(Please note, for this article and always, I use the sidereal zodiac traditionally used in ancient astrology including Indian/Vedic astrology, not the tropical system in use by most western astrology systems today).
We will have a significant Capricorn stellium in January-February, 2021. A stellium involves a conjunction of three or more planets, which in essence merge together to form a powerful self-contained “mega planet.” The stellium brings an intense focus on the sign and house in which it occurs, but sometimes it is described as a knotted-up karmic energy that manifests as a cognitive blind spot which needs to be carefully managed and untangled. The key word for a stellium is “intense.”
This one in 2021 is even more “intense” due to the concurrent Kalasarpa Yoga in which all the planets lie within one side of the axis of the lunar nodes and are moving toward the Moon’s North Node which is known as “Rahu” in Vedic astrology.

One way to analyze a stellium more deeply is to look into the nakshatras and the nakshatra padas and divisional chart placements involved. The way it is analyzed in a natal chart is different from the way it is analyzed in a transiting mundane chart too. This is a vast subject and one that I have studied in depth because it can be quite a challenge to figure out what it means! However, for the purposes of this article and at this time, I will not have time to break it down to the nitty-gritty.
In January and February 2021, we will have Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Venus, and Mercury in Capricorn. Venus and Mercury will be in and out of the stellium, and the Sun will be in Capricorn from mid-January to mid-February. In the charts above for February 9, the Moon is also involved. The last time I could find for this exact lineup was in 1285-86. The following are some of my initial thoughts about it:
Among some of the old writings of western astrology and among some Vedic astrology books I have in my possession, Capricorn often gets a bad rap for being a negative, selfish sign, one often portrayed as “dull and boring,” as in “too practical, cold-hearted, acquisitive, and security conscious.” However, Esoteric astrology has long portrayed Capricorn in its higher manifestation as the triumphant Unicorn of God, symbol of magic, mystery, spiritual initiation, unity, and eternal life. Therefore, the Capricorn stellium in my opinion could in some ways signify a doorway into a new life, one that is much needed after 2020.
The Capricorn stellium will occur in the second house of the U.S. Kelleher chart. Capricorn is the sign of government and business. This stellium in particular is significant as it includes the lords of dharma and karma, Jupiter and Saturn, and also because Saturn is the ruler (dispositor) of all the planets in Capricorn too. The second house in mundane astrology rules the financial conditions of the nation, its revenue and sources of revenue, banks, treasury, taxes, GNP, negotiable assets, stocks, investments and investors.
This planetary alignment seems to bode very well for economic matters in the U.S. (also this is true because Rahu will be in Taurus), and perhaps all this indicates that there might possibly be some kind of significant economic intervention or correction that addresses fiscal imbalance and public debt. I wonder if it would possibly be a major bond issue through an infrastructure bill or some other kind of revamping of the fiat money interest system and the federal reserve.
I say this also because in 1285 during the last similar stellium (see charts above), the first record is made of an emission of life annuities by the city of Lübeck in what is now Germany. It is the first documented instance of issue of public debt…and it confirmed a trend of consolidation of local public debt over north-western Europe at the time (Wikipedia). (Please see my previous article in which I also talk about the Saturn-Jupiter-Pluto conjunction.)
In 1286 King Alexander of Scotland died which set the stage for the first war for Scottish Independence and the increasing influence of England over Scotland. Saturn (ruler of the Capricorn stellium) represents power that consolidates and sets stronger national and international boundaries. We will see more of this theme developing around the world in 2021.
Capricorn and Saturn represent pragmatism; hard work, law and order; security issues and police; nationalism and tighter borders between countries; business, industry, building, land and infrastructure development; organizational development; crops and farms; and mineral wealth and mines… all of which could be highlighted and enhanced by the Capricorn stellium.