Several prominent members of the entertainment industry have passed away in recent weeks, and for a certain generation, all this loss in such a short period is shattering, as it begins to feel a bit like the end of an era: David Bowie ~ age 69; Terence Dale Griffin ~ age 66 (Bowie’s collaborator and Mott the Hoople drummer); The Eagles’ founding member, singer and musician Glenn Frey ~ age 67. Natalie Cole died December 31, 2015 at age 65. Country singer Craig Strickland died in early January. Celine Dion’s husband-manager René Angélil died January 14 after an extended illness. Actor-director Alan Rickman died January 14 ~ age 69. Motörhead frontman Lemmy died December 28, 2015 ~ age 70. Many astrologers are writing about what seems a bit of a disturbing “trend,” trying to make sense of it “as above.”
There are many great theories and ideas. One that I sense is important is that Rahu, the Moon’s North Node in Jyotish/Vedic astrology, has just transited into Leo on January 8 (true node calcuation) and was moving toward the fragile edge of Leo in late December. Rahu is still at the 29th degree of Leo (as it moves backwards and starts at the end of the sign). The 29th degree represents “the end.” Rahu, like Saturn, is a significator of death and dying. Leo signifies entertainers. Of course not all entertainers are going through their passing, as individual natal charts also have to be ripe for the end of life, which is analyzed as part of ayur calculations in Jyotish.
The other thing that is happening is a generational transit of Pluto now in square to natal Neptune in the charts for those born around 1945-1950 (placing the square within a 5-degree orb). Not all the entertainment professionals I mentioned have this transit. For instant, Strickland was younger, born in 1986; he just recently went through his Saturn Return. René Angélil was older, born in 1942. So for them, I would have to think the issue is related to Rahu’s entry into Leo. For the others, well, Pluto is like Shiva and represents death and transformation, and Neptune represents mass consciousness and is also a higher “spiritualized” octave of Venus, planet of love, beauty, harmony, music/ musicians, dance/dancers and art/artists. On surface, the square being a tension aspect can indicate death (Pluto) of musicians, actors or artists (Neptune).
For some of these artists’ natal charts, including David Bowie’s, Neptune (creativity, idealism) falls in Hasta nakshatra, a sign of immense originality, creativity and light-filled optimism. In his final parting gift of the Blackstar album, Bowie even appeared to take on death as his last act, “defying it by becoming it before it became him,” as author Morad Moazami wrote in a recent article titled Blackstar, and Death as David Bowie’s Final Persona: The artist’s deep spiritual exploration into the transmutation of death itself seems a powerful expression of Pluto square Neptune.

“Bowie-Blackstar-vinylcover” by Source. Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia –
It goes without saying that not everyone born in 1945-1950 will die in this transit. It will only affect individuals who are personally destined to complete their lifespan at this time. Yet, it does seem to indicate specifically the death of certain artistic and musical icons as Neptune is involved generationally. More to the point, the spirit that came through those born in this period of Neptune is itself at a transitional stage, like this sense of “end of era” which will also include some sense of rebirth as well due to the square with Pluto. For instance, there seems to be a resurgence of interest in the music of these artists and their era just since their passing.