New Moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra and Shravan Month of Shiva

In the Vedic calendar, the New Moon day on August 2, 2016 will open up the Shravan month which celebrates the victory of Lord Shiva who drank the poisonous halāhala which sprang from the Samudra Manthan, the epic churning of the great ocean performed by the gods and demons in search of the nectar of immortality. This is an allegory about the churning of life’s poisons and the ultimate victory of light over dark. Also it was in this month that Lord Shiva overcame Yama, the lord of death, which is a tale about the eternal and immortal spark of divinity within all of us. Technically, Lord Shiva drinks the poison before the culmination of the New Moon on Pradosh (Pradosham or Pradosha), which is the 13th day after Full Moon two days before the Shravan month begins.

main-qimg-39f963943d7a9bac0e542e373ac43f05-cDuring Shravan month, the universe is rejuvenated by the Shiva Tatva, the highest, purest, transcendental essence of nature, which purifies body, mind and spirit through various rituals like fasting, mantra japa, prayer, pujas and offerings. It is even a more auspicious month this year as Jupiter will ingress into Virgo on August 11, and the 12 days before and after this date are considered an auspicious time to take holy baths for purification, per yet another great legend of the Vedic tradition in which the nourishing spiritual energy of Pushkara stays with Jupiter in his form of Brihaspati, Lord of the Vast, for these 24 days every 13 months when Jupiter leaves one sidereal sign to enter another.

_uploads_lord_shiva_download_hdwallpapersorgin_160219013450The next few days are the balsamic waning Moon, time for rest, clearing, healing, cleaning and letting go. The new Moon will occur on Tuesday, August 2 at 4:44 PM EDT. It will fall in Cancer constellation which is a super-sensitive and impressionable sign, whose themes revolve around emotional attachments, home, family, security, nurturing, nourishment and digestion.


Within Cancer, the new Moon will fall in Ashlesha nakshatra, which is associated with literal and metaphoric poisons and the need for physical, mental and spiritual detox. On a mundane level, there is a lot of talk in the news about the Zika virus, which is something we might expect around the New Moon falling in a sign of viruses (microbes that are “poisonous”). The new Moon in Ashlesha is the 1st pada which is the Sagittarius navamsa where the luminaries conjoin Jupiter, planet of grace and wisdom. This particular set-up reminds me of one of my guru Paramahansa Yogananda’s greatest quotes: Seeds of past karma cannot germinate if they are roasted in the fires of divine wisdom.

f6c8aee89f9ec9a8a33bacd25e54c9b5These next few days are a wonderful time for examining and releasing any unhealthy emotional attachments and clearing your personal space in preparation for the next phase that will begin on Tuesday’s New Moon. In addition, the day before this New Moon (Monday) is the Chaturdashi tithi and an incredibly auspicious time for spiritual and healing practices and rituals, especially those dedicated to Lord Shiva and one of his greatest disciples, Saturn (Lord Shani).

One of the best practices for this month is to recite Shiva mantras like Om Namah Shivaya, a prayer addressed to Lord Shiva as the highest essence of your Divine Self as the transformative and creative power of the cosmos. Om Namah Shivaya is also called the Panchakshara Mantra, meaning the “Five Sacred Syllables.” These are na-mah-shi-va-ya. It is also sometimes called the six-syllable mantra by including Om. Among other things, these five represent the five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space. Thus, the Om Namah Shivaya mantra balances all the elements in all of life. Another meaning is “I bow to the Divine Self Within.”

  • OM/AUM: Oneness.
  • Namah/Namaha: Homage, and acknowledgement of Oneness.
  • Shivaya/Shiva: The Absolute Reality that is Pure Consciousness.
This mantra will help you truly Let Go and Let God so that you are divinely guided and protected with grace through an awareness of the Divine Plan within you. This mantra can help to clear up karma and emotional debris, bring luck and inner strength, help you attract more positive relationships and financial conditions, and balance the body-mind. It can help you feel the Oneness with the Divine Power that is behind all creation.
cb67b4c484d8db005f963f04f0303444Om Namah Shivaya, love and light,