As a Universal Neo-Vedic astrologer, I employ the outer planets and asteroids, which I will just call “outers” for the sake of simplicity. I consider them similar to upagrahas in Vedic astrology. The latter are secondary energy points in a horoscope, which become significant when they closely influence the grahas and other important chart points such as the angular cusps. When analyzing these outers, I only use the sidereal zodiac which is traditionally the observable zodiac of Indian astrologers as well as the ancient Babylonians. Chiron is one of the outers I employ quite frequently, and he has really been on my radar recently as I have been working with some amazing clients going through tremendous trials and tests indicated by the influence of Chiron in their fixed and dynamic horoscopes. Chiron is also really noteworthy in transit now, which means it is significant in the present dynamic situation represented by the movement of the solar system bodies, to be addressed further on.
Chiron is both a minor planet and a comet located between Saturn and Uranus. Known as a “Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets,” Chiron thus represents, among other things, the need for grounding spiritual wisdom into ordinary reality. Discovered in 1977, Chiron is said to have been a herald of the modern New Age movement. Chiron was the first planetary body categorized as a centaur, both asteroid/then planetoid plus comet, named after the mythological creature who was also a hybrid of man and beast. The Greek Chiron was a bit of a polymath, a healer and teacher as well as a master of all the arts and sciences, including astrology. Chiron symbolizes the ultimate quest for healing and wholeness through alternative spirituality and energetic medicine.
In astrology, Chiron as a hybrid represents the enormous challenges we face on our path in duality. Chiron was a disenfranchised immortal who received a mortal wound from which he could not heal. So he suffered tremendously throughout his life. He could help to heal others, but not himself. Sounds a bit allegorical for the human condition which is so fraught with suffering, right? Eventually, the selfless Chiron sacrificed his suffering and gave his immortal life for Prometheus, who had been brutally punished for stealing fire from the gods to give to humanity. The Promethean myth of course denotes our hero’s journey toward self-knowledge and self-mastery. Chiron’s part signifies our path to wholeness.
Sounds heavy and deep, I know. And you may wonder, what does this have to do with me right now? Well, Chiron in transit is conjoined the South Node known as Ketu in Vedic astrology. This conjunction came into wide range in December 2015, will be exactly conjunct on Friday, March 18, and will start to move out of wide range in mid-July 2016 (but it is this week that is most intense). Chiron within us represents our greatest wound(s). Ketu as a force of transformation may want to burn up the karmic wound(s). That might not feel great sometimes as Ketu can be mindless, blistering and severe, and of course this is all happening during the recent eclipse cycle (Chiron was eclipsed on March 8-9) which means Chiron and some of our greatest wounds are being brought into focus and are asking to be transformed somehow. And this happens in late sidereal Aquarius in the most intense and purificatory lunar mansion among all 27, known as Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra, which along with the following Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra forms the “Scorching Pair,” and also as the “Two-Faced Man” carries themes related to the battle between light and the dark and much violence and threat of violence on the Earth now. This affects us all through the collective mind, and if you have planets or chart points in aspect to late sidereal Aquarius and this nakshatra, it will be a more intense personal experience, as well.
Generally, this can mean we are being triggered around themes of struggle, sacrifice, illness, relationship problems, and mostly, aggression…and I mean, our own aggression. A Zen monk taught me once long ago that the greatest blessing we can bring to ourselves and our loved ones is to face and heal our own aggression. And everyone has it, some of course more than others. In addition, the current Mars-Saturn transit in Scorpio square Rahu-Jupiter in Leo and square Chiron-Ketu in Aquarius is bringing out tremendous aggression through the political race in America.
Furthermore, Chiron and Ketu conjoining the somewhat “hellish” Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra is bringing up enormous rage. In my opinion, the human ego’s very nature is of aggression, as its survival depends on its separation, which is an act of aggression (an attack against Oneness in the act of separating). So yes, we all have the potential for aggression at our core. And yes, it is up now and really, for some of us, can feel quite uncomfortable and has been quite intense in the recent weeks and will continue to in the coming days and weeks. Now is the important time to practice ahimsa, non-harming in thought and deed.
This period can also be a time when we sense the aggression of others and have a tendency to take it personally. It might actually be personal too, as others do often vehemently disrespect and aggressively disavow other differing viewpoints. I find it helpful to remember that there are innumerable perspectives and opinions, all of which can have validity in the world of relativity. At the same time, I personally have to fortify my own energetic system to harmoniously and lovingly protect myself from the harsh negativity that is unleashed like poison in the world, as Jupiter’s current conjunction with Rahu in Leo opposite Chiron-Ketu brings up so much frustration in the name of righteousness.
Jon Kabat-Zinn said, “All the suffering, stress, and addiction come from not realizing you already are what you are looking for.” Isn’t that a great relief? And this really describes the essence of Chiron joining forces with Ketu, a time to transform stress and suffering through Self-knowledge and Oneness. Or as another way of looking at it ~ one of my favorite expressions~ it’s a great time to “let go and let God.”