Friends, the Moon is waxing fast, and here we are again seeking more light. The last full Moon of our summer season (northern hemisphere) will occur at 12 degrees in the sidereal sign of Aquarius on Saturday, August 29, 2015, at 2:35:09 PM EDT. Known to the Dakota Sioux Native American tribe as “The Moon When All Things Ripen,” this particular lunation represents the fullness of summertime. This will be a dramatic full Moon because, for one reason, it will be a SuperMoon, the first in a series of three full SuperMoons. A SuperMoon is a full or new Moon that occurs at perigee—when the Moon is closest to Earth. The SuperMoon is believed by astrologers to magnify the so-called “lunar effect,” so that we can experience higher tides than usual in the days before and after the actual lunation, and this is associated with more emotional intensity than usual (for good or bad), as well as increased nervous system sensitivity, and higher potential for fires and seismic or storm activity.
Of all the full Moons in 2015, this one suggests ample spiritual and healing blessings because:
1. As mentioned, the full Moon falls in the constellation of Aquarius, the Water Bearer who pours forth the “cosmic waters of life,” i.e. divine power and wisdom. The Aquarius Moon can give a direct experience of Source Energy which brings soul sustenance and mind-body-spirit healing as well as restoring a sense of hope and faith no matter what one’s life circumstances.
2. The full Moon occurs in Shatabisha nakshatra, ruled by Varuna, Lord of the Cosmic Waters who carries the vessel of soma, an elixir which sustains all life processes throughout eternity. Among all 27 lunar mansions (nakshatras), Shatabisha is the main one for healing on all levels. It is connected to the sahasrara chakra, the thousand-petaled lotus at the crown of the head (seventh crown chakra) which is a portal to higher vibrations of Source Energy. The full Moon occurring in this alignment provides excellent conditions for easy opening of the crown chakra to receive vast downloads of enlightening cosmic healing energy.
3. The full Moon is conjoined Neptune, a combination that is imaginative, poetic, artistic, musical, euphoric, intuitive, spiritual, emotionally sensitive and otherworldly.
4. The full Moon is opposite Sun-Jupiter, which may reflect abundant physical vitality, generosity, grace, and compassion. This aspect can trigger a deep sense of awareness.
5. Last but not least, the full Moon aligns with a potent fixed star known as Alpha (α) Cygnus or Deneb Adige, a brilliant white star in the tail of Cygnus the Swan. The swan has deep symbolic meaning related to purity, unity and divine love.
Cygnus/Deneb are in the northern heavens along the galactic equator at the head of the Northern Cross, known as the “Backbone of the Milky Way Galaxy” because the galactic equator runs right through the Northern Cross, circling in the sky above and below the horizon. The Northern Cross is a symbol of our descent into matter and also helps point the way back to our galactic home in the stars.
Along with Altair and Vega, Deneb also helps to form the downward pointing Summer Triangle, which is often considered emblematic of a chalice holding Heaven’s grace. Deneb falls at 11 degrees and 28 minutes of longitude in Aquarius, and is far north of Aquarius and the ecliptic. Looking at it on a star map, you can see that the right wing of Cygnus nearly touches the left hoof of Pegasus which nearly touches the celestial pot of the Water Bearer in Aquarius.
Deneb is a very special star for a few more reasons. It is very large, at least 100 times the size of our Sun. It is circumpolar, and due to precession of the equinoxes, it was the pole star in very ancient times and will be the pole star again in about 8000 years. Symbolically, pole stars relate to the omnipotent and omniscient divinity that is always guiding the Divine Plan. More importantly, though it is one of the most visually distant stars in our night sky, it is also among the brightest, second only to Rigel in Orion in its luminosity. It is relatively close to the Angel Point in mid-Aquarius, and represents pure and primordial soul essence through its ancient celestial origins as a former pole star.
The full Moon will be strongest for meditation and healing as it is waxing on Friday night (August 28) and into early Saturday morning (August 29) and this will be the best time range in which to meditate and align with these very profound celestial vibrations to help you feel lighter, more open and connected to Spirit. Here is a simple meditation to help you work with this energy:
Face east. Sit quietly (outside under the full Moon preferably) and close your eyes. Soften them and gaze gently up toward your inner brow, and imagine you are a beautiful tree with roots reaching down and branches reaching up. Connect your roots as you feel them extending down from your sit bones into the ground beneath and deep on down into the center of the Earth. Take several deep breaths while running your energy up and down from your sit bones through your roots. Relax and let go into Mother Earth’s full, loving embrace. Now is a good time to make a sankalpa, an intention affirmation for the practice. A good one for this full Moon is: “I live in joy and gratitude for the goodness that fills my life.” Say your sankalpa three times, with a clear and strong knowing that this is true.
Now as you continue deep full body breaths, soften and begin to feel your whole being expanding and becoming lighter, freer and bigger. Gently bring your awareness to the branches and leaves of your tree and notice how majestically you rise up to meet the light flowing from the heavens above. After a few more deep body breaths, begin to draw your attention to the top of your tree at the crown of your head, and imagine it as an vortex of energy that is whirling clockwise. Continue to breathe deeply and feel yourself expanding out through your crown in all directions.
When you are ready, envision the full Moon above your crown like a gigantic pearly orb overflowing with white and violet nectar which is being fed by the water of life streaming down from the Water Bearer. Notice that this Source of nectar is unlimited, and when you are aligned with it, you need ask for nothing else because everything is coming to you already. Continue to experience the nectar streaming down from this cosmic Source into the full Moon and then into your crown chakra.
Send the nectar down your spinal channel and out through all other channels into your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies until you are overflowing with it. Send it deep within your core and into the earth through your roots again, and then flowing back up from the core of the earth and out to the cosmos, and back and forth, which is called “running your energy.” When you feel complete, just bask in the radiance and enjoy, and say your sankalpa again three times when you are ready…and then Aum…Aum…Aum...
Happy Full Moon. I wish you all happiness, prosperity, peace, love and light!