In Part IV of my Great American Eclipse series, I share some of my research into past eclipses and prognosticate about some possible current and future trends related to the eclipses of August 2017. Please refer to my previous eclipse installments for more information about the eclipses: Parts One, Two, and Three.
(Please note: My work is based on the sidereal zodiac only.)
- Not only the U.S. but many other areas of the world will be affected now and through the next year. However, late July through early September especially, we might expect to see a lot of Murphy’s Law in effect, as all manner of things can go haywire in eclipse seasons.
- The U.S. will continue an intense process of cultural and political rebirth which is already in play, including a trend toward isolationism and nationalism. There is a burning desire among traditionalists to protect and fight for the nation’s most fundamental values and liberties.
- The eclipse in Leo reflects the possibility for disruptive and dangerous geophysical disasters including damaging fires and droughts. A diplomatic international crisis is also a possibility with the Leo eclipse.
- A key leader or leaders on the world stage may pass away or be deposed in the coming six months, but it will not be President Trump. He will continue to fight his opponents while trying to get his message across and push forth his agenda. The Leo eclipse for the President appears to be propitious, but suggests much more political drama and outright “political warfare” developing in the coming months.
- The 145 Saros cycle reflects the chance of major storms and floods, as well as the fear or threat of nuclear military action, and a mild recession but not a major economic crash.
- Some very difficult karma from the past which is unresolved will be coming back into the picture (or is not going away) and my intuition is that this relates to our known foreign enemies, including those living within our borders and those abroad.
- A military or terrorist attack on the U.S. and/or military action by the U.S. is definitely not out of the range of possibility.
- Mild or moderate seismic activity on the U.S. West Coast, the Pacific Northwest, or the U.S. Midwest as well as other parts of the world is also a possibility, but Yellowstone’s super volcano will most likely not erupt.
- The eclipse falls in the 9th house of the U. S. Kelleher chart which brings ongoing focus and transformation in matters related to extreme ideological differences and culture wars, higher education; morals, ethics, religion and ideology; laws, judges, courts, and legal matters; journalism and publishing; shipping and trade; immigration; foreign relations; and science and invention. In terms of the latter, some groundbreaking discoveries are on the horizon.
- Eclipses occur when the negative power of the world has been whipped up to a frenzy. Poison can be released, literally or metaphorically. In terms of the latter, we see this happening in America’s interminable culture wars being waged over traditionalist versus liberal values. The eclipse path line dissects the U.S. symbolizing the extreme danger we face in the current state of racial, cultural, and political hatred, unrest and divisiveness.
- There may be added focus and new developments during the next six months or so on the criminal justice system as it toughens up on crime and illegal immigration. Additionally, the mining, automobile, transportation, chemical/pharmaceutical, and manufacturing industries are going to go through some significant new growth and development, as will real estate and home building; and oil transportation issues loom large, such as pipeline concerns.
Astrologers have the option of erecting an eclipse chart for either a) the time of eclipse maximum, or b) the time of the exact lunar phase, meaning when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction (new Moon/solar eclipse) and in opposition (full Moon/lunar eclipse). I use the latter method, the exact lunar phase, so that the partial lunar eclipse of August 7 occurs at 6:10:32 PM UTC (2:10:32 PM EDT); and the solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 occurs at 6:30:06 PM UTC (2:30:06 PM EDT). In my previous articles (Part One and Part Two), I suggested the best timing to do meditation and other kinds of contemplative practices that can help us extract the maximum spiritual benefit from these eclipses.
There are a great variety of methods and techniques that western and Vedic astrologers follow to analyze the results of eclipses. In the following are some of the ones I use to understand the current eclipse cycle, especially as it relates to past eclipses:
Eclipses affect the countries and cities ruled by the signs in which they are placed. The lunar eclipse of August 7, 2017 falls in sidereal Capricorn. This means the Moon is in Capricorn, though the Moon’s South Node Ketu eclipses it from the zero degree of Aquarius/on the edge of Capricorn-Aquarius. The solar eclipse of August 21 falls in sidereal and tropical Leo, meaning that the Sun and Moon are in Leo in both zodiac systems, whereas Rahu is at the 29+ degree of Cancer/on the edge of Cancer-Leo (sidereal zodiac):
- Capricorn countries (lunar eclipse) include India, Bulgaria, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Albania, Afghanistan, Lithuania, Bosnia, Brunei, Czech Republic, Haiti, Nauru, Slovakia and Sudan.
- Capricorn cities include Brandenburg, Brussels, Oxford, Ghent, Delhi, Mexico City, and Port Said.
- Leo countries (solar eclipse) include Italy, Sicily, France, Romania, Macedonia, Zanzibar, Republic of Chad, Bhutan, Bolivia, Indonesia, North Korea, South Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Mongolia, Seychelles, Singapore, Ukraine and Madagascar.
- Leo cities include Bath, Bristol, Bombay, Chicago, Madrid, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Rome.
The signs (rashi and nakshatra) in which an eclipse occurs have something to say about the effects of the eclipse. The modality (fixed, cardinal, or mutable) will determine the lasting effects of the eclipse, and the August 2017 solar eclipse falls in the fixed/sthira rashi of Leo. Eclipses in fixed signs are said to deal with deeply ingrained problems and are thought to have longer-lasting consequences than eclipses in mutable or cardinal signs. Fixed signs relate to the physical realm of the Earth, so when eclipsed they augur disruptive and dangerous geophysical disasters like severe storms, seismic eruptions, floods, wildfires, crop failures, or pandemics. Fixed sign eclipses also wreak havoc on deeply entrenched systems which have become problematical and outworn.
According to Sage Varahamahira in Brihat Samhita, cyclones [hurricanes and major storms], earthquakes (and volcanoes], and major disputes are most likely to occur when the eclipses fall in fixed signs (or earth signs). If a malefic is in the eclipse axis, it can indicate famine or pestilence, and the influence of Mars can presage severe drought. Mars might be considered to be in the August 21, 2017 eclipse axis as it falls close to Rahu, though it is further away from the Sun-Moon (luminaries) at ~8 degrees.The element of the sign in which an eclipse occurs also has an impact. According to Raphael’s Mundane Astrology, fire sign eclipses “threaten the destruction of cattle and sheep, exile or imprisonment or murder of some king or notable person, or great ruler…[there will be] much discontent and dissension among the people, and movements of armies, fighting, fires, fevers, pestilence, and scarcity of the fruits of the earth, especially in those regions affected by the eclipse.”
According to Varahamahira, the solar eclipse in the sign of Leo may signal the death of a famous king [political leader] and also scarcity of corn [crop failures] if the Sun is weak in the eclipse chart. However, the Sun is not weak in the Washington, DC August 21 eclipse chart’s 10th house, and in fact, the Sun is the strongest of all the grahas in this chart, and is also the potent and focused sole dispositor of the chart, so this is probably not an issue in U.S. However, the Sun is certainly weak in the eclipse charts for other countries, such as in England where it falls in the 8th house of death.
The eclipse occurs in the nakshatra of Magha, and Rahu will be back at the 29+ degree edge of Ashlesha, so both these nakshatras will reflect their energy in the eclipse. The 29+ degree is in the gandanta or transformational edge, indicative of some significant changes ahead, and because it is visible over the U.S. and conjoins the ascendant of President Trump, the country and its government are in for a significant rebirth, including in the President’s White House staff and his cabinet. According to mundane astrology, Magha relates to executives and leaders; merchants; the military/defense department of a nation; chemicals; mining; and the manufacturing industry, so any of these areas may be galvanized in the Magha eclipse.
The eclipse conjoins the fixed star Regulus in Magha (~5 degrees sidereal Leo), which is the Persian “star of kings,” and this leads some western astrologers to believe that Iran (ancient Persia) will soon again be in the news. This seems a bit of a stretch, but astrology is based on symbolism so it could well be true. President Trump’s ascendant and natal Mars (which is his best yogakaraka planet as well as his atmakaraka soul indicator) are in Magha nakshatra, the lunar mansion ruled by the “human and divine ancestors” known as the Pitris in Vedic tradition. The Pitris act through President Trump in the realm of artha or mastery of the material realm. They move through him to embrace and fight for traditional family values and the founding principles of America.
Recently, Vedic astrologer SueAnn McKean described it this way: “The Pitris have influenced Donald Trump’s nature to go in the direction of hard work; slow and steady gains, and lasting material growth…and to care about family, home, and country, and pass along his good fortune to the ‘forgotten Americans’.” President Trump’s mission to “Make America Great Again” (MAGA/Magha) is activated and empowered by the expansive nature of this Great American Eclipse. Please refer to my article from February 2016 when I predicted that Donald Trump might win the nomination and even the presidency, and when I first mentioned that I had found a connection between MAGA and Magha, revealing the divine synchronicity at play even in politics.
Rahu in the edge of Ashlesha nakshatra has something to say about public loyalty toward President Trump, as well as the tremendous lack thereof. Many people love and praise him, and many others despise and criticize him. Some polls say he is doing great, while others say he is failing. At least we can all agree that he is a polarizing figure playing a role in the destiny of America. Even astrologers regularly decimate his character, calling him a liar, sexist, racist, etc., though astrological ethics at least among true professionals necessitates a more respectful tone when doing astrological analysis of any public figure. It is very difficult to be clear in analyzing a horoscope when we are personally biased, though it can be hard to leave bias aside.
Rahu in Ashlesha in the 8th house of the U.S. Kelleher chart natally and in the eclipse means that poison is being churned up for the past six months and for at least the next year-and-a-half, both metaphoric or literal, as in the anger, divisiveness, and unrest among so many people in the nation, especially related to issues of foreign trade, immigration, crime, and foreign policy which are some of the matters that Rahu represents naturally.
Rahu is also the current Vimshottari dasha lord for the U.S., and the 8th house is one of the houses that relates to Obamacare, as the 8th house refers to taxation, and the current individual mandate through the Obamacare system is a tax which is administered by the IRS. Ashlesha also rules and stirs up concerns related to our prisons; the automobile and transportation industries; commodities like cotton, salt and merchandise; hotels and recreational activities; real estate and home building; and oil transport (pipelines etc.). These all could be areas activated for change in the next year-and-a-half.
I wrote in my Part II installment about the August 7 lunar eclipse in Capricorn but will mention here again that the eclipsed Moon falls in Shravana nakshatra, and matters being activated in the lunar eclipse will resonate into 2018 as Ketu in the February 15, 2018 solar eclipse axis will also fall in Shravana nakshatra. Shravana according to mundane astrology has to do with issues in agriculture; mines and mining, oil and gas industries; wetlands and land development; health care industry, medicine, and healthcare professionals; and the rise of conservative and libertarian ideology and policy.
Eclipses come in families that are designated by their “Saros Number.” These families link together the eclipses that happen every ~19 years. These families evolve over cycles that last many centuries (10-15), comprising 80 eclipses in a series. One interesting point about the Saros cycles is that if we map them showing the location over the Earth of all the eclipses in a Saros cycle, they form a path that appears to be a serpent wrapping itself around the Earth, and Rahu and Ketu, the eclipse points, are considered to be two halves of a serpent in Hindu mythology.
The August 21, 2017 eclipse is part of Saros Series 145 that includes 77 eclipses of which the August eclipse is number 22. All eclipses in this series occur at the ascending node (Rahu) of the lunar orbit. The 145 series began with the partial solar eclipse of January 4, 1639 visible at the North Pole. The series will end with the partial solar eclipse of April 17, 3009 visible from the South Pole. The length of this series is 1,370 years. Some of my readers might like to look back to see what changes occurred in their own lives around these Saros 145 eclipses in the past, as history can repeat itself at least in terms of some of the broader themes that emerge in our lives in these cycles. The Saros 145 series has deep connections to critical events in U.S. history:
- The last one in this series was a central total solar eclipse in the North Atlantic Ocean, Europe, and India on August 11, 1999. The Atlantic hurricane season in 1999, from June to November, had five Category 4 hurricanes – the highest number recorded in a single season in the Atlantic basin, with Hurricane Floyd being the most significant. A few months later in November 1999, the Battle of Seattle occurred, an enormous set of protests estimated at no less than 40,000 people demonstrating against a world meeting of organizations associated with economic globalization, such as the WTO, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. The recent protests and disruption surrounding the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany repeated this same theme.
- The eclipse before 1999 was in July 1981 which was around the time that the AIDS epidemic broke out, and when the early 1980s Recession also began. Regarding recessions and other economic matters, in times past around a few of the significant economic crashes that I have researched, they did not occur in the Saros 145. Also it seems that Mars in the U.S. birth chart was afflicted by eclipses that occurred in times of economic crashes, which is not happening in this current eclipse. It will be afflicted, however, in the June 2020 solar annual eclipse.
- Before this was the eclipse of July 1963 which occurred ~four months before President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. This does not however correlate with a presidential assassination in the 2017 eclipses per my other analysis. However, the threat or fear of it may exist.
- Before this was the July 1945 eclipse which preceded the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in early August 1945.
- Before this was the eclipse of June 1927, which was preceded by the Great Mississippi Flood in April.
- We can also get a sense of some of the themes for Saros 145 by looking at its inception chart which is listed as a solar partial eclipse on January 3/4, 1639, visible in Siberia. This initial eclipse fell in the prosperous and confident sidereal sign of Sagittarius, close to the IC (homeland point) in America. It is fortunate that Venus and Mercury conjoin the eclipse axis. I find it interesting that in Sagittarius-ruled America, a landmark Sagittarian event occurred quite close to the date of this inception eclipse, which was that the Fundamental Orders were adopted by the Connecticut Colony Council on January 15, 1639 OS (January 24, 1639 NS). As a Declaration of Rights, the Orders featured a written constitution, and are considered by some to be the first written Constitution in the Western tradition, describing the government set up by the Connecticut River towns, and establishing its structure and powers.
The founders who wrote the Orders wanted the government to have access to the open ocean for trading, which relates to an important theme of this Saros cycle now again played out in President Trump’s plan to revise existing trade agreements. The Orders also contain some principles that were later applied in creating the U.S. government, based on the idea that the rights of an individual citizen are ensured by the government. Sagittarius is the sign of liberty, commerce, the judiciary, codes of law, ethics, and morality. As we hit another eclipse in this Saros cycle, and the 9th house (natural sign of Sagittarius) of the U.S. Kelleher chart is also being eclipsed (in Leo), all of these topics are highlighted, and the inception chart seems to indicate that basic liberties and rights will be upheld even though our rapidly changing society is going through such a chaotic transition.
According to some precepts of western and Vedic astrology, eclipses will have the most effect in those countries where they are visible, and/or where they are on the meridian (MC/IC) at the moment of central eclipse. This is important since the Great American Eclipse is visible in America and also on the upper meridian in the Midwest of America, which should indicate that it will have the bulk of its impact in America. The eclipse path of totality is shown here in the red line from west to east, and the vertical lines showing the Sun and Moon glyphs on MC through the Midwest are showing the upper meridian.
The idea of an eclipse “effect” refers to disruptive as well as constructive changes, and these can include natural and human-made disasters, and geopolitical upheaval and transformation. In my research, this principle about eclipses having the most effect where they are visible and on the meridian is not always true; maybe it is true half the time, but definitely not always:
- One case where an important event followed in the wake of a solar eclipse which was not visible in the country where the event occurred was 9/11, preceded by an eclipse of June 21, 2001 at 7:57:45 AM which was visible over Africa and South America, but not North America. It was in the 12th house of the Washington, DC eclipse chart, not the meridian. The eclipse that followed on December 2001 was just was slightly visible in a small area over the U.S., but not over New York where the terror event occurred, and it was not on the meridian but it was in the 7th house (descendant/desc.).
- On the other hand, the most destructive earthquake in the history of the world did match this visibility principle. It occurred on January 23, 1556 and left enormous destruction as well as 830,000 dead. The preceding eclipse of November 14, 1555 at 3:09:27 PM was visible over China including the area of ground zero in Shaanxi (Shensi), but it was not on the meridian. In occurred in the 8th house of the local chart and Uranus was conjoined the descendant. These latter facts match with what I have seen to be some of the eclipse omens for an earthquake.
- I looked at four of the most devastating volcanic eruptions in our planet’s known history, and two of them happened in areas where the closest eclipses were visible, but two of them happened in areas far from where the closest solar eclipses were visible, and none of them were on the meridian.
We can read an eclipse chart for any location and understand something about its impact. If the eclipse falls in a trik/difficult house, which is the 6th, 8th, or 12th house (6-8-12), some unusual difficulties or significant changes might arise in that place, particularly if the lord of the ascendant is in a malefic aspect and relationship with the eclipse dispositor. In other words, if the lord of the first house and the eclipse dispositor are placed in a difficult aspect or have some natural enmity, this will also point to more likelihood for some negative impact. According to this principle, the August 21, 2017 eclipse is not that inauspicious for the U.S., as it does not occur in a trik house in the chart for the nation (set for Washington, DC). The 1st house ruler Mars and the dispositor of the luminaries in this eclipse chart, the Sun, are friends, but they are in a 2/12 aspect, which can have some ups and downs.
In a very different example, in the solar total eclipse chart of June 21, 2001 (pre-9/11) in both Washington, DC and New York City, the eclipse falls in the 12th house of hidden enemies along with Rahu (foreign enemies), and Ketu is in the 6th house indicating an attack. Further, the Moon as ruler of the 1st house has some natural enmity with Mercury, dispositor of the eclipse, and Mercury is sandhi at the 29th degree in the house behind the Moon (an aspect of loss and deception).In another example, the February 15, 2018 solar eclipse falls in the 8th house in Washington, DC, and Saturn is the dispositor of the eclipse in Aquarius and has some enmity with the chart ruler Moon but they are in a harmonious 3/11 sextile aspect. This gives mixed results, and predicts ongoing culture wars; health care and health issues; immigration concerns; some possible commotion related to stocks and national finance or social security; war or terror; and continued turmoil in the government for the second half of 2018.
“Eclipses operate more forcibly on cities, provinces, and kingdoms than on particular persons of private condition, or even upon kings and princes, for their effects rather respect the multitude” (The Aphorisms of Jerom Cardan [1501-1576] as printed in Anima Astrologia). In other words, eclipses are more important in mundane than natal astrology. As an example, the solar eclipse of August 21 is aligned with (conjoined in zodiacal longitude) President Donald Trump’s ascendant (rising sign or lagna) and his natal Mars. His natal Mars is at 6 degrees 51 minutes of Leo; his ascendant is at 3 degrees 40 minutes of Leo; the eclipsed luminaries are at 4 degrees and 46 minutes Leo, so this is a tight conjunction occurring at the midpoint of Mars and his ascendant.
Because of the eclipse activating the President’s ascendant-Mars, some astrologers have said that a difficult fate awaits him, that his “secrets” would come out, or that he will be impeached, but I don’t believe these prognostications and feel that what it may mean instead is that some of the conspiracies and secrets of his detractors will come out. It also means he will continue to be vilified by the media and his enemies. Referring back to Cardan’s aphorism that eclipses operate more forcibly for mundane astrology than for individual astrology, the President’s ascendant in eclipse reflects the mass karma of the nation he leads, and so in my opinion, the most important effect of the President’s ascendant in eclipse is that the U.S. is going through a rebirth in 2017 and into 2018.
Astrology teaches us that those born with their Moon, Sun, or ascendant in the rashi or nakshatra of the eclipsed luminaries will be most affected by an eclipse, which can point to tiresome events, mental stress and strain, separation from relatives, or a situation of crisis, illness, accident, or death occurring around the individual. Again, in the charts of leaders, these influences will be related to the collective karma of the nation more for them personally. It is important to note that there are several stipulations if these grave conditions are to develop and be fatal: The individual or nation whose chart is being eclipsed this way should be in:
- a chidra-dasha cycle at the time (on the edge between dashas), which can indicate humiliation, loss of honor and many enemies.
- in the dasha and bhukti of Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Mars, Sun or Moon, which can indicate a mishap or crisis.
- in the dasha of a maraka or badhaka lord, and that lord should be afflicted in the natal or eclipse chart, which can indicate death if the lifespan is complete (longevity calculations need to be done first).
- and the eclipse should fall in a trik house (6-8-12), in which all kinds of problems can ensue.
If someone is going through a few of the above astrological transits, then the eclipse and extended period for months before and after may be more worrying or dangerous, and it might not be a great time for travel, but instead, a time to “lie low” and take extra precautions for safety and security. Additionally, Vedic astrology Sri KN Rao says that a leader may fall if the eclipse is conjoined his ascendant, Moon, or Sun, and if he is running the bhukti of a malefic planet. In President Trump’s case, he is not running a bhukti of a malefic planet. He is in the dasha of Jupiter-Jupiter-Mercury. President Trump’s Jupiter is an auspicious planet for his natal chart as the 5th lord, though placed in the 2nd maraka house, and Mercury rules the 2nd maraka house, but Mercury is well placed in the 11th house, and anyway, marakas do not bring loss of life or severe danger if the life force is strong and the lifespan is complete. The President has several strong combinations for powerful vitality and a long lifespan.
According to some methods of calculation, the President’s chidra-dasha is running now; some say it is in effect until April 2018; some say it is in effect until January 2019; and others say it is over by now since he has been in Jupiter mahadasha since last November. This edge between cycles is considered a vulnerable period that can indicate humiliation, loss of honor, and many enemies, all of which seems to be the case for the President as he clearly has many serious detractors who are threatened by him and hell-bent on taking down his administration. This vulnerable edge (chidra-dasha) is slowly easing up and may be null after next April 2018.
Looking back to the previous Leo-Rahu solar eclipse which was visible in the southern hemisphere on August 21, 1998 at 10:03:05 PM EDT, which also occurred in conjunction with President Trump’s natal ascendant-Mars, the luminaries were almost at the exact same degree that they will be in the August 2017 eclipse, and he was in the fortunate Mars-Moon dasha at the time. It was a solar annular eclipse and Rahu was within a few degrees of the luminaries. Saturn was transiting in debilitation in Aries in a rashi (sign) aspect to Trump’s ascendant-Mars as well as to his IC-Moon-Ketu and his descendant. Some astrologers might interpret that as a damaging or difficult aspect, just as they interpret the current transit of Saturn to his Moon as damaging or difficult, but the year 1998 proved to be a productive, happy, and highly successful year for Trump’s personal and professional life, including that he met his current wife Melania Trump (née Knauss) just a few weeks after this eclipse. Based on this alone, I hardly think that a Leo eclipse on his ascendant is a dangerous one, and quite to the contrary, it empowers him with success and the ability to withstand many repeated scandals and attacks.
Because Donald Trump was born in a Kala Sarpa Yoga variation (all the planets within one side of the axis of the lunar nodes, and his is a slight variation of this as the Moon is just outside the axis), and because he was born in a powerful lunar eclipse, he just seems to get stronger in eclipses. I have watched this during the past few years as some astrologers repeatedly predicted his downfall but this has not happened, and even with the constant attacks from both flanks, Trump has been able to withstand the blows and fend off his attackers.
During the eclipse, the President will be in his Venus and Jupiter Returns, and transiting Jupiter will be in trine to his natal Sun (5-degree orb), and transiting Venus will be conjoined natal Saturn, all of which is presumably protecting him. He is also in an extended sade sati period (Saturn transiting the houses around and the one holding his natal Moon) which means he is under tremendous pressure and working very hard and long hours, but being born with a magnificent Mars conjoined his lagna, and being born in a powerful lunar eclipse, he is strong under stress, as when eclipses occur or under the pressure of Saturn, because his natal chart is overall so profoundly durable and lucky, and his natal Mars and Sun, which symbolize his drive, confidence, fortitude, leadership, and vitality, are extremely powerful and robust. In his last sade sati as Saturn crossed his Moon in 1987, he was in a Moon-Saturn cycle and was “riding high,” though one of his businesses declared bankruptcy at that time, which is apparently par for the course in his industry.
When malefic eclipses occur on the meridian of a natal chart for a leader, this can be a bad omen. Take the case of President John F. (Jack) Kennedy (JFK) who was assassinated in November 1963. On July 20, 1963, at 4:42:41 PM, about four months earlier, a central total solar eclipse occurred in Canada, which was only a partial one in the U.S. It was an eclipse involving Rahu in Cancer in the 8th house of the U.S. Kelleher chart (insecurity, transformation, turmoil) and occurred conjunct JFK’s Saturn (exact conjunction) and within a few degrees of the midheaven of his natal chart in the 11th house of endings, indicating the possibility of a national event that would affect him and the entire nation and government.
The planet of attacks and accidents in JFK’s birth chart (6th lord) is Saturn, which is also the natural significator of death, and JFK was in the Jupiter-Saturn-Saturn dasha, and Jupiter is a maraka for his chart and was transiting in a maraka house, and Saturn of course is a natural malefic. There was no trigger to the eclipse axis during the assassination in November, but Rahu had moved back to natal Ketu (and Ketu to natal Rahu) which is the converse nodal return. It happened in the 4/10 axis of JFK’s chart, indicating a dramatic change in direction for the nation upon the tragedy of his death. During the converse nodal return, deaths often occur if the lifespan is complete. In the July 20, 1963 eclipse chart for Washington, DC, Mars is within 5 degrees of the midheaven, and Rahu in the 8th In Dallas where he was killed, Pluto and Uranus were conjunct the midheaven in the eclipse chart.
Here are a few other examples of past American Presidents who had their Sun, Moon or ascendant closely eclipsed during or around their time in office:
a) Ronald Reagan’s Sun was exactly eclipsed in February 1981. Soon after the eclipse in March 1981, he survived an assassination attempt. He was in the dasha-bhukti of maraka (killer) planets Saturn and Mercury, but his longevity was not complete, so he was saved
b) President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated in March 1861. A few months before, in January 1861, there was a solar annular eclipse in the southern hemisphere (not visible in America). It was an eclipse in Sagittarius in his 11th house, but with Rahu at 0 degrees Capricorn in his 12th house which was close to his natal Moon (a difficult house placement for an eclipse especially as the Moon rules his 6th house of struggle and war). Also the eclipse chart Uranus (revolution, civil war) was exactly conjoined his natal IC (homeland point). The American Civil war began in April 1861 and lasted until May 1865.
Speaking of the American Civil war, the eclipses in 1861-62 occurred in Sagittarius and Gemini, the 1/7 axis of the U.S. Kelleher chart which holds Mars in Gemini, indicating the massive upheaval and destruction in America during this time. The total solar eclipse of December 31, 1861 occurred in the Atlantic Ocean and in North and South America, the West Indies, Europe and Africa. The root cause of the Civil War is still controversial today but one leading theory is that it was fought to preserve the institution of slavery. The other is that it was fought for state’s rights, and both probably apply, but the fact that this timely eclipse tracked across the trans-Atlantic slave trade routes seems quite compelling for the slavery theory.
c) President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was president at the beginning of World War II. In May, 1941, he declared an unlimited national emergency in response to Nazi Germany’s threats of world domination, warning Germany that the U.S. was prepared to go to war. Seven months later, the day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, America entered World War II when it declared war on Japan. On September 20, 1941 at 6:08:28 PM HT (+10:30) a total solar eclipse occurred in Asia (it was partial in Japan and the South Pacific). This eclipse occurred in sidereal Virgo exactly conjunct FDR’s ascendant. The eclipsed Sun and Moon conjoin Neptune, all at 4 degrees of Virgo, and FDR’s ascendant is at 1 degree Virgo, and Rahu in the eclipse is at 29 Leo conjunct FDR’s Uranus in the 12th house, which set up the astrological picture for a sneak attack of the Japanese Air Service on America’s Naval Base in Honolulu, Hawaii. The eclipse also conjoined Neptune in the 10th house of the U.S. Kelleher birth chart. Neptune in mundane and natal astrology if often expressed as pure evil.
Interestingly, an astrologer might have predicted the Pearl Harbor attack as the solar eclipse chart for Honolulu for Sept. 20, 1941 shows the eclipse and transiting Neptune on the descendant (angular). The eclipsed luminaries and/or malefics on any of the angles in a particular location for an eclipse chart – 1st/ascendant/asc./lagna/rising sign; 4th/IC patala lagna/7th/descendant/desc./asta lagna; and 10th/midheaven/MC/madhya lagna – most often foretell difficulties ahead for the places where they occur (more on that shortly). The last point I will make about this 1941 eclipse is that the lunar nodes are at the dangerous 29th degree as they are in the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017. These nodes indicate the possibility of a life-changing event which also induces great collective fear.
d) President Woodrow Wilson was President at the start of World War I which began in April 1917. In February 1916, the year before, the solar total eclipse (which has a slight shadow over America) triggered his natal Mars-Moon-Venus while he was in his Saturn-Jupiter Return cycle. In this case, the war came a year later but had been brewing since 1916. This illustrates the fact that eclipses have “long shadows” sometimes. There was another solar eclipse (partial) in the southern hemisphere in December 1916 which triggered his IC/MC axis and his natal Sun and chart lord Mercury. The June 1917 solar partial eclipse triggered his MC/Saturn in the 10th house.
e) A total solar eclipse occurred on June 21, 2001 at 7:57:45 AM in Washington, DC, and this eclipse activated the 12th house (hidden enemies and problems) of then-President George W. Bush’s natal chart, with Rahu closely triggering his Sun in the 12th house (Sun being a planet of leadership and Rahu, foreigners/and Jihadists). A few months later, 9-11 occurred, and the rest is history.
So historically, it appears that the eclipses activating a sitting President’s chart angles or natal planets can indicate an aggressive attack, a warlike threat, and/or significant military action.
We can also look at the solar eclipse chart superimposed over the chart of a nation or an individual, just as we read any transit chart. Doing this with the Kelleher chart for the U.S., which has a Sagittarius ascendant, the solar eclipse falls in the 9th house, signaling new beginnings related to 9th house matters. A Rahu solar eclipse like the one on August 21 often indicates breakdowns (or breakthroughs) which lead to some expansion and new developments. The 9th house in mundane astrology includes religion and the clergy; laws, judges, courts, and legal matters; journalism and publishing; shipping and trade, and science and invention. When Mars comes around near and on the eclipse degree in the last week of August and first week of September, it could indicate some disturbances or disputes in any or all related 9th house matters. This is also true as Mercury will be transiting retrograde in the eclipse axis which can indicate disputes over media/journalism and fake news/propaganda, trade and commerce, important legal cases, libel, or forgery.
Stand-alone eclipse charts and those superimposed over natal and mundane charts, if triggering a dusthana/trik house (6, 8, or 12), can indicate some kind of crisis or tragedy for the nation. On July 31, 1962 at 8:23:40 AM in Washington, DC, there was an annular solar eclipse in South America, Africa and the Middle East, and a partial eclipse in Cuba. This solar eclipse fell in Cancer with Rahu and Mercury in the 12th house of the eclipse chart for Washington, opposite Saturn and Ketu in the 6th house, with Pluto (nuclear war) close to the ascendant, indicating the major nuclear threat to national and international security that ensued in the Cuban Missile Crisis which occurred during John F. Kennedy’s Presidency in October 1962 (2+ months after the eclipse).
This was one of the most important confrontations of the Cold War, a nuclear standoff with Russia which paralyzed the world with fear for 13 days. This eclipse also fell in the 8th house (fear, crisis, death) of the U.S. Kelleher chart during the nodal return which can be a time of major crisis that eventually leads to a new direction. In the eclipse chart superimposed over JFK’s chart, Mars was in exact square to his natal Moon in the 12th house, and Saturn and the MC in his natal chart’s 10th house were kindled by the eclipse. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a turning point which tested the diplomatic bargaining powers of the U.S. and Russia (Kennedy and Kruschev), so in that respect it was a typical eclipse crisis and subsequent turning point.
In October 1962, Mars had transited up to the debilitation sign of Cancer, conjoining the eclipse axis and Rahu, which illustrates the principle of the “land mine” of an eclipse lying in wait to be triggered by transits of malefics (mostly Mars) coming after an eclipse. This is something to look for in the August 21 eclipse, when Mars comes within 2-3 degrees of the eclipse chart’s Sun and Moon, and one could predict some kind of a difficult terrorist or warlike event for the world and especially the U.S. since the President’s ascendant is also involved and the eclipse crosses through the U.S.
The date range for this land mine being set off in the coming month or so might be August 23-29 when Mars is transiting within two degrees of Rahu (using Mean Nodes), and then again August 30-Sept. 7 when Mars crosses the degree of the luminaries in the eclipse chart within a few degrees applying and separating. Additionally, there may also be a pre-eclipse “landmine” trigger around July 24-25 when Mercury crosses the eclipse degree the first time around, as in an important event or events that will be part of some ongoing drama in the coming months. Mercury will station at 17 degrees Leo on August 12, and retrograde back and station direct in conjunction with Mars on the same eclipse degree again on September 5! The fact that Mercury is retrograde here reveals some karma from the past that is unresolved which may be coming back into the picture (or not going away) and it could come to a head in late August or early September 2017.
The last time we had a solar eclipse in early sidereal Leo was on August 21, 1998 at 10:03 PM EDT. The luminaries were eclipsed by Rahu and all were very close in degree to the August 21, 2017 eclipse. The eclipse conjoins the fixed star Regulus which is the star of kings (leaders). As in the August 2017 eclipse, this one also fell in the 9th house of the Kelleher U.S. chart, but in the very inauspicious 6th house (conflict, legal matters) of the Washington, DC eclipse chart. On August 17, 1998, a few days before the eclipse, then-President Bill Clinton became the first sitting president to testify before a grand jury which was investigating his conduct in the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. After the questioning at the White House was finished, he went on national TV to admit he had lied and that he had been involved in an inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinsky. He was impeached in December 1998 and acquitted in February 1999.
It’s ironic that a small group of Donald Trump’s political opponents have recently called for his “impeachment,” without any real grounds of course, following through with this similar Regulus eclipse theme which can be a major test or downfall for the “king.” However, in the August 2017 eclipse chart, the eclipse is not inauspicious by house position (eclipses are inauspicious when they fall in houses 6-8-12), but instead falls in the 10th house. Here, the eclipse mirrors the intense chaos in the Machiavellian “swamp” of Washington, which we have witnessed since last February 2017, which looks like it could continue at least through next February 2018. The eclipse to Leo, sign of politics and theater, brings attention to the fact that government and politics have become a form of entertainment for much of America. More optimistically, the 10th house Leo eclipse may result in important reforms enacted through both the executive and legislative branches of government.
The ascendant is Scorpio, sign of rebirth, which is ruled by Mars which is debilitated and in the 12th from the Sun and Moon which points to the current and ongoing state of discord among various members of the government and all political parties. However, the ascendant is in the friendly Anuradha nakshatra ruled by Saturn which is in an exact harmonious trine with Mars, which could ease some of the discord. Additionally, the 10th lord Sun and 9th lord Moon form the highly touted Dharma-Karma Adhipati Raja Yoga for success, purpose, power, and positive energy. Another fascinating aspect here is the exact trine between Uranus and the eclipsed luminaries which is also forming a grand fire trine through a wide aspect to the ascendant, suggesting innovation and reform and unusual (even shocking) events happening in the U.S. government in the coming 6-12 months. In Vedic Parashari astrology, these trines just have only half strength or importance, but in western and Tajika astrology, they are given full strength and I feel they bring some short and long-term protection to the U.S.Many astrologers are concerned about disasters happening along the eclipse path. Sometimes as mentioned before, fated events can happen along the path of totality or in range of it. On February 26, 1979 at 11:45 AM ET, a total solar eclipse was visible in the U.S. Northwest and Canada. Just about two weeks before the eclipse, the Hood Canal Bridge in western Washington State sank after a rogue storm swept through, with winds gusting up to 120 miles per hour, leaving a severe transportation problem in its wake. Here is the map for the February 26, 1979 eclipse.
The deadliest hurricane in US history occurred in Galveston, Texas on September 8, 1900. Known as the Great Galveston Hurricane, it took anywhere from 8,000 to 12,000 victims. This hurricane was preceded by a total solar eclipse on May 28, 1900, with the path of totality very near Galveston. None of the malefic planets were angular in the eclipse, which occurred in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Venus the planet of the water element was in the 12th house in Gemini, and water sign Cancer was rising and closely aspected by Rahu (storms). The South Node Ketu transited back over the eclipse points at the time of the storm. Here below are the map and charts for the May 28, 1900 eclipse and the Great Galveston Hurricane.
Based on history, it is possible that this August 2017 eclipse could be an omen for a major hurricane in the U.S., possibly in Florida where Neptune is on the IC as shown in the August 21, 2017 eclipse map below:
The last time an eclipse totality crossed the U.S. was on June 8, 1918 (6:02 PM EDT). This portion of the path of totality in the U.S. was roughly similar to the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse path of totality. However, the 1918 eclipse started much further west than the 2017 eclipse. You can see in the map below it originated in the Pacific Ocean in western Asia and came through Washington State, cutting down just off the east coast of Florida and pointing down toward the West Indies. Here is the 1918 eclipse map:
.The 1918 eclipse was definitely an omen for a very difficult year as:
a) The second wave of the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-1919, also known as La Grippe, hit America. It was the deadliest epidemic in modern history, infecting an estimated 500 million people worldwide–about one-third of the planet’s population at the time–and killing an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims. More than 25 percent of the U.S. population became sick, and some 675,000 Americans died during the pandemic. First observed in Europe, the US and parts of Asia, it swiftly spread around the world. Surprisingly, many flu victims were young, otherwise healthy adults. It was very deadly as the virus invaded lungs and caused pneumonia.
b) An earthquake hit southern California (San Jacinto) and there was another in Puerto Rico that was followed by a tsunami.
c) One-hundred waiters were implicated for poisoning guests who tipped poorly in what was called the Chicago Restaurant Poisonings.
d) Several significant transportation disasters occurred through the year.
e) The Sedition Act was passed, extending the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light or interfered.
f) WW I officially ended in November 1918, and the Roaring Twenties began (1918-1929). This eclipse in 1918 and the eclipse of August 2017 similarly reflect a dramatic break from the past and a cultural and political rebirth characterized by a new wave of nationalism and isolationism.
g) The main difference between these two eclipses is that the one in 1918 occurred in the fixed earth sign of Taurus with the Moon’s South Node Ketu, in the 6th house (illness, enmity, disaster) of the U.S. Kelleher chart, and the 8th house (illness, accidents, death) of the Washington, DC eclipse chart. As discussed, eclipses are often difficult or stressful when activating houses 6-8-12, but again, this is not happening in 2017. Another consideration is that the effects of Ketu eclipses (June 1918) are often considered more challenging than those of Rahu eclipses (August 2017), as Ketu tends to suggest significant losses, abject meaninglessness, violence, and despair, whereas Rahu represents evolution and expansion, but also can signify chaos and some irrationality.
Mars conjoining Rahu in the August 21, 2017 eclipse is a classic signature for terrorism somewhere in the world, but then, this is the new normal, isn’t it? Anyway, we want to look at where the eclipse and malefics Mars, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Rahu, and Ketu are angular, i.e., on the 1st house cusp/asc.; 7th house cusp/desc., 4th house cusp/IC; and 10th house cusp/MC) to see where on the Earth there may be some “fresh new hell” taking place. As an example, Neptune was on the 7th house cusp (desc.) over the US east coast in the June 2001 pre-9-11 solar eclipse. The 7th house/desc. represents enemies and war, and if Neptune is in the 7th, we are warned to be on guard against plots and secret attacks.
The June 2001 solar eclipse fell in the evil 12th house over New York City, and in the following July 5, 2001 lunar eclipse, Pluto and Mars were on the 4th house cusp/IC and Saturn (big karma) on the midheaven over New York City. In another instance, in the central total solar eclipse on September 21, 1941, followed by the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Neptune was also on the 7th house cusp with Rahu (foreign attackers). This is the eclipse that conjoined FDR’s ascendant. And this eclipse path was in Asia, Japan, and the South Pacific.
Here is the map showing where the eclipse and the malefic planets will be angular in the Great American Eclipse.
Note that the lines for asc. can indicate places where there might be general agitation, seismic events or storms, and cultural rebirth; on the MC, government upheaval, and social agitation against the government; on the IC, issues with land, seismic events and storms, mining, taxes and governmental conflicts; and desc., treachery, foreign plots, scandals and legal upheaval. In the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse, Neptune is on the asc. in Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger, Sicily, Italy, Croatia, Austria, Czech Republic, and Poland; Neptune is on the IC in the eastern U.S. and Canada, and Central America; Neptune is on the MC in Thailand, Sumatra, Burma, China, Mongolia, etc. Pluto is on the desc. in parts of China/Hong Kong, the Philippines and Australia; and Mars is on the desc. in Western Africa, parts of Europe/France, and Spain, and Mars is on the asc. in New Zealand. And on it goes. You can see the lines and the planetary alignments on the map.
The eclipse is on the desc. in W. Africa and parts of Europe indicating potential for war or terrorism. It’s on the IC in India and part of Nepal, Sri Lanka, W. China and E. Russia. The eclipse is on the asc. in New Zealand and Fiji. It’s on the MC/midheaven in central areas of the US (Dakotas, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska), and in Manitoba, W. Ontario, and Mexico. Note where Uranus is angular too: On the MC in Japan, New Guinea and Australia; on the asc. in Iraq, Yemen, Ethiopia, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and Finland; on the IC in Greenland and the coast of Brazil; and on the desc. in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oregon, Washington State, E. British Columbia and Alberta.
As the world is in fear of the threat of North Korea crossing the nuclear ICBM threshold in 2018, the eclipse path and angular lines in the August solar eclipse are not triggering North Korea with any negative impact, and in fact, benefic Jupiter and Venus lines are hemming Korea which could possibly suggest some diplomatic or peaceful solution to the ongoing conflicts and threats from the regime. There is one trigger actually, which is that North and South Korea are Leo countries and the eclipse is in Leo. In addition, looking at the coronation chart for the current leader of North Korea, it appears slightly possible for some significant change in North Korea’s leadership in late 2017 and early 2018 when transiting Saturn crosses the MC which is conjunct the intense Galactic Center at 5+ degrees Sagittarius/Mula nakshatra, and then crosses over Pluto and the Sun in the 10th house.
I studied charts for some of the most damaging earthquakes and volcanos in history, including the Sumatra earthquake and tsunami in 2004, Shaanxi in 1555, and Kanto (Japan) in 1923. In terms of volcanos, I looked at Mt. Tambora in Indonesia (1815—71,000 dead); Laki in Iceland (1783—5,000,000 dead?); Huaynaputina in Peru (1600—2,000,000 dead), Krakatoa in Indonesia (1883—36,000 dead), etc., and found a consistent theme in which several of the following were happening at the same time in the solar eclipses that occurred nearest to the time of the quake or eruption: Neptune conjunct the asc. or IC; Uranus conjunct the asc., desc. IC or MC; Saturn conjunct the asc.; Mars conjunct the asc. or IC; Pluto conjunct the asc., desc., or IC; Rahu conjunct the asc. or IC; or Ketu conjunct the asc.; and the eclipse conjunct the MC or IC. Many of these eclipses were in fixed signs as the Great American Eclipse is.
Looking at this, I do not believe that Yellowstone’s Super Volcano is going to erupt anytime soon, though some astrologers have been wondering if it will because the eclipse path crosses through the park. I don’t see that several of these angular points intersect in populated areas in the August 2017 eclipse chart, which they did when the worst volcanic eruptions happened in the past, though some of the possible hot spots for mild to moderate volcanic activity where you can see these individual lines could be New Zealand, NW U.S. and British Columbia. Mexico, and Central America. In terms of earthquakes and seisimic events, we could see them in the Pacific Northwest or the West Coast of the U.S.; Oklahoma or anywhere in the U.S. Midwest; Mexico, Central or South America; Haiti; New Zealand; Sicily and Italy; Iceland; Northern India, Nepal, or Burma; Indonesia or Japan. I don’t see Greece on this list, though it’s being inundated with an earthquake swarm lately. I noted that the lunar eclipse of August 7 is near the ascendant in Greece where Saturn is close to the MC, which could indicate this:
Thanks to all my loyal readers for sticking with me through this lengthy article. I hope it answers some questions for you about the Great American Eclipse. As I post this, Mercury (communications, mental processes, travel, and transportation) is moving closely toward the eclipse axis, which seems timely.