In the Northern hemisphere, the spring/vernal equinox occurs on Sunday, March 20 at 4:31 AM UTC; 12:31 AM EDT which is Saturday, March 19 at 11:31 CDT; 10:31 PM MDT; 9:31 PM PDT; and 6:31 PM HT. It is autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere, but since I live in the northern half of the world, I will mainly focus on the vernal equinox in this article. That said, both vernal and autumnal equinoxes universally represent a time when the earth energies as well as our own bioenergetic systems are dramatically shifting gears, so our emotional and physical health can be quite sensitive and we may need extra rest and care to protect our life force and maintain equipoise.
On the equinoxes, day and night are nearly of equal length throughout most parts of the world: “equi” means equal, and “nox” means night. The equinoxes are thus seen as balance points in the Earth’s seasonal cycle, when Mother Nature undergoes something akin to an electromagnetic reboot. Vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere is traditionally celebrated as a time of rebirth when the solar cycle begins to expand, as the days are becoming longer and warmer and the natural world is beginning to come back to life.
Aptly, in the Persian calendar (northern hemisphere), the vernal equinox marks the beginning of the New Year, when the seasonal wheel turns closer toward the light and daylight will gradually begin to dominate over darkness until the summer solstice. In the Vedic calendar, the New Year will fall in a few weeks from now on April 7 at the New Moon in Pisces, which means that now we are completing the old year and preparing for the new.
These days around the spring equinox can trigger enormous spiritual and creative power, and this is especially so this year as we will also have the Full Sap Moon on March 23 which follows the typical three-day adjustment period following the equinox. The sap of life is rising in the trees and plants and also within us now. This is a juicy, sweet, and fertile Moon falling in sidereal Virgo, sign of the goddess of purity.
The Full Sap Moon will be eclipsed which can mean that for some — especially those who have important chart points in late sidereal Leo and the first 10 degrees of sidereal Virgo — important changes may be in process related to home, security, professional matters, and relationships. Even though these changes may ultimately be very positive, the adjustment can feel overwhelming in the days and weeks around the eclipse. Additionally, a lunar eclipse often highlights and stirs up emotionally-charged aspects of the subconscious mind…so in other words, life may feel extra-intense and some may be restless or irritable as shadows are exposed.
The lunar eclipse maximum will occur on Wednesday, March 23 at 11:47 AM UTC (the exact lunar phase will be at ~12:01 PM UTC). You can easily use a time zone converter to find out when the eclipse occurs in your area. World regions seeing at least some parts of the eclipse will be much of Asia, Australia, North America, South America; Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans; the Arctic, and Antarctica. The eclipsed Moon will fall at ~9 degrees sidereal Virgo, and Rahu the eclipsing body at ~27 degrees sidereal Leo, both in the generally auspicious Uttaraphalguni nakshatra which is ruled by the Sun.
Jupiter conjoins Rahu which energizes the eclipse and also adds potential for some grace and protection. Yet, Rahu is also closely conjoined the fixed star Denebola, Beta Leonis, the tail of the Lion at ~27 degrees sidereal Leo. According to astrologer Elsbeth Ebertin, “The Tail of the Lion has a Uranian nature and it is supposed that, in mundane horoscopes, major catastrophes are triggered off by it.” In this case, due to Mercury’s rulership of Virgo (where the Moon will be eclipsed), travel and transportation disasters are also likely. This is truer as Rahu also relates to accidents, lunacy, and violence. Denebola is also associated with swift judgments and public disgrace, and with Rahu in Leo, such events might be related to world leaders, political figures, and entertainment celebrities.
Spring is considered a time of miracles when life is coming into full bloom and our own psychic power expands its capacity for meaningful and abundant growth. By aligning with the immense creative and spiritual potential generated during the vernal equinox followed by the full moon-lunar eclipse, we can use this period to meditate on what we want to create more of in our own lives in the coming six months and beyond.
My recommendations to assist with this vernal equinox and eclipse alignment are quite simple:
1. Let go of the past and all preconceived notions about what “should” be and ask your Higher Self to show the way to your most joyful and abundant creative path.
2. Truly take time and create space for listening within to know which direction to take.
3. Observe the signs that will be shown in your outer environment and in your dreams and reflections.
4. Trust your inner knowing to guide the way.
Ceremony and spiritual practice to help with embodying your intentions will be very powerful now. My favorite times for rituals and practices will be at either local sunrise or high noon on Sunday; and again on Wednesday as close as possible to the full moon eclipse in your area. As always, it is said that positive effects of mantra, healing work, prayer, and meditation will be greatly multiplied around the time of eclipse.
I wish you a blessed equinox, full moon eclipse and bright new season ahead!