On the Edge: End of the Year, Jupiter and the Lunar Nodes

I have received a barrage of calls and emails from anxious clients requesting emergency astrological and energy/breath healing sessions today. What is going on? Well, partly I assume is because we are coming to the end of 2015, when it is typical to consciously or unconsciously experience a sense of transitional urgency and anxiety. The past 12 months are drawing to a close, and last year’s resolutions and plans may just not have panned out exactly as hoped. Yet, the next set of expectations for 2016 looms large in the minds of many! In some cases, holiday festivities have taken their toll on finances, patience and energy levels. And if that were not enough, we can always look to the Sky Mirror for further understanding.

SFPageOne set of transits that mirrors the transitional energy of the end of the year can be seen in the current zodiacal movements of Jupiter and the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu. Using the sidereal zodiac of Vedic astrology, transiting Jupiter and the lunar nodes are now at the edges of their respective signs: Jupiter is at 29 degrees Leo, and Rahu, the Moon’s True North Node is at 0+ degrees Virgo; and the Moon’s True South Node Ketu is at 0+ degrees Pisces. The last or first degree of a sign is known as “sandhi” in Vedic astrology, and refers to a critical juncture, hinge or boundary between the signs.

Sandhi planets are considered weak and fuzzy in terms of what they can offer. Their energy is unclear or nebulous due to the intermingling of different energies between the two signs they span. Sometimes their effect feels like neither here nor there, similar to what we feel moving across the edge between the old and the new year. The sandhi is also like a crevice in which things (or we) can accidentally slip, be dropped, temporarily misplaced or even lost. We can lose our footing trying to cross the crevice, and so may feel a bit out of sorts. It can be a good time to call upon all our best practices, resources and support systems to help us bring balance and equanimity now.


In addition to sandhi weakening effects, planets at the 29th degree (Jupiter in this case) are said per western astrology to be anaretic, an ancient Greek word which means “that which destroys form.” Anaretic planets often represent a “too little/too late” dynamic, which carries a sense of angst, urgency or even compulsiveness. On the other hand, the beauty of sandhi planets is that they can open us up to other realms and alternate viewpoints when we are willing to ride the waves of uncertainty that they can represent. One example that is often given for understanding this potential refers us to the liminal (sandhi) times of day ~ dawn and dusk ~ when the veil between the worlds is lifted and we can access more magical “spiritual” power.

Jupiter in astrology represents dharma, path and purpose. It also signifies wisdom, morals, beliefs, finances, children, fortune, long distant travels, higher education, benevolence, protection, advisers, spiritual preceptors, compassion, generosity and speech. Jupiter is very weak in the last anaretic degree of the sign now and also it is afflicted as it conjoins sandhi malefic Rahu within two degrees. They are moving closer into each other every day, as Rahu moves backward toward Jupiter in Leo, and Jupiter is slowly moving forward but soon will be grinding to a halt for its retrograde station.

Rahu will enter Leo and conjoin Jupiter right around when Jupiter goes stationary retrograde on January 9. Rahu adds some potential for drama, confusion, chaos, insecurity, or unsettled conditions to any and all of Jupiter’s significations from now until the station, but then also, Jupiter and Rahu will travel close together on and off through much of 2016. The lunar nodes moving into Leo and Aquarius (Jan. 9, 2016) also represents a sea change ahead, and I will write more about this at another time. For now, I believe we are feeling the coming change as the lunar nodes reflect our karmic path, and it is changing fast.

This combination of Jupiter and Rahu is called Guru Chandala Yoga, which has some challenging effects when Jupiter is weak, as it is now and until January 22 being in the last degree of the sign, though the greatest weakness is probably from now until Jupiter stations retrograde on January 9. I say this because a stationary planet gains strength, as does a retrograde planet. The results of weak Jupiter forming a Guru Chandala Yoga can point toward violence, corruption, lack of conscience, self-indulgence, misguided spiritual and political beliefs, false gurus, concerns about children and education, and all kinds of scandals, especially those related to teachers, leaders and those in the entertainment industry since the combination occurs in Leo.

These potentially negative effects are further indicated by the fact that Rahu and Ketu are sandhi (also until the third week of January). Sandhi lunar nodes will often reflect serious life-changing circumstances, including shocking revelations, all kinds of flareups, and disruptions in the status quo; but this is only in certain cases where a natal or mundane chart is specifically being activated at the same time and in a similar fashion.

OK…so now that we know why some may be feeling this vague (or not so vague) anxiety, we can work with our practices to cultivate more peace instead: May peace be in our homes. May peace be in our communities. May peace be in our hearts.


Winter Solstice and Astral Weather Forecast, December 2015

winter solsticeThe Sun is receiving its annual rejuvenation at the Galactic Center now, transiting in the early part of sidereal Sagittarius. The solstice occurs on December 21 at 11:49 PM EST / December 22 at 4:49 AM UT, but we are moving into its aura now, and then afterward, the still-point effect will last for three more days. This is an extremely sensitive time for the planet and for our nervous systems, so it is important to slow down and be extra mindful. The spiritual doorways are opening and shifting and that can be a magnificent experience for those who are tuned inward, but functioning in 3D requires a bit of extra grounding and awareness now.

From Dec. 22-26, Mars ~ warrior planet of action and energy ~ traverses the sandhi (edge or cusp) between sidereal Virgo and Libra, which is his own creative and fiery realm of Chitra nakshatra. Planets in sandhi are vulnerable, and here for Mars, we may have to dig deeper to find equipoise and strength as his impatient, impulsive, violent and accident-prone tendencies can go a bit haywire.

Venus also traverses a sandhi at the same time, between sidereal Libra and Scorpio from December 24 to 26, and once in Scorpio will exchange signs with Mars in Libra until January 18, 2016. This is called Parivartana Yoga in Vedic astrology, a mutual exchange or reception in western terms. This particular exchange happened the last time in the fall of 2008 during the global economic crisis. It can be a combination for financial upsets, as well as vehicular accidents.

Devotion, passion and spontaneity are some of the more positive results to be expected when Venus and Mars join forces in aspect or reception, but also sometimes, selfishness, hostility, jealousy, envy and quarrels can ensue, depending on the signs of their placement and houses of ownership. Western astrologers Lee Lehman and Rob Hand have called any kind of detrimental mutual reception “mutual deception.” This is because planets in detriment (in signs opposite their own) are considered weakened. Mars and Venus are in detriment in Libra and Scorpio, so the idea is that, rather than helping each other, the two planets will be at some odds.

A good remedy for balancing the Mars-Venus reception is vigorous physical exercise, with heart rate up and breaking at least a light sweat. Holly flower essence is a Bach flower remedy that is also a good remedy for this transit, as it is a heart healer that can help assuage feelings of envy, jealousy, anger and hostility which can be provoked when the two lords of passion exchange signs. For more about Holly flower essence, I recommend this fascinating article by Patricia Kaminski: http://www.flowersociety.org/heart_healer.htm

Christmas Day, the Moon will be full and in Ardra nakshatra. The higher evolutionary nature of this Moon will shine potently through ardent feelings and deep perception, but the less favorable expression can be revealed through stormy conditions and arduous events. Christmas Night (10:52 PM Eastern Time), Uranus will station direct in Pisces. This will be experienced in the range of 5-10 days before and after the actual station. Uranus has been retrograde since July 26.

Uranus will station within a 2-degree orb of a square with Pluto, which is a longstanding on-and-off aspect since 2012, which speaks to the often-maddening personal and global upheaval we have known during this period. Quite literally, the full Ardra Moon with Uranus stationing on the same day foretells of dangerous stormy weather patterns in the coming two weeks, and with Ketu and Uranus both in Pisces, and Moon in Ardra (in air sign of Gemini) there is significant global potential for strong wind storms, heavy precipitation and flooding.

Uranus as a higher octave of Mercury can actually act like Mercury when it retrogrades or stations, and the effects may be experienced as technological and transportation/travel snafus and a sense of restlessness and unease. This station can reveal itself in some erratic energy and un-ease from the solstice and toward the end of the year. We can often expect some tempestuousness, grave shocks, big surprises or miraculous epiphanies when Uranus goes direct, so hang on to your hats now and through the end of the year as this station is resonating in both directions, forward and backward.

When a planet stations, it appears to halt and then move in the direction opposite to what it was before, which triggers and stimulates the planet and also the area of the zodiac where it is located. If you have any planets or chart points in sidereal Pisces, and especially around 21-23 degrees Pisces, or planets at 21-23 degrees anywhere else actually, this station is likely to activate a big change and probably some forward momentum in the areas of your chart that are involved.

Uranus will be stationing in visionary, mystical and inspirational Revati nakshatra in the constellation of Pisces. Uranus is the representative of higher mind, so with this, many of us may experience some ingenious and inventive reflections and insights. REVati nakshatra where the Great Awakener is stationing = REVelations and REVerie and REVelry and REVolutionary… and see how REVved up I am getting about it? That’s the effect of Uranus slowing down to its forward station!

SFPageDecember 28 and 29, the lunar nodes and then Jupiter will become sandhi, transiting on the delicate edge of their signs, and Rahu and Jupiter will be transiting very close to a conjunction with each other at the same time. Jupiter will station retrograde at 29 degrees sidereal Leo on January 8, 2016. The station will be felt at least 5-10 days before and after that. Jupiter will remain retrograde for five months until May 9, 2016. As Jupiter stations and then retrogrades, its nature, as reflected in such qualities as faith and hope, becomes more deeply internalized. In elective astrology, it is not recommended to initiate anything big (like a business endeavor or marriage) during the Jupiter retrograde cycle.

With Jupiter sandhi and lunar nodes also sandhi, this is a kind of sambanda (strong link or connection) and this speaks to certain sense of insecurity and many changes in the air just in time for the beginning of the civil New Year. For those on the path, this kind of liminal (edgy) time and space is a great opportunity, which shamanic dream explorer Robert Moss calls “the borderlands of the tame and the wild,” where the Holy Spirit is poised and ready to guide us in our evolutionary journey more than ever. We must just remember to expand, invoke, ask, let go, and trust.

Happy winter solstice, and to all my friends in the southern hemisphere, happy summer solstice!

Scorpio New Moon: December 11, 2015

The waning crescent Balsamic Moon is once again upon us. This phase covers the darkening three-and-a half-days leading up to the New Moon, and belongs to the ancient goddess who takes us deep within ourselves for transformation and rejuvenation. Balsamic Moon is time for letting go, burning karma, and healing as we prepare for new beginnings at the culmination of New Moon which occurs on Friday, December 11 at 5:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time/EDT (10:21 AM UT).

As I am writing and posting this on Monday, December 7, the Moon is aligned with Venus in sidereal Libra, sign of relationships and politics. This is usually a sweet transit but not as much now because Libra is still hemmed in on both sides by malefic planets ~ Saturn in Scorpio and Rahu + Mars in Virgo ~ a pressured configuration called Papa Kartari Yoga in Vedic astrology, which can tend to bring up the negative power manifesting as disharmony all around.

The Moon will remain in Libra until early Wednesday morning EDT, when it will begin its transit through its fallen (debilitated/neecha) sign of Scorpio, which will last until Friday afternoon EDT. Moon is considered “fallen” or “debilitated” in Scorpio, where it can reflect deep-feeling or intensely attached emotional energy. It can be quite devoted and passionate in its higher principle, versus highly fixated and obsessive in its lower.

waning-moonThe December New Moon occurs at ~25 degrees sidereal Scorpio, Jyestha nakshatra, in conjunction with the Sun, and widely conjunct the karmic taskmaster Saturn. Not for the faint of heart, this combo draws out shadow themes revolving around violence and fear (the “T” word), defense and security, aggression, depression, death, sexuality, rebirth, finances, control, and personal power. When not in harmony, Scorpio can be dogmatic, fundamentalist, rigid, stubborn, or narrow-minded. With Scorpio’s emphasis here, some may have a tendency to feel stuck, tight, or heavy in body and mind. It may be helpful at this time to create more cheer, move our bodies, keep with a positive message, enjoy nature, and most importantly, cry, laugh and soften our hearts.

imagesThe external world is an unstable place, seemingly more so than ever lately, and thus, keeping ourselves at peace and in balance becomes the biggest challenge. Knowing and understanding something of the astral energies at play can actually be quite supportive during such times, not as a predictor of “bad” things happening, but more as a reminder of where to align our attention. For instance, the current waning Moon moving into Scorpio can assist us to stand in divine light, “fight the good fight,” go quietly within to examine what we fear the most, let go, and radiate compassion and peace.

The Balsamic and New Moon phases mirror the current waning phase of the Sun, occurring as we move toward the darkest day of the year on December 22 (Winter Solstice-N. Hemisphere). This is a natural time to slow down and be contemplative. Remember, the waning Moon is fast losing its light, and the Sun is also losing light. The Sun and Moon represent our higher brain and chakra centers as well as all psychological, metabolic, and physiological processes. So, their diminishing cycles can reflect in weariness and emotional vulnerability. Therefore, introspection, awareness, and repose are of utmost importance during this period.

In the New Moon chart, Uranus is transiting in sidereal Pisces opposite Mars, and both are forming a T-square with Pluto. Actually the T-square is falling in a very close range from ~ Dec. 5-13 or thereabouts, but resonating even further than that on either side as well. This is a stressful configuration, and especially because Mars will be in its debilitation navamsa of Cancer from Dec. 6-12, which can indicate hyper-emotional reactive states.

The Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square can point to weather disasters; seismic eruptions; volatility; impulsive or reckless behavior; angry outbursts; technical, medical, surgical or mechanical disruptions; violence; accidents; upheaval, terrorism, or just in general, some shocks and surprises. Usually, such aspects in the lunation chart will have the most major impact for those whose natal chart planets and angle cusps are being closely affected, but also this is a collective karmic imprint.

A dear friend of mine, astrologer Dr. Karina Weil, beautifully described difficult transits like these: “They represent an opportunity for us to exercise mind control and focus on creating and projecting luminous, loving, peaceful thoughts, now more than ever.” Knowing there is a potential disturbance in the force, we can all “mind our minds” and make efforts to be extra patient, gentle, peaceful, and cautious…because ultimately, with our thoughts we make the world.


Full Crystal Moon

The Full Crystal Moon occurs on Wednesday, November 25 at 5:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time at 9 degrees of sidereal Taurus in Krittika nakshatra, in the fortunate Pushkara-Pisces navamsa. Quite soon after it becomes full (within two hours afterward), the Moon will move into its favorite abode of Rohini nakshatra, still in Taurus. This is a typically generous, practical, productive, harmonious, grounded and supportive full Moon, which represents the fullness of the heart as it falls in the sign of Venus which rules the heart chakra. Venus is transiting in Virgo which tends to find pleasure and fulfillment in work and service to others, but if out of balance, Venus in Virgo can be super dissatisfied and nit-picky, so this may be something to watch for over the next week.

Yes, there are some difficult aspects happening astrologically now and in the lunation charts ahead, and I have written of some of these elsewhere. But there are some positive aspects, too. For instance, the full Moon trines Mars, which reflects some intense-feeling, courageous, proactive, passionate, protective, and vitalizing capacity. In the D9 chart (navamsa), the Moon is in Jupiter’s sign (Pisces) and trine to Jupiter which signifies some sense of optimism, protection, hope or faith.

SFPageFull MoonNative Americans call this month’s lunation the “Frosty Moon” for obvious reasons, as it is becoming very cold in the Northern Hemisphere now. Frost is like clear quartz crystals and so I call this the *Full Crystal Moon*. Quartz crystals are associated with Venus and the heart chakra. Those of us who work with quartz crystals in healing are taught to leave them out every month under the full Moon for purifying and recharging, and this Moon is especially potent for that.

Clear quartz is known as the master healer. It amplifies energy and thought, clears negative energy, and balances and rejuvenates body, mind and spirit. Clear quartz also enhances psychic abilities, stimulates the immune system, aligns the subtle bodies, and brings the body into balance.

The Crystal Full Moon is akin to a giant quartz crystal that can be used for our physical and psycho-spiritual healing and attunement. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights this week, it would be empowering to meditate on the full Moon and imagine bringing Her right into our heart chakra as well as into our higher chakras (third eye, crown) or anywhere else that we are guided to direct the healing and nourishing soma, which is like a bio-electromagnetic elixir emanating from the Moon when it is near its full stage. This will be a great time to invoke this rejuvenating energy for ourselves, for others and for the planet (please), and also, to clarify and align with our heart’s deepest desire.


Astrology and the Gunas: Tamas Time

The three guṇas or triguna (Sanskrit: गुण) refer to three universal qualities or principles of energy movement which interact to help define the character of a person or a situation. The gunas are known as rajas, tamas, and sattva. They carry the positive, negative, and neutral charge in the torroidal magnetic field, which is the primary pattern of nature. In astrology, we often correlate the three gunas with the three modes/modalities of the signs (rashis).

The three modes show how the four elements of fire, earth, air and water are expressed through the twelve individual zodiac signs. As we study the gunas, it should be kept in mind that one guna is not better than another, but each has a balanced versus an imbalanced quality. Ultimately, our job is to harmonize all three gunas by bringing balance to body (tamas), mind (rajas) and soul or spirit (sattva).

The three modes of astrology and their relationship to the gunas are as follows:

1. Cardinal (Chara) – Dynamic, Action-oriented, Initiating; Conscious Mind: Rajas Guna ~ Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn. Rajas can be symbolized by an erupting volcano.

2. Fixed (Sthira) – Stable, Determined, Unyielding; Unconscious Mind: Tamas Guna ~ Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. Tamas can be symbolized by a tall mountain.

3. Mutable (Dwishwabhava or Dual) – Subtle, Transformative, Reflective, Superconscious mind: Sattva Guna ~ Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Sattva can be symbolized by a newborn baby.

There is actually some controversy over the magnetic charges of the gunas. My guruji Paramahansa Yogananda said that rajas has a neutral attribute that 1) activates the positively charged sattva to suppress negatively charged tamas, and 2) activates the negatively charged tamas to suppress positively charged sattva, all of which creates constant activity and motion. Hast Jyotishi Ghanshyam Singh Birla also says sattva is positive, tamas is negative and rajas is neutral.

However, Vedic astrology teacher Komilla Sutton says in The Essentials of Vedic Astrology that sattva/dual signs are negative, tamas/fixed are neutral and rajas/cardinal are positive! Vedic scholar David Frawley has written about two different schemes in his books and articles. In Polarity Therapy (one of my modalities as a healer), which is based on a yogic understanding of the human magnetic field, sattva is considered to be neutral, rajas is positive and tamas is negative. According to this theory, positively charged rajas emanates out of the neutral sattvic core as an expansive centrifugal force, and negatively charged tamas returns to the neutral sattvic core as a contractile centripetal force.

When I do an astrological consultation I measure the balance of the gunas through the placements of all the planetary bodies (grahas) in the signs to understand an individual’s typology. The gunas also play out in the grahas which we look to for deeper interpretation. For instance, Saturn is quite tamasic and this is especially so when Saturn is placed in a tamasic sign as it is now while transiting in sidereal Scorpio since last November 2014 and for the next few years. Following this idea and in another arrangement, the gunas can also be determined by the sign rulers instead of the signs, wherein tamasic signs are those ruled by tamasic grahas Mars and Saturn: Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius; rajasic signs are those ruled by rajasic grahas Venus and Mercury: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Libra; and sattvic signs are those ruled by sattvic grahas Moon, Sun and Jupiter: Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces! Working with all these overlapping schemes and systems, it becomes quite clear that we are vast multidimensional beings who are not so easily categorized!

Within our natal and progressed horoscopes, we see a picture of our natural and evolving tendencies shown through the balance of the elements (energy and form) and gunas (movement of energy and form). In addition, as we monitor the transiting grahas, we see another picture showing how the karma of the collective is unfolding at this time, and then we can relate that back to our own personal situation as well, as we look to see how the transiting bodies are affecting our natal charts. (Please keep in mind that I use the sidereal zodiac of traditional Vedic and Babylonian astrology, not the tropical system used by most modern western astrologers).

Tamas guna (also called tamoguna) is very high on the planet now from November 17 and through at least the first week of December, as we have several planets transiting in tamasic rashis: Sun-Mercury-Saturn in Scorpio; Neptune in Aquarius; Jupiter in Leo; and every five days, the Moon transits for a few days through a tamasic sign too (it is in Aquarius now, and will be in Taurus next week for the full Moon, and so on).

Tamas guna can be solid, resistant, repressed, attached, denied, underactive and contracted. Tamas represents the earth, the physical body and the forces of inertia and gravity. Dr. Randolph Stone, founder of Polarity Therapy, said that a tamasic imbalance represents a “crystallizing effect of the subconscious mind as rigidity and fixation.” In other words, tamas in its most torpid state can be dark, violent, heavy, depressed, toxic and lazy. However, when tamas is in balance, its nature is persistent, reliable, stable, and strong.

The water element is also strong now, as we have tamasic South Node Ketu in Pisces and also (again) we have the strong Scorpio placements. Many of my clients are writing to tell me they are feeling heaviness. This tamasic energy explains it, and additionally, this is the tamasic season in the Northern Hemisphere as we spiral inward toward the Winter Solstice. It is the season of Going Within and Letting Go.

The tamasic fixed modality is similar to the water element, so strong water modality + strong water element can be a super-trigger to the parasympathetic nervous system which gives us our deep relaxation response. So if you are tired, please give yourself the gift of some good rest. But that’s not all we need. Moderate exercise is also helpful to raise some fiery energy (rajas) to help balance the tamas. And do some journaling, dream work, and/or work with a healer/therapist to help you uncover anything in your mental or emotional bodies that may be lurking beneath the surface and needing to be brought to light.

To further balance tamas guna, we can benefit from dispersive therapies that are forceful and deeply penetrating, like deep tissue massage or Rolfing if you like that. To further invoke the fiery mode to help balance tamas, meditate on fire in a fire pit, or fireplace, or even a candle; and also, take sauna or steam baths and get out in the sunshine.

Elimination is important now, so drink lots of warm or hot water and make sure you have plenty of fiber in your diet. Minimize intake of junk (always), and try to avoid taking in tamasic foods and substances like meat, mushrooms, eggs, cheeses, drugs and alcohol and overcooked food or food that is older than a day.

Releasing the negative pole of the energetic body will help to move any stagnant tamasic energy, so get a foot massage, ionic foot detox, or simply massage your feet (especially before bedtime). Last but not least, remember, you are pure eternal spirit and have everything within you that you need to be able to bring balance to your own energetic system.


Scorpio-Sagittarius Gandanta: Call On Your Angels!

Come, Holy Spirit ~ Fill My Heart!

d32a58d5fc4a65c4fa793c671f6c7ea7The Moon yesterday and today is transiting through sidereal Scorpio, its most vulnerable sign, but has passed by Saturn now, all of which might reflect some tests of stamina, courage and faith. Tonight and tomorrow morning, the Moon will cross the edge (cusp) between sidereal Scorpio and Sagittarius, known as the gandanta ~ a sensitive and knotty edge of transformation between water and fire signs, where violent events and intense emotions often occur. When the Moon (our feeling mind) is in the gandanta, we often have to let go of control in order for grace to intervene; and we have to dig deep to find understanding or comfort.

By mid-Saturday afternoon Eastern Time, the Moon will be well through the gandanta and into the much more jubilant and optimistic Sagittarius. Until then, with Moon in Scorpio and then as it is crossing the gandanta, we may feel things very deeply, which is not always so comfortable depending on our individual astrological and life circumstances.

A strong message has been coming through me, both yesterday and today, which is an old message but one we might tend to forget sometimes (I know I do): Call on your angels. They are all around just waiting to help, and often (and especially) they like to assist with the most mundane tasks. They are everywhere, these miraculous light-and love-filled beings. Just ask, open, receive, and don’t forget to thank them! You will be amazed.

Love and light !



Saturn-Neptune Square of 2015-2017

Many western astrologers are now talking about the upcoming Saturn-Neptune square which is in less than a 2-degree orb now but will be exact for the first time on November 26, 2015. It is actually coming on strong now as Neptune is retrograding back toward Saturn who is barreling toward him.

SFPageAs a Neo-Vedic astrologer, I use the outer planets according to certain specific rules; for instance, they are not considered to be primary rulers of the planets as they are in western astrology, and they only become important when closely aligned with angular cusps or the grahas of Vedic astrology. Another big difference in my work versus that of western tropical astrology is that the latter uses a different starting point for the zodiac, and I use the traditional zodiac used by Indians and ancient astrologers, which is known as the sidereal (niryana) zodiac, which is the one that is aligned with the stars. The tropical system was originally based on a seasonal calendar for the northern hemisphere and is aligned to the equinoxes and solstices rather than the constellations. For my work, the sidereal system works best, but I have many tropical astrology friends and colleagues whom I adore and whose work I also admire. So… to each his own!

The two zodiacs are about 24 degrees apart at this time (the sidereal is behind the tropical), so in western tropical terms, Saturn is in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces, whereas in the sidereal zodiac, Saturn is in Scorpio and Neptune in Aquarius. The square is happening between these two planets in both systems regardless of the zodiac in use, but the interpretation varies slightly as the signs are different, and it is the signs that show us how and where the energy of the planets is manifesting.

Neptune and Saturn square each other approximately every 14-16 years and they do this on and off for 2-3 years each time. The square in astrology is a 90-degree aspect representing internal tension, pressure, and often some conflict between hidden and externalized forces.

One of the best books written on astrological aspects is called Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by western astrologer Bil Tierney, who describes the square as: “a dynamic aspect providing us with much drive and impetus to initiate change. Its frictional nature is best relieved through decisive action demanding direct struggle, aggressive effort, and greater energy expenditure. Squares in general are crisis-oriented, forcing us to act in an explicit manner that allows for purposeful turning points in consciousness. Planets involved in square aspect interact from a somewhat defensive pose and do not easily synthesize. They seem to follow the line of least resistance. The planets tend to block and thwart each other’s basic intentions. But while the urges of the two planets resist smooth, peaceful integration they are also prone to challenge each other’s right of expression…Squares challenge us to act rather than continue to endure the pain and discomfort they generate.”

Neptune will square Saturn on and off through the next few years (due to retrograde cycles) with exact hits on:

  • November 26, 2015
  • June 17, 2016
  • September 10, 2016
  • June 18, 2017

The last time Saturn in sidereal Scorpio squared Neptune in Aquarius was in 1693, exactly on January 1. Around this time the Salem Witch Trials were winding down, which was due to a wake-up call of sorts, as the hysteria had begun to subside and public opinion was turned against the trials. This makes sense as Saturn represents truth and Neptune is delusion. In this case, Saturn tends to win over Neptune in Aquarius because Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius (dispositor), so he tends to be the boss, and hopefully this means truth will prevail in the current transit, as well.

The largest earthquake in Italy’s history also happened in early January 1693 around the exact square. There was actually a fore-shock on January 9 a few days after the New Moon of January 6, followed by a 7.4 earthquake (followed by a tsunami) on January 11. The damage covered 2200 square miles, destroyed 70 small towns, and killed 60,000 people. This sort of event is not simply an indication of Saturn squaring Neptune. In events like this, there are many astrological and karmic factors at play, not just one, though this one is quite a significant factor.

In mundane astrology, the square represents the possibility of internal tension that might erupt, and Saturn and Neptune signify seismic and meteorological events. This is especially so when they come together in a tension aspect — Saturn represents earthquakes and natural calamities, and Neptune represents earthquakes, tsunamis and water disasters. Saturn also relates to war, death of leaders, and misery in general. Neptune signifies plots, assassinations, and conspiracies; political instability; mass delusion and mob psychology; and crime and subversion. When they are in a difficult aspect like this, they can bring out some of the most difficult kinds of worldly events.

The last time Saturn and Neptune squared each other was in November 2014 and then again several times in 2015 but it was never an exact aspect in those cases (but within 3 degrees). It is the exact aspect and about 10 days on either side that seems to be the most potent. Other times in the last century times we have seen Neptune square Saturn were from 1997-2000; 1978-1981; 1961-1964; 1943-1945; 1925-1927; and 1909-1911. Some of these periods were times when the world was in great turmoil and transformation. This is because Saturn rules structure, which Neptune likes to dissolve. Saturn and Neptune are by nature at great odds with each other:

  • Saturn is the significator of realism and 3D reality, whereas Neptune represents idealism and the spiritual realms beyond 3D.
  • Saturn represents the working class, whereas Neptune rules artists, spiritualists and visionaries.
  • Saturn signifies depression and Neptune, inflation.
  • Saturn works hard, is patient and persevering, but Neptune wants to just rest on his laurels and wait for his dreams to miraculously manifest out of the ethers.
  • Saturn represents time, and Neptune escapes time.
  • Saturn contracts, and Neptune expands.
  • Saturn signifies rules and boundaries, but Neptune wants nothing but Oneness and no rules.
  • Saturn represents democracy, and Neptune points to socialism.
  • Saturn is solid and trustworthy, but Neptune can be deceptive and delusional.
  • Saturn stands for the status quo, which Neptune likes to dissolve.

How and where this square might personally affect us will depend on where we have sidereal Scorpio and Aquarius in our natal charts. It also depends on if we have any significant placements in these signs, including natal planets and the four main angular chart cusps. One might say that in relation to each other, Neptune represents the unconscious and Saturn the conscious. Saturn in sidereal Scorpio is all about transformation, and Neptune in Aquarius represents awakening, so this square for some will be about transforming consciousness.

The tension of this square is happening not just out there in the heavens, but also within. The word “tension” usually has negative connotations, but as a Vedic astrology coach, I also like to think of it as “the play between opposing forces that leads to extension” or “applying a force to something to stretch it,” and thus, productive tension is a great thing that leads to growth and evolution! It’s often just how we choose to look at something that determines how it will affect us, right?

The strongest aspect will be around the 26th November, but also 10 days before and after, and may manifest as confusion, disappointment, unconscious fear, or insecurity; but with awareness, we can bring any of these or other unconscious struggles to light. However, it may not be the best time to get involved in conflicts or make important decisions. With this aspect, there may be an awareness developing related to a life dream that we want to turn into reality, but again it is not time to push it.

Bil Tierny quotes astrologer Sylvia Carrol about squares. She says that they “do not feel unpleasant unless the energy backs up on you. Tension here can feel exhilarating as long as it is flowing and not dammed up.” She recommends appeasing the aspect by “becoming involved with personal efforts that can sensibly accommodate such intense, driving force.” If we constructively navigate this, we open to the promise of great changes ahead. Why not? That’s what it’s all about anyway. When we are conscious and aware and able to mediate the tension of the Saturn-Neptune square, we can truly align with our highest spiritual power (Neptune) and manifest great purpose (Saturn) from that place of alignment.

Some famous persons whose charts have a very close Saturn-Neptune square include Ramakrishna; Marilyn Monroe; Rod Stewart; Miles Davis; Venus Williams; Joan Sutherland; Edwin Hubble; Queen Victoria; Jawaharlal Nehru;  Allen Ginsberg; and H. P Lovecraft.


Happy Diwali

Diwali or Dipavali (meaning Line of Lights) is the Festival of Lights celebrated by those of India’s Hindu/Vedic, Jain and Sikh cultural traditions, and this year it begins tomorrow (Nov. 9th) and will go on for five nights of celebration aimed around the new moon that will occur in sidereal Libra on Wednesday. The Lakshmi puja is perhaps the most significant day which commemorates the birth and blessing of Lakshmi Devi, the goddess of love, wisdom, beauty, and abundance, and this will be the night of the 10th (Tuesday), as Lakshmi was born in the darkest night before the New Moon (Amavasya Tithi, which is the night of 10th-11th before the Sun and Moon conjoin at Pratipada Tithi).

The late Swami Krishnananda Saraswati of the Divine Life Society wrote a beautiful essay about the spiritual meaning if Diwali, in which he explained:

Diwali is an occasion for spiritual exhilaration, a lighting up of all darkness, socially as well as personally, outwardly and inwardly, for the purpose of allowing an entry of the Supreme Light of God into the hearts of all people. Diwali is the celebration of the rise of Knowledge. It is also the celebration of the victory of the Sattvic or divine elements in us over the Rajasic and Tamasic or baser elements which are the real Asuras, the Rakshasas, Narakasura and others. The whole world is within us. The whole cosmos can be found in a microscopic form in our own body. Rama-Ravana-Yuddha and Tarakasura-Vadha, and all such Epic wars,–everything is going on inside us.  Dipavali is thus also a psychological context, wherein we contemplate in our own selves the holy occasion of self-mastery, self-subjugation and self-abnegation leading to the rise of all spiritual virtues which are regarded as lustre or radiance emanating from Self-Knowledge.

Bhagavati Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of prosperity, does not merely mean the Goddess of wealth in a material sense. Lakshmi does not mean only gold and silver. Lakshmi means prosperity in general, positive growth in the right direction, a rise into the higher stages of evolution. This is the advent of Lakshmi. Progress and prosperity are Lakshmi. In the Vishnu Purana we are told if Narayana is like the sun, Lakshmi is like the radiance of the sun. They are inseparable. Wherever Narayana is, there is Lakshmi. Wherever is divinity, there is prosperity. So on this day of Dipavali we worship the Supreme God who is the source of all conceivable virtues, goodness and prosperity, which is symbolised in illumination, lighting and worship in the form of Arati and gay joyous attitude and feeling in every respect. So, in short, this is a day of rejoicing over the victory of Sattva over the lower Gunas, the victory of God Himself over the binding fetters of the soul.

May your light shine brighter and brighter with each coming day, and may all the devas bless you and yours now and forever.

Love and light,


༺ ♥ ༻ There is a Light that shines beyond all things on Earth, beyond us all, beyond the heavens, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the Light that shines in our hearts.~ Chandogya Upanishad, 3:13.7


Happy Jupiter Return to Facebook

Happy Jupiter Return today, Facebook. Now you’re officially an adolescent! Every ~12 years, Jupiter, planet of fortune and purpose, comes back around the zodiac to meet up with natal Jupiter at the point where it is in the birth chart of a person or entity, and this is considered to be a time of fresh new inspiration, bountiful good luck, and the strong possibility of a major rebirth as new ideas and opportunities are unveiled.

Facebook was officially born on February 4, 2004 in Menlo Park, California. Since we have no official time, we use 12 PM for mundane horoscopes such as this. Another horoscope in use for Facebook which is more useful for tracking its monetary value is the chart for the first official trading day of its stock (May 18, 2012). And the other main chart used to track the karma of Facebook is the birth chart of Facebook cofounder, chairman, and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984 in White Plains, NY, time unknown).

For now, I am just looking at the original founding horoscope (see attached sidereal zodiac wheel-chart images) which is quite interesting in that Uranus in the Facebook chart (higher mind, inspiration, and connection) is exactly aligned with the Moon in the United States Kelleher birthchart, and it is the Moon which signifies the common people and mood of the nation. The Uranus-Moon conjunction occurs at ~7 degrees sidereal Aquarius, the sign of the water bearer which brings forth knowledge, energy, and power. Within Aquarius, the two align in Shatabisha nakshatra, which relates to broad vision, high technology, healing, and the oneness of humanity.

Today, Facebook reported record earnings in light of the latest stats claiming 1.55 billion “monthly active users” as of September 30, which is more than China’s population. At Facebook’s current growth rate of 14% year over year, Facebook will have 2 billion users in less than three years. Clearly, Facebook is maturing nicely into its adolescent phase.

Jupiter will conjoin natal Jupiter two more times after today due to its 2016 retrograde phase, so the three dates of Facebook’s Jupiter Return are:
1. Nov. 5, 2015
2. March 14, 2016 (Retro)
3. July 3, 2016

The next nine months will be a time of tremendous growth for Facebook, translating into innovative changes, financial reorganization, and new emerging roles. Facebook continues to expand into more markets as it fulfills Zuckerberg’s dream of connecting the whole world to combat inequality and poverty, and this year we will see progress toward this vision and many more surprises in store as Jupiter in its succession of return phases will conjoin Rahu, the Moon’s North Node, giving exponential power to Jupiter’s evolutionary potential. This adolescent is going to rock the world and is just getting started.SFPage1 SFPage2SFPage3SFPage4SFPage5


September Exposed

September looks to be a bit of an “exposed” month. No, I am not talking about the Shemitah and the Blood Moon prophecies, which I do not support…read my thoughts about this here: http://astralharmony.com/blog/apocalytic-prophecies/shemitah-and-blood-moon-prophecies/

There are several reasons why I say September is exposed:

1. The autumn season is already a highly vulnerable time of year because we have to say goodbye to the high season of summer and then cross the equinox still point (September 23), when our planetary nervous system goes through a major energetic transition, and our mental, emotional and physical health becomes ultra-sensitive, and we can feel wiped out emotionally, mentally or physically.

2. In addition, we should consider the power in the name of the fall season, as my dear friend Miriam Divinsky recently reminded me. Used interchangeably with “autumn,” fall simply refers to the natural process of slowly turning inward and downward to rest and rejuvenate, right? Yes! But also, there is a negative connotation connected to the word “fall” which subtly influences the mass mind, as “to fall” unconsciously evokes a sense of “decline, collapsing down or losing balance.” The sap of life does begin flowing downward in this season, which requires attention and adjustment. Tuning into these kinds of natural cycles helps to create a more life-affirming experience as we go with the flow of least resistance.

3. The United States birth chart (James Kelleher version) will enter a new major cycle in late September, and this unconsciously contributes to the mass mind’s feelings of instability, trepidation and worry. Please read more about this here: http://astralharmony.com/blog/rahu-mahadasa-and-united-states-kelleher-chart/

4. In addition to all the above, this September has two eclipses: Sept 13—partial solar/ New Moon Rahu eclipse; and Sept. 27-28—total lunar/Super Full Moon Ketu eclipse. Further, during the energetically unstable period between the two eclipses, we will celebrate the fall equinox, N. Hemisphere, and spring equinox, S. Hemisphere on September 23 at 8:22 AM UTC. If that were not enough, Mercury will also go retrograde on September 17 in the eclipse axis, conjunct the North Node, which can indicate some turmoil as communication, judgment, and travel/transport issues can get wonky.

All of this can impact our sensitive planetary and individual nervous systems. Thus, we are cautioned to be extra careful, mindful and gentle with ourselves and each other and not to push anything hard during this two-week cycle from the 13th to the 28th.  It is best not to begin anything new in the world during this period between eclipses and especially not for a few days before and after the equinox and eclipses, unless it is a healing or contemplative practice.

Eclipses churn up karmic changes for the whole planet, but it is said that when the lunar eclipse falls after the solar eclipse as in this case in September, the world will be more peaceful than when the solar comes after the lunar. Solar eclipses always have a longer more potent impact that lunar eclipses. Eclipses are also said to have the greatest impact in the geographical areas where they appear. The solar eclipse of September 13 will appear over S. Africa, South Indian Ocean and Antarctica.

SMImageThe full lunar eclipse of September 27-28 will appear over all of South America and most of North America, the Atlantic Ocean, Greenland, Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

lunar_201509Probably the most important thing I can share about eclipses is that the half-hour or hour before, and especially during the eclipse maximum, are optimal times for healing work as well as spiritual practices like chanting, meditation, puja and prayer. The yogis have shared with us that the positive benefits of sadhana (practices) are vastly multiplied and magnified when performed at times of eclipses (particularly solar eclipses). The solar eclipse maximum time will be at 6:55:19 AM UTC on the 13th. The lunar eclipse maximum will occur at 2:48:16 AM UTC on the 28th September. To convert to your time zone, just use this: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

What I share here about the September eclipses is quite generalized, but to truly get a grasp on how the eclipses will affect you requires a personal horoscope reading with a professional astrologer.

Big changes will often happen in the weeks and months before or after the eclipses. This is especially true when the eclipses occur in a section of the zodiac that is closely influencing important points or planets in a natal or mundane horoscope. Generally, a Rahu solar eclipse indicates new growth. This can bring the feeling of breakthrough (or breakdown if not handled properly). Often we experience issues related to our career, or health and life force, and sometimes we can feel very tired around the solar eclipse. At the same time, where and how we have been leaking vital energy might be revealed to us, and so then improvements can be made.

The solar eclipse of September 13 occurs with expansive Rahu (the Moon’s North Node) as the eclipsing body at ~7 degrees sidereal Virgo, while the Sun and Moon will be at ~26 degrees of sidereal Leo. In a natal or mundane horoscope, planets or points from late sidereal Leo and into the first decan (10 degrees) of sidereal Virgo will be most impacted. For instance, those born ~ September 11-15 have the Sun in late sidereal Leo and will be going through some interesting changes in the coming six months.The area where the luminaries (Sun-Moon/New Moon) fall in the September 13 solar eclipse is called Purva Phalguni nakshatra in the Vedic astrology system; this is a fierce and creative section of the zodiac. The luminaries additionally fall in Scorpio navamsa, fourth pada of Purva Phalguni, which reveals potential for some intensified passion and cathartic emotional energy being stirred up in this eclipse. The North Node Rahu falls in the fourth pada (Pisces navamsa) of Uttara Phalguni which fortunately brings some balance of higher consciousness into the mix.

SFPage Lunar eclipses generally tend to trigger relationship or emotional issues, and a Ketu lunar eclipse such as we will have September 27-28 signifies potential for heavy and emotionally toxic feelings in the weeks and days before the eclipse. Some may feel quite confused about what is happening, especially if the eclipse is significantly triggering something in the natal chart. This lunar eclipse will also be a super Moon (Moon at perigee, close to Earth) so it is quite strong in terms of the lunar effect. That is, in the days before and after, we may see higher than usual tides or intense storms and seismic activity, along with strong emotional energies and powerful shifts in awareness and some possibility of extreme events.

The full Moon lunar eclipse will be at ~11 degrees sidereal Pisces conjoined Ketu/South Node at ~7 degrees Pisces, so if you have important planets and points near these degrees, changes are coming and something may end or be let go, because of Pisces being the sign of endings, and Ketu’s quality of dissipation. Yet, every ending is a new beginning, and this is truer because a full Moon even when eclipsed carries some theme of fruition. So maybe if this eclipse is affecting you, there will be a great release which opens the door to something new.

Ketu in Pisces will be in exact trine to Saturn in Scorpio on September 26 adding to the intensity of the eclipse which will fall in Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra, whose shakti is “the power to bring rain,” so we may see torrential rains and possibly flooding or other kinds of water disasters around this lunation. Figuratively speaking, Uttarabhadrapada’s “rain” refers to healing, cleansing and nourishing energies. Pisces is the energy of Oneness. Stay connected within, and you will be fine.
