Mars-Sun Opposition Exact 03/03/12

Mars, astrological planet of energy, passion, obstacles and war, is still retrograde and also very close to aphelion. When a planet is at aphelion it moves more slowly than normal. This makes its essence more pronounced, though it is more internalized because it is retrograde. On March 3, 2012, the Earth will pass between the Sun and Mars, bringing Mars to exact opposition with the Sun, further intensifying the essence of Mars.

The opposition of Sun and Mars occurs in the middle of the Mars retrograde cycle which began on January 25, 2012 and which will end April 15, 2012. I have previously discussed this Mars retrograde cycle, but now the Mars in opposition to the Sun adds a new layer of meaning; it can intensify our inner struggles as well as conflicts with others, particularly with authority figures. This can be a good time to examine and heal such issues, especially as they may arise spontaneously.

Mars is transiting in sidereal Leo opposite the Sun in sidereal Aquarius. This sign axis is about the individual versus the collective, autocracy versus democracy, egoism versus altruism…basically, how I can get my needs met while also showing up as a whole and conscious person in my world? How can I be myself while also feeling connected, engaged and at peace with the bigger picture here?

Where these sidereal signs are located in your natal horoscope will reveal an area or areas of life where you can now consciously activate your personal power to overcome your inner and outer obstacles, set new intentions and make any necessary changes. Your source of empowerment will most likely be connected to the house occupied by natal Aquarius (and any planets therein), and the obstacles and needed changes will be shown by the house occupied by natal Leo (and any planets therein).

If you attend to setting your intentions and healing and resolving your conflict now and in the coming weeks, you may be able to really make some positive changes and should begin to see some forward movement at least by the time Mars goes direct in mid-April.

Here’s a link to an interesting article about the Mars aphelion: Mars Now at Most Extreme Distance from the Sun : Discovery News:

Namaste. 🙂