Saturn Retro, May 23 to October 10, 2021

Saturn will station retrograde on Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 5:19 AM Eastern Time (9:19 AM UTC), and will remain retrograde until October 10, 2021 at 10:17 PM Eastern Time (October 11 at 2:17 AM UTC). The retrograde station occurs at 19 degrees 21 minutes of sidereal Capricorn, and the direct station at 12 degrees 43 minutes in the same constellation. As Saturn transits back over a span of about six and a-half degrees to the degree where he transited last February, some of us will be reevaluating decisions and revising plans made since then.

This retrograde area occupies Shravana (Sravana) nakshatra in Gemini navamsa, which carries several possible themes of influence: media and communication; and for some, spiritual aspirations, the search for knowledge and wisdom, learning to listen to our higher calling, and connecting to a higher field of understanding (receptiveness); also, a desire for collaboration with others; a focus on the need for law and order; and in its lower expression, ideological conflict, debt, poverty, malaise, and pessimism. Continue reading

Transiting Lunar Nodes in Conjunction with the Aldebaran-Antares Axis (June-July, 2021)

In June and July 2021, the transiting lunar nodes, known as Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology, will conjoin the Royal Stars Aldebaran and Antares. Using the mean node calculation, the exact conjunction will occur June 15, but is within an effective two-degree orb of influence from April 9 to August 10. Using the true node calculation, the exact conjunction will occur on July 12, with the effective two-degree orb of influence extending from May 8 until July 23.

The lunar nodes in astrology are not corporeal planets but are given equal status to the corporeal planets as they represent the hidden forces driving our destiny. They signify the karmic axis, that is, the lessons we must experience in order to bring karmic balance and to further evolution. Astrologers observe the nodal transiting movements as they move around the zodiac, in order to get some idea about the kinds of events that will unfold. We also look at the transiting nodes in relation to natal or mundane birth charts in order to know where to bring necessary attention and focus. I wrote in July 2020 about the lunar nodes transiting in Taurus and Scorpio … from September 23, 2020 until April 12, 2022 (using mean nodes) or from September 19, 2020 until March 16, 2022 (using true nodes). Continue reading

Mesha Sankranti: The Sun’s Aries Ingress, 2021

On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, at 9:02:11 PM UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), and at 5:02:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, the Sun enters the Aries constellation, known as the Sun’s Aries Ingress. This is according to the actual observable sidereal zodiac. According to the Vedic tradition, the Sun’s Aries ingress is known as Mesha Sankranti, and also Sankramana. It is celebrated as the solar new year in Vedic astrology and in many of the rich and varied cultural traditions of India. The astrological horoscope for Mesha Sankranti is read with specific rules by mundane astrologers in forecasting the year ahead.

The horoscope for Mesha Sankranti is a good one to use for matters related to business, commerce, and government. Some areas of India use this for the New Year chart instead of the lunar chart. Even for those using the latter, the Mantri or Prime Minister of the Year is usually calculated according to the planetary lord of the day on which the Sun enters Aries. In North and South America, Europe, and Africa, Mars is the Prime Minister of the Year, as the ingress occurs on a Tuesday, and the Vedic day extends from sunrise to sunrise. According to mundane astrology, when Mars is the Prime Minister, it is said to indicate “unrighteous kings [leaders], less trade, little rain, and trouble by weapons and fire.” Because the Vedic lunar new year chart does indicate copious rains, I think it will be mixed according to different regions. Mars is at the zero degree of Gemini in the ingress chart, in an exact harmonious sextile (3/11 aspect) to the Sun, which represents a good deal of positive, vital, creative, energetic, and enterprising energy to help propel us as we move forward into the new solar year, and especially for this next month ahead. Continue reading

Vedic Lunar New Year 2021: Plava Nama Samvatsara

One of the many New Year charts used in Vedic astrology is based on the New Moon in Pisces, when the Sun and Moon conjoin in the same celestial longitude (conjunction) in the Pisces constellation. This is known as the culmination of the New Moon in the pratipada tithi. (Please note that I am a sidereal astrologer and use the sidereal zodiac exclusively). The New Moon in Pisces is called Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, the first synodic lunar day (tithi) of the waxing Moon (shukla paksha) in the Vedic month of Chaitra.

References in the Brahma Purana and the Chaturvarga Chintamani of Hemadri state that Lord Brahma created the universe on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. So simply, every year we celebrate the beginning of the Vedic Lunar New Year at the same astrological point that Lord Brahma created the universe! In this current year of 2021, the New Moon culminates in the Chaitra Shukla Pratipada tithi on April 11, 2021 in the U.S. capital of Washington D.C., at 10:30:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, and on April 12 at 2:30:41 AM UTC. In India, it will occur on April 12 at 08:00:41 AM.

(Here are the astrological New Year charts for the UTC time zone, the U.S., and India. I discuss the charts for the UTC time zone and the US. further on).

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Spring Equinox, Jupiter in Aquarius, and the Second Quarter of 2021

The equinox still point occurs om Saturday, March 20, at 10:37 AM UTC (6:37 AM Eastern Time). You can use the worldtimeserver converter to calculate this for your time zone. It will be spring (vernal) equinox in the northern hemisphere, and fall (autumnal) equinox in the southern. As I live in the former, I am focused on spring! That said, both the equinoxes represent significant balance points in the Earth’s seasonal cycle, when Mother Nature undergoes something akin to an electromagnetic reboot.

The vernal and autumnal equinoxes universally represent a time when the earth energies as well as our own bio-energetic systems are dramatically shifting gears, as the life sap is awakening and moving upward in the northern hemisphere, and is slowly starting to release itself and flow downward in the southern. Because of these deep movements in all of nature (ourselves included), our emotional and physical health can be quite sensitive, and we need to take care to protect our life force, stay steady, and tune into nature’s wisdom.

March Equinox and Full "Sap" Moon Eclipse | Astral Harmony BlogAstral Harmony Blog

During the day before, day of, and day after the equinox (March 19-21/Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), the Sun is in a highly transitional stage and so this is not considered an opportune time for muhurta (elective astrology), meaning it is not a good time to launch new ventures or projects. It is however a good time for setting new intentions, and for creative, spiritual, and healing practices and rituals. It’s also very important to be out in nature around the equinoxes when possible, and also to make sure you take enough rest. Continue reading

2021 New Year Chart at the 2020 Winter Solstice

Our Sun transits in the Galactic Center from December 17th to the 22nd. Known in the Vedic tradition as Vishnunabhi, the Navel of Lord Vishnu, the Galactic Center spans from about two to seven degrees of sidereal Sagittarius. This center is the source of cosmic light and creative power for our whole Milky Way Galaxy including the solar system in which we live. Our Sun is recharged and rejuvenated through an “energetic upgrade” when it transits here, just in time for the New Year ahead.

Why Can't We See the Center of the Milky Way? - Universe Today

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Capricorn Stellium January-February 2021

(Please note, for this article and always, I use the sidereal zodiac traditionally used in ancient astrology including Indian/Vedic astrology, not the tropical system in use by most western astrology systems today).

We will have a significant Capricorn stellium in January-February, 2021. A stellium involves a conjunction of three or more planets, which in essence merge together to form a powerful self-contained “mega planet.” The stellium brings an intense focus on the sign and house in which it occurs, but sometimes it is described as a knotted-up karmic energy that manifests as a cognitive blind spot which needs to be carefully managed and untangled. The key word for a stellium is “intense.”

This one in 2021 is even more “intense” due to the concurrent Kalasarpa Yoga in which all the planets lie within one side of the axis of the lunar nodes and are moving toward the Moon’s North Node which is known as “Rahu” in Vedic astrology.

One way to analyze a stellium more deeply is to look into the nakshatras and the nakshatra padas and divisional chart placements involved. The way it is analyzed in a natal chart is different from the way it is analyzed in a transiting mundane chart too. This is a vast subject and one that I have studied in depth because it can be quite a challenge to figure out what it means! However, for the purposes of this article and at this time, I will not have time to break it down to the nitty-gritty.

In January and February 2021, we will have Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Venus, and Mercury in Capricorn. Venus and Mercury will be in and out of the stellium, and the Sun will be in Capricorn from mid-January to mid-February. In the charts above for February 9, the Moon is also involved. The last time I could find for this exact lineup was in 1285-86. The following are some of my initial thoughts about it:

Among some of the old writings of western astrology and among some Vedic astrology books I have in my possession, Capricorn often gets a bad rap for being a negative, selfish sign, one often portrayed as “dull and boring,” as in “too practical, cold-hearted, acquisitive, and security conscious.” However, Esoteric astrology has long portrayed Capricorn in its higher manifestation as the triumphant Unicorn of God, symbol of magic, mystery, spiritual initiation, unity, and eternal life. Therefore, the Capricorn stellium in my opinion could in some ways signify a doorway into a new life, one that is much needed after 2020.

The Capricorn stellium will occur in the second house of the U.S. Kelleher chart. Capricorn is the sign of government and business. This stellium in particular is significant as it includes the lords of dharma and karma, Jupiter and Saturn, and also because Saturn is the ruler (dispositor) of all the planets in Capricorn too. The second house in mundane astrology rules the financial conditions of the nation, its revenue and sources of revenue, banks, treasury, taxes, GNP, negotiable assets, stocks, investments and investors.

This planetary alignment seems to bode very well for economic matters in the U.S. (also this is true because Rahu will be in Taurus), and perhaps all this indicates that there might possibly be some kind of significant economic intervention or correction that addresses fiscal imbalance and public debt. I wonder if it would possibly be a major bond issue through an infrastructure bill or some other kind of revamping of the fiat money interest system and the federal reserve.

I say this also because in 1285 during the last similar stellium (see charts above), the first record is made of an emission of life annuities by the city of Lübeck in what is now Germany. It is the first documented instance of issue of public debt…and it confirmed a trend of consolidation of local public debt over north-western Europe at the time (Wikipedia). (Please see my previous article in which I also talk about the Saturn-Jupiter-Pluto conjunction.)

In 1286 King Alexander of Scotland died which set the stage for the first war for Scottish Independence and the increasing influence of England over Scotland. Saturn (ruler of the Capricorn stellium) represents power that consolidates and sets stronger national and international boundaries. We will see more of this theme developing around the world in 2021.

Capricorn and Saturn represent pragmatism; hard work, law and order; security issues and police; nationalism and tighter borders between countries; business, industry, building, land and infrastructure development; organizational development; crops and farms; and mineral wealth and mines… all of which could be highlighted and enhanced by the Capricorn stellium.

Capricorn 2012: Unicorn & Sea Goat. Tolkien. Lord of the Rings. P. Jackson. - Esoteric Astrology: An extensive range of articles and essays, Monthly newsletters, articles, essays and videos on Esoteric Astrology

Mars in Aries Square Saturn in Capricorn, August 2020 to January 2021

On August 24, 2020, the exact 90-degree square tension/stress aspect first occurred between planetary enemies Saturn and Mars. This is one of the key aspects that defines the last quarter of 2020 and beginning month of 2021. It is not technically a traditional planetary or rashi aspect used in Parashari Jyotish, where it is known as a 4/10 alignment; but is also a Tajaka/western style aspect, which is very important in my opinion. The square has been within a close effective orb since August 15, and will continue within a close orb until October 9, with another exact hit on September 29 at the Saturn direct station, and then again it will occur within orb from January 4 until January 21, with another exact hit on January 13. (I am using a 3-degree effective applying and separating orb, and as always, I use the sidereal zodiac, not the tropical system in use by most western astrology systems).

A square aspect between Saturn and Mars is not that uncommon, with most recent occurrences from December 2010 to January 2011; August 2011; January 2013; September 2013; January 2015; September 2015; January 2017; October 2017; January 2019; and October 2019. What is uncommon is that Mars and Saturn are both very strong in their own signs during this instance (Mars in Aries and Saturn in Capricorn). This happens every approximately 30 years, last time being July 8,1992.

What is even more rare (extremely rare) about this square aspect is that Mars will be retrograde for much of the time that it is squaring Saturn, from September 9 to November 13. (The last times we had this particular Mars retrograde Aries squaring Saturn in Capricorn alignment was in 1815, and before that, 1610.) The retrograde position of Mars not only extends the alignment much longer than usual, but also adds to its intensity.

We may feel this tension aspect “in the air” as we collectively and individually continue to wrestle with all the current polarizing and vexing issues in the world. Mars represents anger, rebellion, violence, chaos, and the individual push for autonomy and liberty; whereas Saturn represents defined structures, law and order, and the responsibilities and restrictions placed on us by society and our governing bodies. These are the forces that may continue to battle it out on and off at least through the third week of January 2021.

On the down side, the Mars-Aries square Saturn-Capricorn dynamic can be rash, irritable, restless, and frustrated, and can reflect power struggles, physical and emotional health issues, and a feeling of confinement. The late astrologer Isabel Hickey describes it as, “The engine and brakes need equalizing. Mars says ‘go,’ and Saturn says ‘wait.’ Impatience and resentment must be overcome. Apt to make enemies because of a lack of kindness and gentleness. Tendency to criticism and passing judgment must be changed to lovingness and compassion.”

It can be explosive but also can be very constructive depending on whether it’s manifesting through its higher or lower expression. In regard to this idea of being “constructive,” this is both literal and metaphoric. In the former instance, the U.S. took over construction of the Panama Canal on May 4, 1904 when previously, Mars in Aries squared Saturn in Capricorn. This reflects the fact that Saturn in its most evolved state represents discipline, pragmatism, and hard work, and Mars in its most evolved state signifies goal-directed energy, courage, and vivacity.

In other words, the square aspect is usually considered to be stressful one, but can also provide a potent impetus of concerted energy to help us achieve our goals and meet and surmount major obstacles that suppress our growth processes. This really tests us in ways that require us to focus and align more than ever with our highest principles and practices. And, we may have to deal with feeling unmotivated or exhausted at times, and need to make sure to recharge and rebalance ourselves during this transit, as Saturn square Mars can constrain our life force.

May Mars and Saturn befriend each other and work together in harmony for the good of all beings, as each of us finds the sweet spot and learns to sail more gently and gracefully through the wild and often stormy seas of life.

Love and light, and thanks, from Juliana

As The World Turns: Shifting Tides and the Lunar Nodes

In late September 2020, the transiting lunar nodes will make a significant change moving out of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, where they have been since March 2019, into the Taurus-Scorpio axis, where they will be for the next year-and-a-half. This is not based on the tropical system in use by most western astrologers. Rather, it is based on the sidereal zodiac which has been traditionally used in Vedic astrology and other ancient astrology systems. According to the “true node” calculation, the lunar nodes will move their positions on September 19; and using the “mean node” arrangement, they will shift on September 23.

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Going Retro: Gearing Up for Retrograde Season

During much of May and June 2020, four planets will be retrograde at one time (not including the mean lunar nodes); later in June and through much of the summer, four, five, or six planets will be retrograde at one time. The following retrograde periods are calculated according to the eastern daylight time zone:

  • Pluto: April 25 to October 4
  • Saturn: May 11 to September 29
  • Venus: May 13 to June 25
  • Jupiter: May 14 to September 12
  • Mercury: June 18 to July 12
  • Neptune: June 23 to November 28

Uranus will retrograde later, from August 15 to January 14, 2021. Mars will retrograde later too, from September 9 to November 13, so coming up, and on and off into October and November, we will be in “retrograde season.” According to the birth chart research of late astrologer John McCormick, it is relatively rare to have four, five, or six retrograde planets. Here are McCormick’s findings in terms of these percentages:

  • 0 retrograde planets: 7.7 percent
  • 1 retrograde planet: 18.7 percent
  • 2 retrograde planets: 29.2 percent
  • 3 retrograde planets: 26.7 percent
  • 4 retrograde planets: 12.7 percent
  • 5 retrograde planets: 4.15 percent
  • 6 retrograde planets: 0.6 percent
  • 7 retrograde planets: 0.005 percent

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