered a new developmental phase, and life has changed a great deal, no doubt.

We always need to consider the background of our lives before reading the astrological chart. This is known as desha-kala-patra in the Vedic tradition, meaning place-time-circumstance, the elements of life which form the foundation as well as the byproduct of individual and collective karmic experiences. In addition to this, the other planetary transits were different 12 years ago, too—for instance, the lunar nodes which form the karmic axis were in a different transiting axis then, and Saturn (main planet of karma) was transiting in a different sign then, too. Your progressed cycles (dashas etc.) would have been different then, as well.

Regardless of all that, some of the similar Jupiterian themes experienced in 2007-2008 might play out for us again. This Jupiter transit is something I am focusing on in my consultations now as it reflects a very significant shift for everyone, though more so for some, depending on the houses in the natal chart ruled by Jupiter, the placement of Jupiter in that chart, and the progressed birth chart cycles.

In mundane (world) astrology, Jupiter is the planet of banks, capitalism, commerce, religion, politics, the judiciary, beliefs, publishing, education and knowledge. Jupiter’s energy is expansive, and Sagittarius is Jupiter’s moolatrikona sign where Jupiter is “at home” and thus strong and beneficial. This sign transit can bring Jupiterian expansion to Jupiterian matters.

Alien Planet, Jupiter, Ocean, Stars

The less-evolved expression of Jupiter in Sagittarius can be self-righteous; conceited; hypocritical; careless; grandiose; and zealous. Jupiter’s higher expression in Sagittarius can signify deep blessings and good fortune. Positive significations of Jupiter in Sagittarius include morality and lawfulness; truthfulness and fairness; non-partisanship; enthusiasm; generosity; courage; and optimism. It is philosophical, inspirational, and humanitarian, and such indications are further suggested as Jupiter will conjoin Ketu in its transit, a combination for awakening of consciousness and unbelievable revelations such as the ongoing UFO/ET Disclosure which we may hope to experience more of from late 2019 into late 2020.

Sagittarius, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac, Sign, Symbol

Jupiter will conjoin Saturn, Pluto, and Ketu already in Sagittarius, but Saturn will leave Sagittarius on January 23, 2020. Until then, economic markets could possibly show some volatility as with the Panic of 1901 which was the first crash of the NYSE when Saturn and Jupiter conjoined in sidereal Sagittarius. The last time Jupiter transited in Sagittarius in 2007-2008 we had the global financial crisis. If there were to be any impending financial crisis, I wonder if it might simply be a short-lived recession. I say this because of a 1961 analog when Jupiter and Saturn similarly conjoined in Capricorn and the 1960-61 recession ended. In 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will conjoin in sidereal Capricorn in the second and fourth quarters.

I hope to make time in my busy schedule of client readings and healing sessions to write more soon about the upcoming astrological forecast for 2020 which will be a massive game changer!

Milky Way, Solar System, Space, Star, Galaxy, Center