Happy Jupiter Return to Facebook

Happy Jupiter Return today, Facebook. Now you’re officially an adolescent! Every ~12 years, Jupiter, planet of fortune and purpose, comes back around the zodiac to meet up with natal Jupiter at the point where it is in the birth chart of a person or entity, and this is considered to be a time of fresh new inspiration, bountiful good luck, and the strong possibility of a major rebirth as new ideas and opportunities are unveiled.

Facebook was officially born on February 4, 2004 in Menlo Park, California. Since we have no official time, we use 12 PM for mundane horoscopes such as this. Another horoscope in use for Facebook which is more useful for tracking its monetary value is the chart for the first official trading day of its stock (May 18, 2012). And the other main chart used to track the karma of Facebook is the birth chart of Facebook cofounder, chairman, and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984 in White Plains, NY, time unknown).

For now, I am just looking at the original founding horoscope (see attached sidereal zodiac wheel-chart images) which is quite interesting in that Uranus in the Facebook chart (higher mind, inspiration, and connection) is exactly aligned with the Moon in the United States Kelleher birthchart, and it is the Moon which signifies the common people and mood of the nation. The Uranus-Moon conjunction occurs at ~7 degrees sidereal Aquarius, the sign of the water bearer which brings forth knowledge, energy, and power. Within Aquarius, the two align in Shatabisha nakshatra, which relates to broad vision, high technology, healing, and the oneness of humanity.

Today, Facebook reported record earnings in light of the latest stats claiming 1.55 billion “monthly active users” as of September 30, which is more than China’s population. At Facebook’s current growth rate of 14% year over year, Facebook will have 2 billion users in less than three years. Clearly, Facebook is maturing nicely into its adolescent phase.

Jupiter will conjoin natal Jupiter two more times after today due to its 2016 retrograde phase, so the three dates of Facebook’s Jupiter Return are:
1. Nov. 5, 2015
2. March 14, 2016 (Retro)
3. July 3, 2016

The next nine months will be a time of tremendous growth for Facebook, translating into innovative changes, financial reorganization, and new emerging roles. Facebook continues to expand into more markets as it fulfills Zuckerberg’s dream of connecting the whole world to combat inequality and poverty, and this year we will see progress toward this vision and many more surprises in store as Jupiter in its succession of return phases will conjoin Rahu, the Moon’s North Node, giving exponential power to Jupiter’s evolutionary potential. This adolescent is going to rock the world and is just getting started.SFPage1 SFPage2SFPage3SFPage4SFPage5


Autumn Balance

In the northern hemisphere, we are now experiencing late summer and the season of the earth element according to Five Element Chinese philosophy. Earth energy turns us inward to consolidate and stabilize. When in balance, its positive expressions are harmony, patience, responsibility, hard work, and long-term planning, but on the shadow side, the earth element can represent self-centeredness or thoughtless ambition. The negative expression of earth energy is worry, whereas the positive expression is love/empathy.

fall-leaves-earthscapes_13333_990x742As temperatures in many places are beginning to cool and we are moving into full autumn, the metal element will kick in. Metal season is the time for letting go and opening up to new inspiration, and so it is an especially good time for cleaning, clearing and cleansing. The season of the metal element corresponds with the vata dosha of Ayurveda, when the air element/prana rises and we are encouraged to eat foods, take treatments, and follow daily rituals which pacify the changeable, skittish, light and dry nature of the autumn season that can adversely affect our health (vata dosha).

indexWith the intense seasonal changes upon us, the months of September and October are especially important ones to receive acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment and/or Ayurvedic consultation, if you are so inclined. In terms of self care, I have a few simple suggestions. One thing that can be very helpful to counteract imbalances in the autumn season is self-Abhyanga oil massage performed a few times a week, which I explain in detail on my website under “Ayurvedic Practice”: (vata massage oil might be best to use in autumn especially as temperatures cool).0571d2d77b6daae80ea370c16e80a0fcSomething else I recommend to help balance the high pranic shifts once we are in the metal season is to use Super Nasya (nasal) oil once or twice a day, and my favorite is the blissful smelling Sidha Soma Supreme from the Ayurvedic Health Center, which is said to help relieve congestion, tension, tightness in the neck and clear the mind. Buy it here: http://shop.ayurveda.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=sosssnooil


September Exposed

September looks to be a bit of an “exposed” month. No, I am not talking about the Shemitah and the Blood Moon prophecies, which I do not support…read my thoughts about this here: http://astralharmony.com/blog/apocalytic-prophecies/shemitah-and-blood-moon-prophecies/

There are several reasons why I say September is exposed:

1. The autumn season is already a highly vulnerable time of year because we have to say goodbye to the high season of summer and then cross the equinox still point (September 23), when our planetary nervous system goes through a major energetic transition, and our mental, emotional and physical health becomes ultra-sensitive, and we can feel wiped out emotionally, mentally or physically.

2. In addition, we should consider the power in the name of the fall season, as my dear friend Miriam Divinsky recently reminded me. Used interchangeably with “autumn,” fall simply refers to the natural process of slowly turning inward and downward to rest and rejuvenate, right? Yes! But also, there is a negative connotation connected to the word “fall” which subtly influences the mass mind, as “to fall” unconsciously evokes a sense of “decline, collapsing down or losing balance.” The sap of life does begin flowing downward in this season, which requires attention and adjustment. Tuning into these kinds of natural cycles helps to create a more life-affirming experience as we go with the flow of least resistance.

3. The United States birth chart (James Kelleher version) will enter a new major cycle in late September, and this unconsciously contributes to the mass mind’s feelings of instability, trepidation and worry. Please read more about this here: http://astralharmony.com/blog/rahu-mahadasa-and-united-states-kelleher-chart/

4. In addition to all the above, this September has two eclipses: Sept 13—partial solar/ New Moon Rahu eclipse; and Sept. 27-28—total lunar/Super Full Moon Ketu eclipse. Further, during the energetically unstable period between the two eclipses, we will celebrate the fall equinox, N. Hemisphere, and spring equinox, S. Hemisphere on September 23 at 8:22 AM UTC. If that were not enough, Mercury will also go retrograde on September 17 in the eclipse axis, conjunct the North Node, which can indicate some turmoil as communication, judgment, and travel/transport issues can get wonky.

All of this can impact our sensitive planetary and individual nervous systems. Thus, we are cautioned to be extra careful, mindful and gentle with ourselves and each other and not to push anything hard during this two-week cycle from the 13th to the 28th.  It is best not to begin anything new in the world during this period between eclipses and especially not for a few days before and after the equinox and eclipses, unless it is a healing or contemplative practice.

Eclipses churn up karmic changes for the whole planet, but it is said that when the lunar eclipse falls after the solar eclipse as in this case in September, the world will be more peaceful than when the solar comes after the lunar. Solar eclipses always have a longer more potent impact that lunar eclipses. Eclipses are also said to have the greatest impact in the geographical areas where they appear. The solar eclipse of September 13 will appear over S. Africa, South Indian Ocean and Antarctica.

SMImageThe full lunar eclipse of September 27-28 will appear over all of South America and most of North America, the Atlantic Ocean, Greenland, Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

lunar_201509Probably the most important thing I can share about eclipses is that the half-hour or hour before, and especially during the eclipse maximum, are optimal times for healing work as well as spiritual practices like chanting, meditation, puja and prayer. The yogis have shared with us that the positive benefits of sadhana (practices) are vastly multiplied and magnified when performed at times of eclipses (particularly solar eclipses). The solar eclipse maximum time will be at 6:55:19 AM UTC on the 13th. The lunar eclipse maximum will occur at 2:48:16 AM UTC on the 28th September. To convert to your time zone, just use this: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

What I share here about the September eclipses is quite generalized, but to truly get a grasp on how the eclipses will affect you requires a personal horoscope reading with a professional astrologer.

Big changes will often happen in the weeks and months before or after the eclipses. This is especially true when the eclipses occur in a section of the zodiac that is closely influencing important points or planets in a natal or mundane horoscope. Generally, a Rahu solar eclipse indicates new growth. This can bring the feeling of breakthrough (or breakdown if not handled properly). Often we experience issues related to our career, or health and life force, and sometimes we can feel very tired around the solar eclipse. At the same time, where and how we have been leaking vital energy might be revealed to us, and so then improvements can be made.

The solar eclipse of September 13 occurs with expansive Rahu (the Moon’s North Node) as the eclipsing body at ~7 degrees sidereal Virgo, while the Sun and Moon will be at ~26 degrees of sidereal Leo. In a natal or mundane horoscope, planets or points from late sidereal Leo and into the first decan (10 degrees) of sidereal Virgo will be most impacted. For instance, those born ~ September 11-15 have the Sun in late sidereal Leo and will be going through some interesting changes in the coming six months.The area where the luminaries (Sun-Moon/New Moon) fall in the September 13 solar eclipse is called Purva Phalguni nakshatra in the Vedic astrology system; this is a fierce and creative section of the zodiac. The luminaries additionally fall in Scorpio navamsa, fourth pada of Purva Phalguni, which reveals potential for some intensified passion and cathartic emotional energy being stirred up in this eclipse. The North Node Rahu falls in the fourth pada (Pisces navamsa) of Uttara Phalguni which fortunately brings some balance of higher consciousness into the mix.

SFPage Lunar eclipses generally tend to trigger relationship or emotional issues, and a Ketu lunar eclipse such as we will have September 27-28 signifies potential for heavy and emotionally toxic feelings in the weeks and days before the eclipse. Some may feel quite confused about what is happening, especially if the eclipse is significantly triggering something in the natal chart. This lunar eclipse will also be a super Moon (Moon at perigee, close to Earth) so it is quite strong in terms of the lunar effect. That is, in the days before and after, we may see higher than usual tides or intense storms and seismic activity, along with strong emotional energies and powerful shifts in awareness and some possibility of extreme events.

The full Moon lunar eclipse will be at ~11 degrees sidereal Pisces conjoined Ketu/South Node at ~7 degrees Pisces, so if you have important planets and points near these degrees, changes are coming and something may end or be let go, because of Pisces being the sign of endings, and Ketu’s quality of dissipation. Yet, every ending is a new beginning, and this is truer because a full Moon even when eclipsed carries some theme of fruition. So maybe if this eclipse is affecting you, there will be a great release which opens the door to something new.

Ketu in Pisces will be in exact trine to Saturn in Scorpio on September 26 adding to the intensity of the eclipse which will fall in Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra, whose shakti is “the power to bring rain,” so we may see torrential rains and possibly flooding or other kinds of water disasters around this lunation. Figuratively speaking, Uttarabhadrapada’s “rain” refers to healing, cleansing and nourishing energies. Pisces is the energy of Oneness. Stay connected within, and you will be fine.



Rahu Mahadasa and United States Kelleher Chart

One of the most significant events of 2015 is happening in September as the United States enters a new “mahadasa” (major karmic period, or great cycle) as seen through the United States Kelleher chart. Of the many different astrological birth charts used to read the collective karma of the United States, this one was rectified very precisely by contemporary Vedic astrologer James Kelleher for July 4, 1776 at 18:30 in Philadelphia, PA USA, giving a rising sign (lagna or ascendant) at nearly 9 degrees sidereal Sagittarius.

USA Kelleher SFPageAccording to the Kelleher chart, the United States is in a state of major flux and frequency shift because it will begin a new 18-year Rahu major period in the Vimshottari dasa beginning on September 25, 2015, as calculated based on the Moon, Lahiri ayanamsa, and a 365.2422-day saura year using the Kala-Vedic Astrology Software program. The Vimshottari is one among a great variety of Vedic astrology’s progressed cycles known as “dasas” which track the unfolding of karma (actions, events), and is considered the most important dasa for individuals in the current age.

Many well-regarded astrologers use the Vimshottari for not only individual charts but also mundane (world) horoscopes such as those of corporations, businesses, organizations and nations. However, there are some esteemed astrologers who argue that the Vimshottari dasa is to be used for individuals only, not for the other kinds of non-human entities we are analyzing in mundane horoscopes; these same astrologers often choose to use alternative dasas and techniques for mundane astrology.

Further, some astrologers do not advocate using a founding chart for a country at all, and instead use lunation charts, or perhaps they use the natal horoscope of the current president. I know of at least ten horoscopes for the United States, such as the Declaration of War chart for July 6, 1775 at 11 AM, or the charts for either the signing or the ratification of the Articles of Confederation. Some use the Declaration but prefer different times for the signing (e.g. Sibley at 5:10 PM, or one from my friend Barry Rosen for 6:17 PM). One school of Indian-based Vedic astrologers prefers a more recent progressed chart from the 1800s; and some use a combination of different methods and charts.

I believe that various points of view in astrology are valid, but I have seen enough evidence to be quite comfortable trusting 1) the Vimshottari dasa for mundane charts in general, and 2) the Kelleher chart for reading karma of the United States. And I always use the sidereal zodiac, not the western tropical system. The sidereal system is used in traditional Vedic astrology as well as in western sidereal astrology of the Babylonian tradition. I personally find it more accurate for my own work.

The premise of the Kelleher chart is that the United States was officially “born” at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, with the official time of signing rectified to 6:30 PM in Philadelphia, which puts the US chart in the Rahu-Rahu dasa at the time of founding, meaning in the main and first sub-cycle (bhukti-S.India or antardasa-N. India) of Rahu, the Moon’s North Node. This is because the Vimshottari cycle starts at the time and date of birth of a person or other entity with the lord of the Moon’s nakshatra. The Moon’s nakshatra in the United States chart is known as Satabisha (in sidereal Aquarius), and this nakshatra is ruled by Rahu.

Thus the collective consciousness of the United States was profoundly conditioned at its foundation by Rahu, who is an outsider, immigrant and rebel, just as the early settlers and founders of America were. Rahu as lord of Satabisha nakshatra is the over-lord of the Moon, which represents the public and the homeland. Rahu is also placed in sidereal Cancer which is ruled by the Moon, and in the 8th house which also relates to rebels and revolutions!

The Vimshottari dasa runs for 120 years and follows a particular order for every chart: Ketu (7 years); Venus (20 years); Sun (6 years); Moon (10 years); Mars (7 years); Rahu (18 years); Jupiter (16 years); Saturn (19 years); and Mercury (17 years). As mentioned, the ruler of a birth or inception chart’s Moon nakshatra (janma tara) determines where the cycle begins, i.e., the lord of his or her particular birth dasa starts the cycle, and the zodiacal degree of the Moon determines the balance of years in that cycle, and then from there, it runs in the same order for any chart.

The United States had 18 years of Rahu mahadasa from 1776-1793, during which time it was coping with a war and then with the economic and cultural after-effects of war when it was finding its identity as a new nation. The period was characterized by massive war debt and inflation, political transformation, and western migration, all of which are specific significations of Rahu and also of the 8th house of the astrological chart which Rahu occupies.

Rahu dasa came around again 120 years later, for the second time, from 1895 to 1913. This was a period of political reform and technological (industrial) revolution in the United States. One thing we can accurately predict for a Rahu cycle (especially when Rahu is in the 8th house of the astrological chart in Cancer) is a tendency for more fear than usual in the collective mind; an upsurge in sensationalist media; potential for revolutionary socioeconomic changes; an explosion of scientific and technological discoveries; mass migrations; civil and international wars; and a cultural rebirth with a restructuring of social mores and traditions.

The last American Rahu mahadasa saw the 1896 election of US President McKinley, who was later assassinated by a Polish anarchist in 1901. Other defining events include the Spanish-American War, expansion of US territories and the Panama Canal; political reforms; civil rights difficulties; the imposition of a gold standard (dropped later in 1933); technological revolution; massive immigration; growth of labor movements; closing of the frontier; populism; progressivism; high tariffs and taxes; big stick diplomacy; and yellow journalism. No massive economic or social collapse occurred in the Rahu dasa (as has been predicted by some for this coming Rahu cycle).

Yet, a financial panic actually did occur halfway through Rahu dasa in 1907. And also quite interestingly, in the chidra dasa (“hole” or edge of the adjustment period near the beginning of a dasa) of Rahu in 1895, JP Morgan led a bond offering that rescued America from a severe two-year depression. This was an unprecedented reverse buyout of the government by one man, which makes one wonder if similar kinds of epoch-making events will occur in American culture, government (politics), or economy in the coming years.

It appears that during much of the Rahu period, America could be in for some serious surprises and possibly some danger, cultural and political turmoil, a health or healthcare crisis, and/or uncovering of deception, plots, and scandals in government and politics. All this is even truer as the Kelleher chart Neptune will be widely eclipsed close to the beginning of the dasa (known as the “dasa pravesh”), on September 13, and will be further triggered through the spring of 2016 by the transit of Rahu over Neptune, and then over the September 13 Leo eclipse points through March 2016. In 2017, the U.S. chart Moon will be eclipsed by Ketu, indicating domestic changes and civil strife.

The following summer, a solar eclipse will occur over America, in August 2017, which will, both literally and metaphorically, split America into two, indicating that in 2017 and for the next three years, the U.S. will be going through a great deal of upheaval. I mention that it will be “for the next three years,” as the eclipse duration is 2 and 2/3 minutes, indicating it will have a resonating impact for at least 2 and 2/3 years, which will extend into the third quarter of 2020.

Rahu is a chaya graha or shadow planet and so he represents what is hidden, such as what conspiracy theorists surmise is a corrupt secret shadow government operating behind the scenes. In Rahu’s great cycle, such shadows can also be revealed more clearly for those who choose to see. In addition, Rahu is in a powerful transit in the 10th house (government) of the Kelleher chart at the dasa pravesh (beginning of Rahu mahadasa) which points to a Rahuesque character or characters dominating America’s presidential political race. What (or who) is that, you might wonder? Rahu here could have a variety of expressions. It might be a Washington outsider or outsiders, or perhaps it could be an insider calling for a “political revolution in America.” A Rahu type often has an unconventional message and style, and even an extreme political ideology.

As Rahu rules mass media, this person could be quite entertaining and a master of media manipulation, good at rattling cages, and not doing and saying the same old broken things. A Rahuesque person might seem radical, rebellious, unabashed, moody, changeable, confident, eccentric, brash, unrealistic, driven, ambitious and successful in a worldly way. A Rahu character will evoke intense positive or negative reactions from those in the public and the media. At the least, Rahu in the 10th house of the dasa pravesh nearly promises that this current presidential race will probably develop in the most unexpected manner with many shocking twists and turns. With Rahu, you can be sure that all is not as it appears.

Rahu is the graha in Vedic astrology which ultimately has to do with evolution, and his nature is to expand and transform. The beginning of Rahu mahadasa is often said to bring about some very difficult conditions, but in this case it may not necessarily be so since Rahu is transiting in one of its more favorable signs and houses (Virgo, 10th) at the dasa pravesh, which can indicate a cycle of gradual improvement for America and its government. It is significant that the Rahu cycle starts out between two eclipses and very close to the super-Moon total lunar eclipse on the 27th-28th September, giving some sense that Rahu mahadasa could mark a dramatic and significant period in history.

In mundane astrology, Rahu relates to (among other things) immigration, migrants, outsiders, and untouchables; debts; upheaval; politics, secret deals, plots and assassinations; chemicals and poisoning; health epidemics (like cancer and viral pandemics); banishment; tyranny; war; violence; strikes; technology; space travel and aeronautics; litigation; and mass media, advertising, and public relations. Please hold onto your hats and get ready for the wild ride of Rahu who stirs the stormy seas and brings forth all kinds of new and rare evolutionary challenges and opportunities.

Shemitah, Blood Moon, and Mass Ascension: September 2015

Have you been hearing about various apocalyptic prophecies for September? The Shemitah and Blood Moon are tied together in an extreme Judeo-Christian religious prophecy. Then, there’s the New Age prediction for “Mass Ascension” which is surprisingly gaining a lot of traction, which we will get to further on. But first, the Shemitah, which is related to the ending of a seven-year cycle in the ancient Hebrew calendar which is said to correlate with economic and social collapse in the weeks just before or after September 13. Recently, Alex Jones’ Infowars published an article titled “Eerie Statistics Predict Coming Shemitah Market Collapse: Only 8 Trading Days Until Wipe Out Day,” aiming it for around September 15.

Next comes the Blood Moon Prophecy which is based on the culmination of a two-year lunar eclipse tetrad on Sept. 27-28, 2015, and predicted to bring great tribulation in various parts of the world. The idea originated in part with bestselling author and Christian minister John Hagee, whose ideas were surprisingly taken up by some western astrologers too, and even astronomy websites adopted his description of a “Blood Moon” for a total lunar eclipse.

Many people are taking all this seriously, literally stocking up on supplies and heading to the hills. Apparently, also, some investors are preparing. The fear that this kind of prediction engenders is almost enough to really cause a financial panic. I have been getting calls and emails about some kind of “September Event” from concerned friends and clients for months now. I wish it would just stop!

But no such luck. According to Wikipedia, “apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning “uncovering”), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden.” Did you know that apocalyptic beliefs have been on the rise for the past 50 years, probably because our global problems have become too big and we see no way out. In apocalyptic thinking, a divine power or alien race is going to intervene and save us from ourselves, and often it is through a miraculous intervention or catastrophic wake-up call. This time, in September 2015, it’s the Shemitah. Remember three years ago when it was December 21, 2012? I could rattle off at least a dozen such catastrophic predictions I have weathered during my lifetime.

I think it would be good to consider the source when it comes to “Chicken Little” fear-mongering and remember all the thousands of worrisome conspiracy theories and end of world prophecies throughout ancient and modern times which have not panned out. Then understand that this Shemitah prophecy has exploded in the mass consciousness because of a bestselling book by yet another alleged doomsday prophet named Jonathan Cahn, author of The Mystery of the Shemitah and also a book of fiction before that called The Harbinger. Cahn is a Messianic Jewish rabbi and pastor and he believes that through the Shemitah, America will be punished for what he and his disciples believe are our grave moral failures.

With respect to anyone of the Jewish faith, the true shmita (Hebrew, release) is a sabbath year, a seventh year of a seven-year cycle which is a cherished Biblical tradition still observed in contemporary Judaism. Critics of Cahn’s prophecy believe the true Shemitah is meant only to apply to those of the Judaic faith and in Israel. Several trusted Biblical scholars have debunked his theories including those about economic collapse. These alleged “doomsday prophets” like Hagee and Cahn and their advocates seem to have made a fortune selling fear as well as survivalist supplies and equipment, for example, on Jim Bakker’s televangelism show where Cahn has been a guest.

Last but not least, some New Age prophets are joining on the apocalypse bandwagon and predicting some kind of alternative, albeit more hopeful, version of an event which is said to be a large gamma ray (or a “love ray or Wave X”) leading to a “mass ascension” which is supposed to occur in late September which seems to promise the first of a mass frequency shift and awakening in global consciousness. This sounds all too familiar. We have been hearing about this happening for years now, When it does not happen, there is always a reason given, and then it is predicted again shortly thereafter from another New Age prophet.

As far as I know from the teachings I follow of Jnanavatar Swami Sri Yukteswar, the true global awakening of humankind known as Sat Yuga, Age of Truth, is still a long way off, like maybe about 5000 earth years or so. So everyone can take a breath and relax. That said, the divine rishis, yogis and masters of the Far East promise that each individual can attain a state of Union, as in his or her own individual “Sat Yuga,” when spiritually advanced enough.

Regarding a crash in the economy, Mahendra Sharma who is a respected Indian financial astrologer indicated in a recent newsletter that this Shemitah prophecy is nonsense; in this report, he seems to be bullish on the economy. There is a chance for some big global financial change ahead related to the Gold Rush that has been predicted (by astrologer James Braha and others) for 2016. Gold dealers are saying that we will have a market crash in the next 30-60 days worse than 2008 (but they always say things like this to sell their gold, don’t they?).

China’s recent financial issues will continue to rear their ugly heads on and off at least through February 2016. Some financial astrologers have told me that the global economy looks more unsettled in November than September or October 2015, but the one thing I know is no astrologer can predict financial markets accurately all the time, and astrologers never agree in their predictions about markets.

I also believe that fear influences financial markets so the Shemitah could have some negative effects, but probably not the kind of wipe-out crash they are predicting. However, nobody can say with certainty what will happen because much of what will happen in the future is not etched in stone and things “out there” are being manipulated way beyond anything we can understand or control. The solar eclipse on September 13 will have some tendency to stir up fear and worry along with dramatic events for many of us. The super-Moon eclipse on September 27-28 also looks to be a doozy in terms of an immense lunar effect in the days immediately before and afterward. And the two weeks between eclipses is always known to be a time of revelation, when surprising secrets are discovered and new insights unveiled. Stay tuned for more about this in my next post.


Astral Weather Ahead for October? Stay Tuned…

Western astrologer Susan Miller of AstrologyZone.com recently tweeted that “October could be a hard month…Mid-October stressful.” Then NYMag.com ran a piece titled “Don’t Freak Out But Susan Miller Says October’s Gonna Be Awful.” Miller also announced earlier in 2015 that “April’s so scary I’m giving classes on it.” Looking back on it, April didn’t seem that much worse than any other month this year. At least, I personally was not scared more than usual.

Ethically, it is OK for astrologers to say we are coming into a “hard” period, but we are also encouraged to be constructive and use indeterminate qualifiers; suggest possible alternative interpretations; and make remedial suggestions to go along with such pronouncements. More to the point, astrological ethics caution against making extreme statements of approaching calamity that could cause personal or public alarm. This is in part because it’s just not professional  to use fear to promote one’s agenda, products or services. And truth is, astrological conditions can play out in variable events of similar meaning; much of the future is not fully predetermined; and so, astrology cannot predict the outcome of future astronomical events with absolute surety.

Among many contemporary Western or Vedic astrologers, fear sells, and I suppose the world’s most popular astrologer has had to learn how to tweet a tiny fear-bite every now and then to keep her millions of fans on edge and coming back for more. Yet, Miller herself has stated that her work in astrology is not fortune telling, but is more about practical life coaching. She gives the astrological weather forecast and leaves it up to us to plan accordingly. She has even been quoted saying, “You can always overcome these bad aspects if you are determined.” That’s how I do it, too. The trick is to offer a positive view while not candy-coating the rise and fall and stress and strain of our ever-turning world.

So, is October really looking to be that “hard”? Stay tuned and I will weigh in on this in the near future. Here’s a hint to hold you until then: September with its two eclipses and Mercury retrograding etc. etc. looks to be a little more “interesting” than October.


Aquarius Full Moon: Luminous Light, Healing Vibrations, and Cosmic Soma Time


This gallery contains 16 photos.

Friends, the Moon is waxing fast, and here we are again seeking more light. The last full Moon of our summer season (northern hemisphere) will occur at 12 degrees in the sidereal sign of Aquarius on Saturday, August 29, 2015, … Continue reading

Debilitated (Neecha) Mars in Sidereal Cancer

Hello friends! Saturn has just gone direct and now I draw some new attention to Mars, which is in its transit of sidereal Cancer from July 30 to September 15, 2015. This transit happens every two years and is considered one of the weakest sign placements for Mars. It is known as the debilitation (neecha) sign of Mars, which gives weakness to the fire element (agni), which is governed by Mars. In astrology, Mars correlates with the third “Manipura” chakra, the “Jeweled City” in the solar plexus which is our seat of fire and the power of transformation.

ManipuraWhen Mars and the fire element are weak, we can feel a loss of energy, ambition, willpower and self-discipline. We cannot fully digest food, thoughts and emotions, which leads to the build up of toxins. We can experience powerlessness and frustration (or even anger); low self-esteem, and shame or guilt; inertia; difficulty concentrating; digestive issues; liver toxicity; headaches; colds and flu; problems with our legs; and eye disorders.

Some of us will experience this more than others during this transit, depending on our natal charts, progressed cycles and where the transit is occurring. For those with Mars-ruled Aries and Scorpio ascendant, Sun or Moon signs, this can be a most difficult transit. In addition, Saturn is transiting in Mars-ruled Scorpio which further adds stress to the fire element and to Scorpios at this time. However, there will be a period from August 21 to September 4 when Mars will transit in auspicious navamsas (ninth harmonic) which helps to counteract some of the weakness of Mars in Cancer.

Some ways I recommend to work with the fire element at this time include:
1. Yoga!  Specifically, asanas that twist the midsection can be very helpful. Additionally, the Polarity Yoga exercise known as the Woodchopper is specifically helpful to balance the Manipura chakra and the fire element. You can see how to do it here (the second exercise shown at the bottom of the page on Digital Dr. Stone): http://www.digitaldrstone.org/v2b6c13.shtml …and here are the instructions: The Woodchopper should not be attempted if you have back problems. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keeping your knees soft (bent). Clasp your hands above your head. Take a deep breath in through your nose arching your body backwards, and on your exhale, bring your hands down between your legs, hinging from the hips and dropping your head as if chopping wood. Let out a loud explosive “Ha” sound at the end of the stroke. Inhale and come up slowly and repeat as many times as necessary, at least 5-10 times. The movement should be rhythmic and flowing. You may need to take a break and repeat the process before you feel complete. Please follow your own guidance on this and be careful not to strain or go too fast, as this can lead to dizziness. This exercise ignites the fire principle and offers a healthy release for anger and frustration.
2. A balanced liver detox.
3. Dietary and nutritional measures to strengthen and enhance the digestive fire (including avoiding too many icy drinks). I recommend eating according to your Ayurvedic dosha.
4. Moderate exercise and activity, don’t overdo it.
5. Set healthy emotional boundaries and cultivate unconditional feelings of self-worth (remember you are are human being not a human doing). Mars represents the “courage of our convictions,” so it is important in this cycle to make sure we are acting in alignment with our values and commitments.
6. Spend a lot of time in the outdoors enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature.
7. Rise early every day to watch the sunrise and take in the vitality of the Sun.
8. Use incense and candles in the environment, and especially rosemary or citrus scented oils and candles. Work with a fire meditation, Tratak, and/or pujas/homas/agni hotra.
9. Impatiens flower essence if you feel frustrated, impatient or irritable. Or even better, consult with a flower essence practitioner and receive a special combination formula for your unique needs.
10. Last but not least, Red Coral gem elixir is very helpful for enhancing and balancing Mars and the fire element. I am a distributor of the Planetary Gem Elixirs made by Dr. Lilli Botchis and do highly recommend them as agents of lasting change. I feel that anyone and everyone is safe to take Red Coral Gem Elixir when Mars is transiting in Cancer *but only if you need it* (if you are experiencing mistrust; health issues and weakness physically and emotionally; if you are lacking focus and the ability to follow through; if you are experiencing an absence of joy, procrastination, fear, sadness, depression, ungroundedness, or worry; if you feel a strong lack of love, support and abundance; or feelings of guilt, shame, and inhibition).

cf0eb2850c314af69f6eea13ed6ac83dYou can read all about the Planetary Gem Elixirs and buy them here on my website:


Red Coral Gem Elixir: Balances the fiery temperament, generates courage, strength and vitality, balances sexual forces, clarifies energetic direction and focus in life, inspires constructive endeavors and activities, insures follow-through of commitment to completion, uplifts the creative spirit, cultures positive self-affirming thoughts and happiness, quiets emotions, frees repetitive thinking, encourages decisive action without judgment, brings the courage to overcome fears and procrastination, determination, enhances concentration, balances the male/female energetic axis, brings improvement to finances: http://www.astralharmony.com/gemstore/redcoral.html

Love and light,

Retrograde Saturn Stations Direct

Hello friends! A client emailed me in recent days to say he was feeling like a chicken with his head cut off. I thought, hmm, right off the bat that sounds like the current triple Venus-Uranus-Saturn stationary play. Venus went retrograde this past Saturday, Uranus went retrograde Sunday, and now Saturn (which has been retrograde for some time) will station forward on August 2. This reflects quite a time of change, and can feel a bit destabilizing in itself, and more so for those whose natal charts are directly affected.

It is synchronistic that Saturn, the sign ruler of the upcoming Full Moon in Capricorn (sidereal zodiac) is also “front and center” in our astrological news at this time. For one thing, he is aspecting the Full Moon by his third aspect. More importantly, he has been retrograde (appearing to move backward) since March 14, and is currently slowing down to station direct (appearing to stop and move forward) on Sunday, August 2 at 1:53:52 AM EDT. Saturn Direct Station

Saturn stationSaturn retrogrades every year for about 140 days. His next retrograde cycle will occur from March 25 to August 13, 2016. Saturn’s average daily motion is approximately two longitudinal minutes a day but can go as fast as nearly six+ minutes a day. Saturn’s stationary cycle encompasses approximately five days before and after the moment of retrograde or direct stations. The following reveals what’s happening now and for the next weeks and months in terms of Saturn’s daily zodiacal (longitudinal) motion, and you can see the daily movement will slowly pick up speed over the next few months:

  • July 28 – retrograde 28 seconds
  • July 29 – retrograde 18 seconds
  • July 30 – retrograde 13 seconds
  • July 31 – retrograde 7 seconds
  • August 1 – retrograde 1 second
  • August 2 – ZERO speed (stationary, stambhana/kutila)
  • August 3 – forward 5 seconds
  • August 4 – forward 11 seconds
  • August 5 – forward 17 seconds
  • August 6 – forward 23 seconds
  • August 7 – forward 29 seconds

Beyond the five days after the station, the following depicts the daily speed of Saturn in the next few months:

  • August 13 – forward 1 minute
  • August 23 – forward 2 minutes
  • September 3 – forward 3 minutes
  • September 15 – forward 4 minutes
  • October 17 – forward 6 minutes

Many of us are now starting to feel this change in the air with Saturn slowing down to station. It is important to know that Saturn has been transiting in sidereal Scorpio since early November 2014 and will continue in this transformational sign for a few more years. His direct station occurs at 4 degrees and 12 minutes of Scorpio in Anuradha nakshatra, where he transited in direct motion before, in December 2014. Possibly in certain cases, something being dealt with then will come to a completion now. Or it could be that as Saturn transits back forward over its shadow area where it retrograded, we will revisit certain issues and bring them to completion (until it hits ~11 degrees of Scorpio where it was when it retrograded last March, which will happen in early November 2015).

In general, Saturn’s transit in Scorpio is a time to weed out our weaknesses and vulnerabilities while also strengthening our alignment with divine will; again, to understand more specifics, we have to analyze where Saturn is placed and what else is happening in the natal and progressed charts, etc. A planet is strong when it is 1) retrograde; 2) moving more slowly than usual or 3) stationing retrograde or direct (this latter is strongest). When retrograde, a planet’s essence can also be held back or internalized, and what it represents can be delayed.

So for the past ~140 days, Saturn has been quite strong, so our opportunities for personal growth (burdens, lessons) have been strong too, and in some cases and certain areas of our lives, experiences may have been more intense, pressured, frustrating or demanding than preferred. Saturn is often called the “irritant that produces the pearl,” and usually it takes a while to find that pearl. In other words, we often we have to wait until Saturn moves direct to begin to understand and appreciate what we have achieved during the more internalized and subjective retrograde phase. Most of all, Saturn is known as Shanicharya (or Shani) in Sanskrit, which means “slow mover.” Thus he requires that we learn patience, an even more important lesson when he is is in retrograde and stationary phases! And a little humor can be helpful too, because Saturn energy can be way too serious sometimes (Saturnine).

imagesThank Goddess we are truly multidimensional beings to be able to withstand all the intricate complex patterns represented by the planets acting in us and in the world. For some charts, this triple stationary play is a maddening time; for instance, my “headless chicken” client is a real estate agent with a Leo Rising birth chart and running a Saturn-Venus dasha. Saturn is getting ready to go direct in the fourth house, aspecting the sixth house of work; the tenth house career sector; as well as the all-encompassing first house (so we can predict forward movement, right?); but Venus, the ruler of the tenth house of career, just retrograded backward in the first house in aspect to the seventh house of business and personal relationships. So it is one step forward and one step back in some ways having to do with a few of my client’s business and financial ventures. I tried to make it easy and suggested that he take a vacation until Venus goes direct September 6. At least, he could take a “chill pill” and enjoy a vacation from worrying because “this too shall pass.”

beachVenus, Uranus and Saturn being in these stationary trends can point to shocking events; stunning discoveries; awakenings; accidents; illnesses; and eruptions of all kinds, including arguments, explosions and seismic events. Life can continue to feel quite unstable this week, and so we are encouraged to just be present, go with the flow, minimize risk and be ready for changes. Stationary Saturn is super-intense, and since Saturn is already a major heavy-weight, it may behoove us to plan some special time over the weekend (August 1-2) to go within and align with any deep powerful shifts that may be occurring. It can feel like a relief valve opening up in the days before, during and after the Saturn station, and perhaps something(s) in our lives will soon start to lighten up and move forward. Whew. Sounds great to me!


Guru Purnima July 2015

Hello friends! The Moon is now waxing toward an auspicious Full Moon “Guru Purnima” culminating on Friday morning, July 31 at ~ 6:43 AM EDT (10:43 AM Universal Time), where it will occur in the sidereal sign of Capricorn, in Shravana nakshatra. According to Vedic tradition, the first Full Moon after Summer Solstice in Ashada month is Guru Purnima, the most auspicious Full Moon of the year. There was another Full Moon in early July that normally would have been the special Guru Purnima but wasn’t because of Adhi Maas (Aadi Masam), the extra intercalary lunar month that we had this year.

Guru Purnima is the most auspicious Full Moon of the year, a time when the whole world is quite receptive to divine blessing. This is the perfect time to begin a new spiritual or healing practice, honor and propitiate our preceptors, and commune with the divine teacher—the gu-ru, dispeller of darkness—who exists within all of nature. The festival of Guru Purnima is dedicated to Veda Vyāsa also, and is therefore also known as Vyāsa Purnima. He is the author of and a character in the Mahabharata, and is considered to have been the narrator of both the Vedas and Puranas, for which Lord Ganesha was his scribe. This day commemorates Veda Vyāsa’s birthday as well as the day when he is said to have divided the Vedas.

Veda Vyasa and GaneshaCapricorn is a mysterious and magical sign that exemplifies the manifestation of Spirit in matter. The Full Moon here can be a time to pause and enjoy certain *achievements* (that key word for Capricorn). The Moon’s navamsa (ninth harmonic) falls in its exalted sign of Taurus, a pushkara navamsa which gives  an added boost of spiritual and material blessings. Shravana nakshatra itself is an equable and genial section within sidereal Capricorn which relates to listening, contemplation, knowledge, organization and music. The Full Moon in Capricorn gently nudges us to take some quiet time to tune in and really pay attention to the “small still voice within,” and to take time to simply en-joy life.
