In the northern hemisphere, we are now experiencing late summer and the season of the earth element according to Five Element Chinese philosophy. Earth energy turns us inward to consolidate and stabilize. When in balance, its positive expressions are harmony, patience, responsibility, hard work, and long-term planning, but on the shadow side, the earth element can represent self-centeredness or thoughtless ambition. The negative expression of earth energy is worry, whereas the positive expression is love/empathy.
As temperatures in many places are beginning to cool and we are moving into full autumn, the metal element will kick in. Metal season is the time for letting go and opening up to new inspiration, and so it is an especially good time for cleaning, clearing and cleansing. The season of the metal element corresponds with the vata dosha of Ayurveda, when the air element/prana rises and we are encouraged to eat foods, take treatments, and follow daily rituals which pacify the changeable, skittish, light and dry nature of the autumn season that can adversely affect our health (vata dosha).
With the intense seasonal changes upon us, the months of September and October are especially important ones to receive acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment and/or Ayurvedic consultation, if you are so inclined. In terms of self care, I have a few simple suggestions. One thing that can be very helpful to counteract imbalances in the autumn season is self-Abhyanga oil massage performed a few times a week, which I explain in detail on my website under “Ayurvedic Practice”: (vata massage oil might be best to use in autumn especially as temperatures cool).
Something else I recommend to help balance the high pranic shifts once we are in the metal season is to use Super Nasya (nasal) oil once or twice a day, and my favorite is the blissful smelling Sidha Soma Supreme from the Ayurvedic Health Center, which is said to help relieve congestion, tension, tightness in the neck and clear the mind. Buy it here: