Blessings of Midsummer, 2021

Blessings of Midsummer, and Midwinter for my readers in the southern hemisphere! It’s been such a tumultuous year for much of the world, with so much unrest, and yet, there are always signs of hope and progress, too. Paramahansa Yogananda taught that in the realm of duality where we exist, there cannot be light without darkness. He also urged us to place our full faith with the Divine Creator, rather than with the creation of the illusory world. His instruction is clear on this, time and again. For instance, he said, “Live in the world, but be not of the world. Krishna tells Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita: ‘Get away from this ocean of suffering.’ Be in the world and do your part, but do not be caught up and bound by its delusions, or you will be enslaved.”

The summer solstice occurred at June 21, 2021 at 3:31 AM UTC at the prime meridian in Greenwich. Summer solstice marks the end of the first half of the solar year that began at winter solstice, known as Uttarayana, when the Sun is waxing in its declination cycle (moving northward). Uttarayana is under the reign of Lord Vishnu, the builder, preserver, and sustainer of worldly material affairs, which are meant to be the focus for all of us during this time.

Summer solstice initiates the second half of the solar year, when the Sun is moving southward in its declination cycle, known as the waning half of the solar year; and, in the Vedic calendar, it is called Dakshinayana, Yamayana, or Pitriyana. This is the half of the year when Lord Vishnu rests, and Lord Shiva takes over. It is the time to complete what was set into motion in Uttarayana, and it brings a focus on ancestral propitiation and spiritual devotional practices, as well as for purifying, strengthening, and balancing our emotional-mental-physical-spiritual well-being.

Shiva Blessing Poster

The Greenwich horoscope for the summer solstice is one of a variety of mundane charts that I like to use to pinpoint certain universal themes playing out in the second half of the solar year in the northern hemisphere. Gemini rises with the Sun, which represents changing conditions, restlessness, fluctuation of interests, and a need for adaptability. Both the rising sign and Sun are in Mrigashira nakshatra, which is called the “Searching Star” and refers to seeking the nectar of life. The rising sign navamsa is in Libra, emphasizing a focus on the public marketplace, relationships, sociability, and travel.

Mrigashira is a light-hearted and exploratory asterism which spans the last part of the constellation of Taurus and first part of Gemini. Here with the strong emphasis on the Gemini section of Mrigashira, it is evident that many people are now and will be on the move this summer and fall, with a tremendous number of people traveling, and many also moving residences. In regard to the former, Jupiter, which rules long distance travel, has just gone retrograde until mid-October, which does also indicate some significant snafus for travelers, as well.

Mrigashira is sometimes inauspicious for relationships, as it is ruled by Mars, planet of conflict. This reminds me of what has recently been referred to as the “Great Uncuffing,” i.e., post-COVID breakups which are apparently occurring in droves. Gemini itself is known as a fickle sign, and Mars, the planetary ruler of the Mrigashira ascendant and Sun, falls in its sign of debilitation in Cancer, from where it casts its square aspect on the Moon. Venus, planet of love and happiness, is on the edge of Gemini…on the edge of change. So it seems very plausible that “Uncuffing” will be, or already is, a “thing” we will be seeing and hearing more about.

When Mrigashira is rising with the Sun, it brings a good deal of positive fortune for the world, too. This is even truer as a stationary (powerful) Jupiter, planet of grace, occupying the ninth house of bhagya (good fortune), is in a  protective aspect, trining the ascendant and Sun in Gemini (purpose and vitality), and also trining the Moon in Libra (the people). As the Dalai Lama once said, everyday somewhere, progress is being made.

However, as with everything in duality, there is also a shadow side. In this case, some areas will face the danger of fires, accidents, and explosions, and financial markets and geopolitical matters will be unpredictable (which they always are). Additionally, debilitated Mars along with retrograde Saturn are both squaring the Moon (the people/public), indicating the fact that many individuals and families everywhere are suffering so much hardship.

Life for many feels unsteady and unstable, as reflected by the predominant signature of cardinal and air signs that reflect the anxiety and agitation in the mass mind. In addition, the opposition of Uranus to the Moon, while both are squaring Mars and Saturn, forms a volatile grand square (or grand cross) in the rajasic (restless, heated) cardinal signs.The key here is to maintain our inner equipoise through spiritual and healing practices that help us “mind the mind” and calm the body and emotions.

Nowadays, we’re living in a post-truth world in which establishment media propaganda (“state-funded media”) is bombarding us 24/7. Yet, there are few other options for information, as so much of alt-media has become opportunistic and flooded with FUD: fear, uncertainty, and doubt, along with a a good deal of disinformation and misinformation captioned by apocalyptic predictions.

For me personally, it has become important to avoid tapping into the overwhelming collective angst, by unplugging more and more from all kinds of media and instead focusing on my work;health and fitness; spending time in nature and quiet reflection/listening within; following only a few trusted sources of information; reading and studying a variety of subjects dear to my heart; enjoying relationships with my loved ones; and taking advantage of other constructive and wholesome outlets.

This is all a timely topic since Gemini, symbolized by the Twins, embodies the global brain and nervous system; as well as our intellect, discernment, logic, and reasoning; communication, knowledge, information, and all forms of media, and it also represents duality which births the divisiveness plaguing us in our earthly reality. However, there is hope, as Gemini rising in the summer solstice chart reminds us that, “with our thoughts, we make the world.”

Star Constellation Facts: Gemini, the Twins

In addition, according to Esoteric Astrology, Gemini operates on the second ray of love and wisdom, which join to create the cohesive divine light that exists within all of life. The second ray energy coming through the summer solstice chart emphasizes peacemaking, and that, my friends, is always an inside job. May your summer season be peaceful!

Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Peace can be a lens through which you see the world. Be