Mars and Ketu in Capricorn: May 2-November 5, 2018

One of the most important astrological events of 2018 is the upcoming transit of Mars in Capricorn. Mars is the planet which governs the fire element. It relates to logic, courage, initiative, drive, personal power, a pioneering spirit, assertiveness, aggression, conflict, economic and military matters, siblings, and war. Usually Mars passes through each astrological constellation for just around two months, but ~every two+ years, Mars has an extended transit in one sign because of its retrograde cycle. It will occur this year (2018) with Mars transiting in sidereal Capricorn from May 2 to November 5. During this period, Mars will retrograde from June 26 to August 27.

In my professional consultations with clients, I am discussing the Mars in Capricorn transit in great detail because it is extremely significant and influential when a planet like Mars stays in one sign and house for six months like this! Not only are we looking at the extended six-month transit of Mars, but we are also looking into its two-month retrograde cycle which is the most intense period.

The Mars transit cannot be assessed accurately by anyone but a skilled astrologer because every birth chart and dynamic karmic pattern for an individual is unique and complex. As an example, Mars generally is said to be most fruitful and fortunate when transiting in houses 3, 6, and 11, and is less so when transiting in houses 5, 9, and 12. However, a Vedic astrologer will study an individual chart’s ashtakavarga scores to determine the houses that are truly best and worse for Mars’ transit. These are specific for each individual horoscope taking into account all the natal chart placements, and these are often different from what is generally said to be true.

In other words, cookbook-style astrology reports about the Mars in Capricorn transit won’t be able to truly evaluate it for each individual chart because there are so many things to consider in the analysis. In general, we might say things like, the transit for an Aries ascendant or Moon chart will bring an opportunity to improve, upgrade, or transform in the professional arena (Mars transiting 10th house); or for a Capricorn ascendant or Moon chart, it may be an opportunity to strengthen confidence and self-esteem by working with a life coach or personal trainer (Mars transiting 1st house); and so on, but these kinds of generalized interpretations do not really work that effectively, in my experience.

Mars will be transiting in its highly empowered (exalted) sign of Capricorn which generally points to enormous energy and creative output; strong endurance; a positive attitude; productive working conditions; and wealth development. However, Mars in Capricorn will be in the Rahu-Ketu axis of the lunar nodes, i.e., conjoined the Moon’s South Node Ketu and opposite the Moon’s North Node Rahu. This modifies the typical essence of exalted Mars.

Further, Mars and Ketu will be squaring Uranus (~90 degree aspect) for much of their Capricorn transit. And during the retrograde period, late June to late August, Mars will tend to act more debilitated (less empowered and not as positive). However, when a benefic like Venus or Jupiter is aspecting Mars-Ketu, this can be quite helpful to ease up the malefic energy. Unfortunately, Jupiter will not be aspecting them, but Venus will for a brief time. Here I explain in more detail:

Mars and Ketu (using mean lunar node calculations) will be within a 5-degree orb (strongest energy of the conjunction) from May 27 to August 18; and again from September 1 to October 5. The exact most powerful days of the conjunction will be June 13, June 18, and September 22). Ketu acts like Mars, and Ketu magnifies Mars, so when they are conjoined like this, the over-heated, parched, sharp, cutting, unrestrained, depraved, dispersing, and destructive energy of Mars may be exponentially increased. This magnification is even truer as Earth and Mars will come very close to each other this summer, closer than they have been for the past 15 years. A planet coming so close to Earth is also very strong.

On a positive note and if channeled well, Mars and Ketu conjunction reflects some great confidence, drive, and enterprise; an opportunity for important reorganization; social reforms; and enhanced mechanical and technical skill, development, and innovation. The less harmonious expression of this can be intense battles as in personal, legal, political, and military conflicts; a tendency for violence, accidents, self-harming behavior, and physical or mental health crises (especially some potential for fevers, inflammation, infection, and high blood pressure); antisocial and aberrant behavior; frustrated ambitions; impatience, mental aggravation, flaring tempers, and emotional irritation (pitta dosha to the max…it may be a very hot summer with lots of figurative and literal fires).

With all this, we are cautioned to “lie low,” and not engage in conflict; keep emotions calm and in balance; cultivate harmony in thought and deed; and be extra-mindful to avoid having an accident or getting caught up in chaos. It is important to tend to any health matters to avoid health disturbances. Don’t take risks. Get plenty of physical exercise. Eat a calming and cooling diet as needed. If you are traveling, employ the services of a professional astrologer for a travel muhurta (most auspicious travel days).

The retrograde phase of Mars is likely to be the most challenging period (June 26 to August 27). During this period, we will also have three eclipses which reflect some  changes for those whose natal charts are affected, and for the mundane horoscopes affected; and often this will involve some extreme energies extending forward and backward a few months. The three eclipses include 1) a partial solar eclipse on July 12; 2) a total lunar eclipse on July 27 in which the full Moon is aligned with Mars and Ketu; and 3) a partial solar eclipse on August 11. Additionally, on the July 27th eclipse, Mars will be at an extreme and rare perihelic opposition to the Sun (super close to the Earth, super powerful).

A retrograde planet appears to move backward from the vantage point of earth. Retrograde planets are brighter and stronger, but what they represent is turned inward, distorted, or skewed in some fashion. Mars is sometimes called “The Crooked,” and the term for retrograde in Sanskrit is “vakri”, which also means “crooked.” Thus, Mars retrograde can be especially “crooked” (twisted or corrupt, as in more “malefic” or difficult than usual). When Mars is retrograde in Capricorn, frustration can stew over time, and without a proper outlet, it can build to a breaking point where it eventually erupts explosively.

The other theme for a retrograde planet suggests a “turning back” period. In a natal or transit chart, a retrograde planet is often prodding us to go back and mend an unresolved matter of the past. Mars retrograde may be a period when we need to address a problematical situation and make decisions to think and act in a new way in order to resolve the problem(s). This will be in relation to the houses the planet rules in a natal chart and the houses it occupies natally and in transit. In addition, how it will influence each person depends on planetary periods at play (dashas) as well as aspects within and to the natal chart and within multiple alternative charts used in Vedic astrology.

Venus will be in 180-degree opposition (full aspect) to Mars-Ketu starting around June 8 until July 5, so during this period, passions may be quite strong but the rule is that a benefic aspect will also offer some calming energy to the hot planets. On the other hand, this can be a signature for flooding. Mars-Ketu will be squaring Uranus and in close orb for much of the Mars in Capricorn transit. Traditionally this can be a difficult time for accidents due to mistakes made in haste. The result of this square can be restless, brutal, intolerant, and turbulent. The closest orb (5 degrees) for Mars will be May 3 to June 7, and July 13 to October 2, with the exact square occurring three times: May 16, August 1, and September 18.

Ketu and Rahu will square Uranus within a close orb from October through December 2018. The square will be exact on December 2, 2018. This dynamic of the tension square between Rahu-Ketu and Uranus can be much like the square between Mars and Uranus but also marks a larger cycle in which we can see revolutionary upheaval and changes in society including, on a positive note, major technological developments; but also it can be an aspect for large earthquakes or terror events sometime in late October and early November and through December. In late October, transiting Mars will oppose the degree of the eclipsed luminaries in the August 11 partial solar eclipse which can also be a trigger for violence or a seismic event.

Mars-Ketu in Capricorn with retrograde Mars occurred in 1702 during the Great Northern War, and also the War of Spanish Succession. Actually, Queen Ann’s War was the North American theater of the War of the Spanish Succession. This was the second in a series of French and Indian Wars fought between France and England in North America for control of the continent. It is interesting that both sides in the Queen Ann’s War allied with the Native American Indians, since Mars is powerful in Capricorn, and one of the positive qualities of Mars “the Warrior” is his desire and capacity to forge alliances.

The last time that Mars was conjoined Ketu in an extended transit of Capricorn (with retrograding Mars) occurred in 1813 (April 24 to October 29). This was during the Napoleonic Wars in Europe as well as the War of 1812 in North America. The War of 1812 occurred from 1812-1815 beneath the shadow of the Napoleonic Wars when America became a pawn in the economic conflict between England and France. Canada was also swept up in the War of 1812; in Upper and Lower Canada, on the Great Lakes, and on the Atlantic, several battles were waged between the U.S. and Canada.

Leading up to the War of 1812 were several factors. First and foremost, trade restrictions had been introduced by Britain to hinder American trade with Britain’s enemy France. From 1807-1814 American exports had fallen drastically due to a trade embargo imposed by President Thomas Jefferson. The embargo was an attempt to protect the U.S. from involvement in the European wars, but the embargo caused an economic depression.

At the same time, the British having the greatest Navy in the world treated American seamen as their own citizens, capturing them and (often violently) forcing them into military service. Britain was also offering military assistance to the Native Americans in their armed efforts to block the expansion of the American frontier to the Northwest. Because of all these issues, the U.S. eventually declared war on England in June 1812.

In response, England ordered a naval blockade which was carried out in several stages along America’s eastern seaboard, in essence strangling American shipping and commerce. Besides being rooted in an economic/trade war, the War of 1812 was fought militarily on four main theaters of action. It is called the “Second War for Independence”; and in the end, it did have a very positive outcome because it advanced national confidence, economic productivity, and a new spirit of national pride, patriotism, and expansion.

Perry’s Victory on Lake Erie. Painted by T. Birch, Engraved by A. Lawson, Printed by B. Rogers, Published by Joseph Delaplaine. Line engraving, hand-colored. Irving S. Olds Collection of Naval Prints, PR 47, no. 245.

The Mars-Ketu transit occurs in the U.S. Kelleher birth chart’s second house of economic matters. Mars in this chart rules the twelfth house which signifies the ocean and Navy, as well as wars, trade, embargoes, and blockades. Mars and Ketu are transiting in the second house which relates to national wealth, revenues, GNP, taxation, and resources of the government including armaments. This astrological alignment of Mars and the lunar nodes does seem to fit well with what happened in the War of 1812.

So the same astrological alignment of Mars and Ketu from 1813 is coming into play again. Some geopolitical analysts believe that China’s build-up in the South China Sea today paints a picture that’s analogous to events that led up to the War of 1812. Is it possible that the 2018 Mars-Ketu transit it pointing to a similar warlike scenario with tensions escalating in the South China Sea and/or in regard to President Trump’s “trade war with China” and other countries including Canada?

Only time will tell, but what is amazing either way is that this upcoming Mars Capricorn ingress occurs at the exact nodal return when Rahu and Ketu transit back to their natal positions in the eighth and second houses in the U.S. chart. This nodal return is a turning point marking a major new cycle of karmic development for the U.S., and especially related to economic matters.

Finally, to give you a deeper glimpse into some of the fascinating results of Ketu-Mars in Capricorn, I wanted to share five case studies of individuals with this placement:

  1. John Rae, Scottish surgeon and explorer of Northern Canada. Mars-Ketu in Capricorn is often expressed through a fearless, adventurous, pioneering spirit. Born September 30, 1813.
  2. Richard Wagner, the highly controversial and influential German composer and conductor. His life and music were extremely dramatic. He wrote “musical dramas.” He is said to have been hyper-driven, autocratic, and power-hungry. Mars-Ketu in Capricorn can sometimes be megalomaniacal as he has been described. Born May 22, 1813.
  3. Soren Kierkegaard, the angst-ridden Danish philosopher-theologian, social critic, poet, and religious author. He was a wunderkind of the inner life, and often wrote about anxiety. He said that subjectivity is truth, and truth is subjectivity. In Capricorn, heightened by its conjunction with Ketu, Mars represents his ability to face and express his deepest fears in order to resolve his suffering. Mars gave him a great capacity for pure logic. Yet Ketu is moksha karaka, which gives tremendous insight into the truth that can only be known beyond the mind. Kierkegaard‘s teachings embodied this contradiction in that he said passion is more important than logic, and he wrote about taking a “qualitative leap” which is made in faith only. He was also a great rational thinker, so he embodied the brilliant maddening paradox that we might sometimes see when Mars and Ketu are conjoined in Capricorn. Born May 5, 1813.
  4. Henry Ward Beecher, American Congregational clergyman, social reformer, and abolitionist. Some of his quotes are quite inspiring, representing the most positive expression of Mars-Ketu in Capricorn: “Greatness lies, not in being strong, but in the right using of strength; and strength is not used rightly when it serves only to carry a man above his fellows for his own solitary glory.” He also said, “The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day.” Born June 24, 1813.
  5. Henri Matisse, the French artist. He was a member of a group of painters known as “wild beasts (fauves)” and became the leader of their art movement called Fauvism. As a great initiator of the modern art movement, he deviated from the traditional use of color and form. His work was often permeated with bright and unusual energy (like Mars-Ketu in Capricorn). Born December 31, 1869. (Image credit below: The Sorrows of the King by Henri Matisse)