Happy Summer Solstice – Super Full Moon Week

Friday, June 21 at 1:04 AM EDT marks the glorious Summer Solstice in the Northern Summer SolsticeHemisphere, and the mystical turning-in time of Winter Solstice for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere. Solstices generate subtle magnetic changes within us and out there in the world, and we may start to feel these shifting energies days in advance.

Summer Solstice is a time when the Sun – our inner and outer Light – is achieving its greatest strength at its highest declination (latitude measured north and south of the celestial equator). Around this point, the Sun acts “exalted,” giving us an extra boost of self-confidence and vitality. Summer Solstice feels a bit like a full Moon, which will take place on June 23 at 7:32 AM EDT.

Actually the full Moon on the 23rd is a Super Moon, which occurs when the Moon is at perigee, closer to the Earth than usual. The Super Moon is known to cause stronger tides than normal, and some researchers believe the days around a Super Moon are associated with a greater chance of storms, floods and geo-seismic activity, and possibly (according to some), a stronger than usual influence on human behavior, the so-called “lunar effect”.

So with the rising essence of both the “full Sun” and full Moon occurring within a close range this week, we have an opportunity to experience and tap into some real juicy magical inner power for positive manifestation.

It is a good time to be extra sensitive and mindful, but also to stop, enjoy, be grateful and share the bounty of nature’s blessings, however they may be showing up for you. Not one to skimp when there’s this much grace to be had, I recommend both a sunrise meditation and a sunset picnic on this longest day of the year!